Privacy Policy 

At Course Work Hero, we understand your concern about the Privacy and security of your personal details. Your privacy is inherently important to us and we make it our responsibility to update you with our Privacy Policy. We shall make every possible effort to ensure your privacy is protected in all cases. Customer privacy is our top priority and we will provide maximum protection to any data you share with us. This Privacy Policy has been prepared in the best interest of our clients to ensure they experience a 100% secured and protected user experience. 

The basic purpose of our Privacy Policy is to assure our clients that they don’t have to worry about security issues any time they visit our website or order products and services from us. Feel free to share any data requested to get the best assignment help services. Before sharing this data please read through this Privacy Policy to understand how your data will be collected, stored, and used.  

If you disagree with any of the information stated on this page, do not share any data with us. If you have already created an account on our website, feel free to deactivate your account. For unresolved privacy or data use concerns that have not been addressed to your satisfaction feel free to contact our support via email at

Fundamental Principles

The following are our fundamental principles that are incorporated and clarified by this Privacy Policy.

  • You are only requested to provide the information that is important for service provision. 
  • Your personal data will be deleted as soon as it has been determined that the data is no longer needed.
  • You can control what information about you is kept private and what can be shared with the public.
  • We try our best to make you understand how your data is collected, stored, used, and shared.

The above principles are the foundation of our Privacy Policy and have been incorporated and clarified in our Privacy Policy as below. 

What does our privacy policy cover?

This Privacy Policy covers the information we collect about you when you use:

  • Our website-
  • Our mobile applications- for android and iOS
  • Other products or services which have been availed on our websites such as plagiarism detectors and citation generators.

“You” on this page refers to our clients while “we”, “us” or “our” refers to our company, its affiliates, and subsidiaries.

Our assignment help services target students from all over the world and our utmost concern is keeping them anonymous. We do not collect nor share your personal data not unless you have permitted us to do so or if it is a requirement by the law.

How can we receive your personal data?

Your personal data can be received from any of the following parties.

  • From third parties you have allowed or instructed to share the data with us.
  • From you through contracts or other legal obligations you have with us for the delivery of a legal contract or a legal obligation.
  • From our partners through contracts or other legal obligations you have with them on behalf of us for the delivery of a legal contract or a legal obligation. 

Information we collect about you

The following information might be collected automatically when you visit our website or member communities.

  • Technical information.
  • IP address.
  • The type of device you used when accessing our website.
  • How you interact with our website.

Personal identifiable entities

  • IP address.
  • Phone number.
  • Email address.
  • Location. 

Non –personal identifiable entities

  • Pages you visited before you were redirected to us.
  • Time spent on the webpage.
  • Pageviews on the website.
  • The date you visited.
  • Frequency of visit.
  • Message history.

Read our cookie policy for more information.

The following are the types of personal data collected and the reasons for processing the data.

Types of personal dataReasons for data collection.
1. User’s countryUser verification.Prevention of fraudulent use and resale of a user’s accountFor tax implications and VAT purposes
2. User’s emailThe main contact of communication with the user.Channel for the provision of marketing and promotional materials.
3.User’s name and surnameUser verification.For invoices, billing, and taxation.Prevention of fraudulent use and resale of a user’s account.
4.Phone numberUser verificationContact for immediate communication.Customer support.
5.City/State/ZIP code/addressBilling information for invoices.

Why do we collect your personal data?

Your personal data might be collected for some or all of the following purposes.

  • To ease the process of service delivery after you have ordered a product or service through our website. 
  • To get a communication channel to pass information to you about a product or service you have shown interest in purchasing.
  • To share information with you about a product or service you have purchased from us or any other related products. 
  • To facilitate the delivery of a product or service you have ordered from us under a contract.
  • For legal reasons such as when you have entered into a contract with us.
  • To enable us to deliver information that you have agreed to receive about a certain product or service to you.

Grounds of collecting information from you

We may collect your personal data for any of the following reasons. 

  • When we have been permitted by the law, for a legal reason, or when a contract we hold with you makes it essential for us to collect the data.
  • When you have permitted us to collect the data for a specific reason such as the provision of a service or newsletter. 

Legal basis for processing your personal data

We can process your personal data at any time for any or all of the following reasons.

  • If we have entered into a contract with you.
  • If you have permitted us to process your data.
  • When you have placed an order on our website and we have to deliver a product or service to you.
  • If you request us to process your personal data.
  • When the law requires us to process the data for legal reasons.

The above are the legal reasons we might process your personal data.

Ways of giving information

You can willingly share your personal data with us in any of the following ways. 

  • By visiting or using any page of our website.
  • By placing an order or making payments on our website.
  • When you contact us by phone. 
  • When you publish reviews and feedback on our website or in our communities and forums. 
  • When you communicate with us via email using your personal email address. 
  • When you live chat with our online agents.
  • When you accept to be receiving our marketing information.
  • When you visit other websites owned by us or any services we may provide through our affiliates, websites, subsidiaries, or partners.  

The information you share with us can be educational, personal, financial, or related to your order. You can share your personal data to enter into a contract with us especially when purchasing products or services from us.

Information we receive from other sources

We can access your personal data if you use or access any of the websites we operate, any of the services we provide, or we can get the information from our business partners who have been authorized to collect data on our behalf.

Your data can as well be received from third parties whom we work with such as subcontractors in technical, business partners, payment and delivery services providers, analytics providers, advertising networks, search information providers, credit reference agencies, and background checking agencies. They can share your personal data with us as part of the service we deliver to you or for other legal reasons. 

Files. Avoid at all costs sharing with us files that you are not permitted to use or that contain your personal data or the personal data of other persons. This is because we do not guarantee the security of any information contained in such files. The files you upload, download, or access with the website might be collected and stored on our website.  Always check the files before sharing them with us.

Who might your personal data be shared with?

Your personal data might be shared with third parties, for legal reasons or because you have allowed us to do so. Your personal information might be shared with any of the following parties. 

  • Our marketing staff. They will use the information to deliver promotional and marketing materials to you after you have registered on our website.
  • Our group companies including our subsidiaries or ultimate holding company and its subsidiaries to facilitate the performance of a contract.
  • Subcontractors and third parties to facilitate the performance of a contract we hold with you or with them.  
  • Third parties whom you have instructed or requested us to share the information with. 
  • Third parties who provide us with certain services because you have purchased goods or services from us.  

Other reasons your personal data might be shared with third parties.

In case our company or substantially all its assets are acquired by a third party, the personal data we hold about our customers will be one of the transferred assets of the company. The following are other reasons why your personal data might be shared with third parties.

  • If we must comply with a legal obligation. We might be required to share client’s personal data in response to a lawful request by public authorities. This might be necessary for us to meet national security or law enforcement requirements. 
  • If it is legally requested by a government agency.
  • If it is a requirement for the application of the website’s Terms and Conditions or other agreements.
  • If it will help protect the rights, properties, or safety of our company, our clients, or other parties.
  • If the exchange of information with third parties will help to prevent fraud or help to reduce our credit risks.

Aggregated data

Aggregated data refers to data that has been compiled into data summaries or summary reports and personal information that can be used to identify an individual has been removed. Any data shared in this form is not personal data and is usually used for the purposes of public reporting or statistical analysis. 

Your data might be shared in this form with third parties from time to time. Although the data does not contain your personal information, you still have the right to object to us using your data. 

Where your data is processed and stored

Most of the data we hold about our clients is processed and stored in the EU/European Economic Area (EEA) or the USA. Any time you accept our Privacy Policy, you permit us to store your data anywhere we have servers even outside the EEA. Regardless of where your personal data is stored, it will be encrypted in a secure manner to prevent fraud by ensuring no unauthorized persons can access the data in any circumstances.

Reasons why your data might be processed outside the EEA.

  • For order fulfillment.
  • For payment processing.
  • To access technical support services.

What happens if we cannot process your personal data within the EEA?

In case your data has to be processed outside the EEA, the following precautions will be inaugurated to ensure maximum security for the data.

  • We will ensure the processing complies with all data protection principles. 
  • A country that is on the EU Commissions’ countries list will be selected if possible as those countries provide adequate protection for the rights and freedoms of data subjects.
  • Reasonable endeavors will be used for transfers to the United States of America to ensure they participate in the Privacy Shield Program.
  • We will ensure there is adequate protection for data transferred to any other state or country.

Access to your personal data via password

You will be instructed to choose a password during the registration process. This password will help you access certain parts of our website which has been closed from the public. It is your responsibility to keep this password confidential. Never share the password with anyone as it can be used to access your account. You will be held responsible for any activities and orders related to your account. If you feel or think someone has access to your password or it is no longer secure feel free to change it. You can as well contact our support team for help in changing your account’s password at any time and help will be offered as soon as possible. 

Transmission and storage of your personal data

Unfortunately, the transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure. We do not guarantee the security of data as it is transmitted and stored on the internet but we will do everything in our power to ensure the data is encrypted to the standards stated in the GDPR rules of data protection. Please feel safe when ordering with us as we will ensure maximum security of any personal data you share with us.

How long will we keep your personal data?

Your personal data will only be retained in our database as long as it is required. Your data will be kept;

  • As long as the law requires us to keep the data.
  • Until there is no valid reason for keeping the data.
  • Until you request us to delete or stop using the data.

Enough of your personal data might be kept to comply with your request not to use your data or to comply with your right to erasure. Your erasure request will be kept even if it includes your personal data until a time you are no longer our customer and the data is not needed for tax purposes.

What if you refuse to share your personal data with us?

We will refuse to enter into a contract with you if you refuse to share any personal data that is necessary for the delivery of a product or service under a contract. We will not deliver a product or service to you until you share the necessary information with us. Please share any necessary data with us before ordering with us, making payments on our website, or entering into a contract with us. This will ensure successful service delivery. We will ensure maximum security to any personal information you share with us and thus there is nothing to worry about. 

Your rights

We respect your rights to your personal data. The following are your rights and what is done to protect them.

Legal rightWhat is done to protect your rights?
The right to be informedThis Privacy Policy has been published to keep you informed on how your personal data is collected, processed, and stored. We are very transparent on how we use your data and all your questions about this Privacy Policy will be answered so feel free to contact us anytime if you have a question or a concern.
The right to accessWe make it possible for you to access any information we hold about you. Please contact us anytime you want to access your personal data that has been stored on our database. 
The right to rectificationYou can rectify any information we hold about you if it is inaccurate or incomplete. If the information has been legally passed to third parties, we will also request them to rectify the data. Please contact us if you need help with data rectification. 
The right to erasureThis is also referred to as “the right to be forgotten”. Contact us at any time if you want us to delete your personal data. The data will be erased as long as we do not have a legal reason for keeping it.
The right to restrict processingYou have the right to request us to restrict how we process your data. After the request, we can continue keeping your data but we do not have the right to process it.
The right to data portabilityYou have the right to access and reuse any data we hold about you for your own purposes in a safe and secure way without affecting the usability of your data. The right only applies to the data we hold about you with your consent or for the performance of a contract.
The right to object processingYou have the right to object to the processing of your personal data even if the processing is based on our legitimate interest, the exercise of official authority, direct marketing, or purposeless statistics. Contact us any time if you wish to object to the processing of your data.
The right to withdraw consentYou have the right to withdraw consent in a case where you had given us permission to process your data but you later change your mind. We will discontinue processing your data upon request to respect your right to the consent withdrawal. 
The right to complain to a Supervisory AuthorityIf you post a complaint and feel that it has not been responded to or your problem has not been solved, you can complain to the ICO (Information Commissioner’s office).

Links to other websites

There will be links and hyperlinks to and from other websites which might be our partner networks, advertisers, and affiliates. Each one of these websites has its own Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy which is different from ours. Please read the Terms of each website you visit before sharing any personal data with them as we do not accept liability or responsibility for those websites. Following the links on our website is at your own risk and you should always be very careful. 

Age limitations

To the extent prohibited by the law, we do not accept the access and use of our website and services by persons under the age of 16. If you are 16years and below and in need of our essay help services, please request assistance from your parents or guardians so they can create an account and place orders on your behalf.  If you realize that anyone under the age of 16 has illegally provided us with their personal data, contact us immediately so we can stop any illegal use of our website. Any data from persons under the age of 16 will be deleted and they will be blocked from accessing or using our website. 

Changes to this privacy policy

The contents of this Privacy Policy might be changed from time to time. This can be due to changes in laws, regulations, or our business, and the evolution in industrial standards which can necessitate a change to this Privacy Policy. Changes made to this Privacy Policy will be posted on this page. Please review this page regularly to stay informed all the time.

An additional notice will be sent via your email or a message on your personal order page if the changes made are likely to materially affect your privacy rights. If you are sent such notice, review the new Privacy Policy page and if you disagree with any of the changes made, feel free to deactivate your account. After such a change, any activities on the website will be governed by the new Privacy Policy.

The laws and regulations

The following are the laws that govern personal data in the UK.

  • The Data Protection Act (1998).
  • REGULATION  (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 27th April 2016 on the protection of natural persons concerning the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

The Information Commissioner’s Office (the ICO) is an independent authority that upholds the rights of information in the public interest in the United Kingdom. More information about the ICO can be found on their website. Follow this link for more, Information Commissioner’s Office.

How can you reach us?

You can contact us through live chat, a message on your personal order page, or through the following contact details.

Phone: +1(978)822-0999


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