If your firm wanted to move in a particular new direction, what resources could it bring to the party – and where is it weak and needing the support of others? Assuming it needed to access other complementary resources, who should it be looking to partner

My firm is with in the medical supply field

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Think about your firm and other players in the sector. It is possible to gain strategic advantage through technological change – but very often the problem arises of lack of key resources to follow through on a chosen strategy. In particular knowledge resources are critical and many firms are seeking to find partnerships, joint ventures and other ways of working closely together with other firms, which can offer complementary resources.

If your firm wanted to move in a particular new direction, what resources could it bring to the party – and where is it weak and needing the support of others? Assuming it needed to access other complementary resources, who should it be looking to partner with? And what do you think would be the likely advantages – and disadvantages – of such an arrangement?

Try and capture the key points in a simple summary – you might like to use the chart below to help you structure your submission.

Particularstrengths(distinctivecompetencies)of your firm  Gaps which yourfirm needs to fillwith complementaryresources  Who might you partner up with – and how?  Likelyadvantagesof doing this?  Likely disadvantages of doing this? 

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