Fair use policy

We are one of the leading online academic writing service providers and we are highly dedicated to providing the best assignment help services to students all over the world. For the last two decades, we have been providing students with world-class assignment help services. We have employed a team of highly qualified and experienced academic writers who strive hard to deliver high-quality and plagiarism-free custom-written papers that meet each customer’s academic standards.

You can enjoy academic excellence and achieve your dream grades by taking full advantage of our writing service. Our services are meant to guide you and give you knowledge when writing your own paper and should never be submitted to your institutions for grading. The knowledge you gain from our custom paper about your subject will help you write a high-quality paper that is 100% plagiarism-free. 

Please read through this Fair Use Policy before opting for our services to understand how you should use the work that we deliver to you. We have attempted to keep this policy simple and straight to the point but if you face any problem understanding any part, please feel free to contact us for inquiries using our contact details stated on our “contact us” page. You can as well live chat with our online agents. 

We offer a service not a ready-made product

At Coursework Hero, we match you with a World-class academic writing expert who will write customized model papers that match your assignment instructions for you. Our service aims at providing an illustration of what excellent work looks like as well as provide the student with a model paper to draw illustrations from when writing their original paper. To be precise, our assignment help service offers a hyper-personalized study guide to students to help improve their writing and grades. 

What does our fair use policy state?

Our fair use policy states that all materials and other customized resources delivered to our clients must be used with proper references and are only meant to help the student in research and writing their own papers. The service is completely legal and not prohibited by any learning institution as long as the product is used according to our policies. 

What is plagiarism?

Here is a list of some of the actions considered plagiarism. 

  • Submitting another person’s words and ideas as your own.
  • Paraphrasing a source but retaining the original content it contains without giving due credit to the owner.  
  • Failing to quote a source properly. 
  • Copying and pasting large sections of someone else’s work even if credit is given or the information is quoted properly. Only small parts should be copied and pasted even when the sources are referenced. 
  • Giving false or inaccurate information about the source of a quotation for example citing a source that you have not been used in writing the paper.
  • Paraphrasing words but copy/pasting the sentence structure of a source without giving credit. 

Every learning institution has its own definition of plagiarism but most of them agree with the above list.

Avoiding plagiarism.

Our fair use policy has been created to make sure our customers have the best experience when using our services. Please follow these guidelines to avoid plagiarism when using our essay help services.

  • Never assign your name nor submit our model paper to a third party as your own work.  
  • You should never share your model paper with a third party even when you have not assigned your name to it. 
  • You should never share the model paper on any internet platform beyond what is needed for your reference such as saving it on storage clouds even if you have not assigned your name on the paper. 
  • You should never attempt to receive payment for the model paper regardless of whether you have assigned your name to it or by posting it on the internet or sharing it with third parties. 
  • You will be liable for any disciplinary actions arising from any attempts to plagiarize the model paper by assigning your name to it or submitting it to your institution as your own work. 

Why do we have a fair use policy?  

This fair use policy has been created to make you understand that the work delivered to you is copyrighted. Even after the model paper has been delivered to you, it remains our company’s property under copyright laws. The paper should never be submitted to your institution nor should it published online for commercial purposes. When you buy a paper from us, you are granted the right to utilize it for personal use only.

The main reason why we offer assignment help services to students is to provide them with the necessary knowledge on a certain topic so they can conduct further research easily. You can as well use the information contained in your model paper as a guide to writing your own documents. Whilst it is against our fair use policy, some students make the mistake of submitting the work they receive from us directly to their institution for grading to save themselves from the hard work of composing their own paper from scratch. This is wrong and can lead to serious consequences. We will not be held liable for any disciplinary action resulting from this behavior. 

How can you use the work delivered to you?

Any custom paper delivered to you should be used the same way you use a book or journal that you found on exactly the same subject. Just as you would never copy directly from the book or the journal, is the same way you should never use the researcher’s work word to word. Instead, examine the ideas and arguments that have been presented in the paper to develop your own thoughts. You can as well search for the materials the researcher has used and cited in your model paper and use their bibliography to ‘snowball’ your own reading. 

The custom paper delivered illustrates how a particular question or topic can be handled. However, our provided guidance does not restrict you to the only illustrated way of answering the question. It only gives you one of the many ways in which a question can be handled. You may take the idea from our model paper and use it to find better ways of answ\ering the question. The document will help you come up with a new and unique perspective to write your paper, help you collect the relevant information from credible sources, and help you learn the different formatting styles. It provides you with a strong starting point from which you can write your own research. The following steps will help you write your own paper using our sample paper.  

  • Go through the entire paper to gain knowledge on the topic and understand how the questions have been answered.
  • Take a read of each section and paragraph again to focus on the important points and make notes for further study. 
  • With the help of your notes, try to come up with your own ideas and arguments from the notes that you have prepared. 
  • Find the sources the researcher has used in writing the model paper and review them to get relevant materials to create your own work. 
  • Use the resources collected to conduct further research and gather more relevant information.
  •  Read through the information you have collected and create further notes on what you want to cover and include in your work. 
  • Ensure your final document 100% plagiarism-free and completely based on your ideas and perspective.

Conducting your own research and creating a 100% plagiarism-free paper will take a lot more effort and time than simply submitting our model paper to your institution for grading. It may be tempting to submit our model paper to your institution but we do not support this and it is against our Terms of use. Using our model paper to research and write your original paper will help you get a thorough understanding of the given topic and prepare well for exams. 

Can I submit the sample paper to my university for grading?

No. Submitting another person’s work under your name is an act of plagiarism that is not so appreciated and is prohibited in the academic field. Passing someone else’s work as your own is wrong and against copyright laws. However, taking assignment help services from us is legal as long the services are used according to our fair use policy.  Submitting the work with little or no changes falls in the category of plagiarism. The purpose of our model paper is to make your troubles easy; you can collect information from the custom paper provided and then modify this information according to your own understanding. The paper you deliver to your institution for grading should be 100% plagiarism-free. 

Our researchers and writers work tirelessly to gather the best data to produce an excellent model paper to help our clients acquire knowledge and understanding of their topics. Everything we submit is entirely original, high quality, and written according to your specific instructions. The model paper is never uploaded on the web and thus it can never end up being flagged by plagiarism scanners. This means that even if you submit the model paper as your own to your institution, your professor cannot know that you used our service and the essay had been written by one of our experts. 

Even so, your professor can still realize that the paper submitted does not match your writing style or the paper contains sources that you don’t have access to or sufficient knowledge to find. In such a case, the professor can request you to explain the work back to them which might be difficult if you handed the paper without researching and understanding what is contained in the paper. This can lead to serious consequences as a result of submitting work that is not your original work for grading.

The fair use policy is deliberately designed to save students from committing academic crimes or violating the rules set by learning institutions. Complying with our fair use policy will help you write an excellent paper, enhance your learning abilities, improve your grades, and give you a sense of satisfaction that you have done a clean and honest job. 

Why should I buy a reference paper from you?

After learning that you cannot submit our model paper to your institution for grading, you might be wondering why you should buy our model paper. The following are the major reasons why you should still buy our model paper.

  • Our model papers provide you with concise analysis, in-depth research, as well as opinions and views on a particular topic that you may never be able to come up with. 
  • Our model papers are the most powerful research tools available to students all over the world at all levels of study and in any subject. 
  • You get to save the time and effort that you could have invested in sorting through a massive amount of research material, course books, and university documentation.  Our model paper will serve as a guideline for you to think from a different point of view when creating your work and acquire the best knowledge. 
  • In case of an emergency. In some instances, emergencies can turn your life upside down. This can even be worse in a case where you have a fast-approaching assignment deadline. With our essay help service, you have nothing to worry about as we can complete your essay in as little as 3 hours depending on the number of pages and order complexity. 
  • When you have a part-time job or other commitments to attend to. We understand that as a student you might have to work two or more part-time jobs to make ends meet. This leaves you with very little time to work on the often numerous college/university assignment. In this case, you might need our assignment help services as you can use the materials we deliver to get ideas as well as consult the sources cited to get more information on the topic.

Who uses our services?

Our services are accessible to all students facing academic problems on anyone who wishes to better their grades and improve their university experience. The following are some of the major reasons why as a student you might request essay help services from us.

  • In case English is not your first language. This can make it difficult for you to extract relevant information from a large number of materials necessary in writing your assignment. 
  • In a case where your tutor fails to provide you with example essays and you do not have enough knowledge on how an academic document should be structured.
  • If your tutor fails to provide enough material for use in processing your essay or enough time for the necessary research.
  • Due to unforeseen circumstances such as personal illness or bereavement in which case you might end up missing tutorials. 
  • In a case where you cannot get your tutor’s attention to ask questions or get clarifications due to the large size of your university class.
  • If you have too many assignments that are almost due with no enough time to work on each paper and deliver it before the deadline.

Contact us

Let us know if we can help with your assignment or if you have any questions regarding our services or about this Fair Use Policy or any discrepancy/grievance against it, send us an email at support@courseworkhero.co.uk or call us at +1(978)822-0999. You can as well chat with our online agents who are available 24/7 through live chat.

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