I’m Doing an Economics Budget Assignment as Follows

I’m Doing an Economics Budget Assignment as Follows
Objective: Create and analyze a budget based on your post high school/college career income.
Monthly Budget and Questions Responses must be typed. Response questions answers must be at least one paragraph each.
My future Career: Spanish Interpreter/Translator
Starting Salary: 1,255.58
I’m going to live in: Monarch Crossing
Scenario : You Live by yourself, NO Roommates, MUST have car payment
Budget should include:
Monthly Income (Gross&Net)
Taxes (income times 0.1,0.2, or 0.3 depending on your bracket)
Car Loan
Car Insurance
Gas Allowance
Grocery Allowance
Charitable Donations
Savings amount
Personal expenses
Pet Expenses
Fun Money
** Every Penny MUST be Accounted For In Your Budget
Analyze it:
1) How would your budget change if you get a raise that works out to an additional $200/month?
2)How would your budget be different if you had a child?
3)How would your budget change if you were laid off and drawing 60% of your old income through unemployment benefits?
4) What other things might occur that would affect your monthly budget?
I. Introduction that summarizes your future career, salary, living arrangments, ect.
II.Budget (Chart/Spreadsheet format)
III.Responses to Analyze It questions
She gave us these work sheets
I could really use help on doing this whole thing because I have no idea what im doing so far I have the money for Groceries $180.77 and Mortgage/Rent $625

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