I have written my game slingshot game in flash and now I need to import it into flash builder and make the necessary changes to get everything on the stage in its proper place and make it work on a mobile device. After that is done I will need an fxp file so that I can import the game into my own flash builder and continue working on it. Please help. I have included the zip folder with all my actionscript files. I also already created the sprite sheet so the png file and xml document are both in there. It just needs to be embedded and everything put onto the stage in its proper place. You can see where I placed everything in the fla file.
import flash.sensors.Accelerometer;
var theAcc:Accelerometer = new Accelerometer();
if (Accelerometer.isSupported == true)
trace(“is supported”);
//do something if its not
//instructions.visible = flase
theAcc.addEventListener(AccelerometerEvent.UPDATE, onAccUpdate);
function onAccUpdate(event:AccelerometerEvent):void
if (ball.x > point2.x)
vel.x -= (event.accelerationX * 1);
function detectCollisions()
//block collision
if (blockOutline.hitTestPoint(ball.x,ball.y,true))
hitblockOutline = true;
vel.x = vel.x * -1;
//box collision
if (outline.hitTestPoint(ball.x,ball.y,true) && hitOutline == false)
hitOutline = true;
vel.x = vel.x * -1;
//the target
if (theTarget.hitTestPoint(ball.x,ball.y,true) && ball.visible == true)
ball.visible = false;
acc.x = 0;
acc.y = 0;
vel.x = 0;
vel.y = 0;
trace (“you win”);
import flash.events.Event;
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, doConstantly);
function doConstantly(event:Event):void
//main code for gravity affect ball and other stuff…
acc.x = 0;
acc.y = gravity;
if (released == true)
//if you have let go of ball
/*vel.x += acc.x;
vel.y += acc.y;*/
ball.x += vel.x;
ball.y += vel.y;
//ball.rotation += vel.x;
//this will make sure the ball doesnt dissappear off stage
if (ball.x > stage.stageWidth || ball.x < 0 || ball.y < -500 || ball.y > stage.stageHeight + 100)
//below draw elastic string
elastic.graphics.lineStyle(0.5, 0x9999999);
if (ball.y > point1.y && ball.x < point2.x)
{// the ball falls within range of bending the string
forced = true;
var x1:Number = ball.x - point1.x;
var y1:Number = ball.y - point1.y;
var x2:Number = point2.x - ball.x;
var y2:Number = point2.y - ball.y;
var distance1:Number = Math.sqrt(x1*x1+y1*y1);
var distance2:Number = Math.sqrt(x2*x2+y2*y2);
angle1 = Math.atan2(y1,x1);
angle2 = Math.atan2(y2,x2);
var xOffset:Number = Math.cos(angle1+Math.PI/2)*radius;
var yOffset:Number = Math.sin(angle1+Math.PI/2)*radius;
var xOffset2:Number = Math.cos(angle2+Math.PI/2)*radius;
var yOffset2:Number = Math.sin(angle2+Math.PI/2)*radius;
angle1 += Math.sin(radius/distance1);
angle2 += Math.sin(radius/distance2)*-1;
elastic.graphics.moveTo(point1.x, point1.y);
elastic.graphics.lineTo(ball.x+xOffset, ball.y+yOffset);
elastic.graphics.moveTo(point2.x, point2.y);
elastic.graphics.lineTo(ball.x+xOffset2, ball.y+yOffset2);
// the ball falls out of range of bending the string;
forced = false;
elastic.graphics.moveTo(point1.x, point1.y);
elastic.graphics.lineTo(point2.x, point2.y);
// makes the ball bounce back up;
if (released == true && forced == true)
acc.x += distance1 * Math.sin(angle2) * elasticCoefficient;
acc.y += - distance1 * Math.cos(angle1) * elasticCoefficient;
acc.x += distance2 * Math.sin(angle1) * elasticCoefficient;
acc.y += - distance2 * Math.cos(angle2) * elasticCoefficient;
if (released)
vel.x += acc.x;
vel.y += acc.y;
//prevent you from moving can over the target
if (released == false && ball.x >point2.x) {
released = true;
//calling collision functions
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.sensors.Accelerometer;
import flash.events.AccelerometerEvent;
var blockStarting:Object = {x:block.x , y:block.y};
var ballStarting:Object = {x:ball.x , y:ball.y};
trace (ballStarting.x, ballStarting.y);
var stick1Starting:Object = {x:stick1.x, y:stick1.y};
var stick2Starting:Object = {x:stick2.x, y:stick2.y};
var point1Starting:Object = {x:point1.x, y:point1.y};
var point2Starting:Object = {x:point2.x, y:point2.y};
var boxStarting:Object ={x:box.x, y:box.y};
//trace (boxStarting.x, boxStarting.y);
var theTargetStarting:Object = {x:theTarget.x, y:theTarget.y};
//trace (theTargetStarting.x, theTargetStarting.y);
var gravity = 0.15;
var angle1:Number = 0;
var angle2:Number = 0;
var radius:Number = 1;
var elasticCoefficient:Number = 0.0045;
var released:Boolean = true;
var forced:Boolean = false; //whether or not it is being pulled down between the sticks
var acc:Object = {x:0, y:0};
var vel:Object = {x:0, y:0};
var hitOutline:Boolean = false;
var hitblockOutline:Boolean = false;
var hittheTarget:Boolean = false;
var elastic:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
addChild (elastic);
import flash.events.MouseEvent;
ball.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, ballDown);
function ballDown(event:MouseEvent)
ball.x = mouseX;
ball.y = mouseY;
released = false;//gravity will not affect ball when false
stage.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, ballUp);
function ballUp(event:MouseEvent)
released = true;// gravity will affect can
function resetPlay() {
hitblockOutline = false;
hitOutline = false;
hittheTarget = true;
ball.x = 89.5;
ball.y = 170.05;
vel.x = 0;
vel.y = 0;
acc.x = 0;
acc.y = gravity;
block.x = blockStarting.x;
block.y = blockStarting.y;
point1.x = point1Starting.x;
point1.y = point1Starting.y;
point2.x = point2Starting.x;
point2.y = point2Starting.y;
stick1.x = stick1Starting.x;
stick1.y = stick1Starting.y;
stick2.x = stick2Starting.x;
stick2.y = stick2Starting.y;
box.x = boxStarting.x;
box.y = boxStarting.y;
theTarget.x = theTargetStarting.x;
theTarget.y = theTargetStarting.y;