Indirect Price Discrimination

There are 1500 potential travellers each day on the London-Berlin

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route. Some are Free-Spenders travellers who are willing to pay £ 400

for an unrestricted ticket and £ 240 for a restricted ticket; some are

Budget-Minded travellers who are willing to pay £ 180 for an unrestricted ticket and £ 150 for a restricted ticket. Travellers buy the ticket

that gives them the highest surplus (equal to the di§erence between the

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willingness to pay and the price), provided that this surplus is positive.

(a) Suppose that 500 are Free-Spenders and 1,000 are Budget-Minded.

Compare various pricing policies and determine which one yields

the highest revenues.

(b) Suppose that 200 are Free-Spenders and 1,300 are Budget-Minded.

Compare various pricing policies and determine which one yieldsthe highest revenues.

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