i need someone to read the information below and put on a power point slide.i already set up the power slides.

Assignment 1: LASA 2 Identity Formation

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We have learned that adolescence is a time of transition between childhood and adulthood. A critical milestone of this stage is the ability to successfully achieve a sense of identity. Around the world, there are different rites of passage to mark the transition to adulthood. In the United States, this might include obtaining a driver’s license, landing one’s first job, senior prom, or high school graduation. In this assignment, we will explore the role that family and society play in the development of the individual’s sense of self.

By Saturday, August 3, 2013, create two documents for parents of minority teens 1) A 9–12-slide PowerPoint presentation (complete with speaker’s notes) and 2) an accompanying 1–2-page handout/flier in Word document or PDF format. Be sure that both illustrate the following:

  1. Describe common rites of passage from two cultures around the world and compare them to a common American rite of passage.  Possible resources might include National Geographic and the Argosy University Online Library.
  2. Compare and contrast these rites to common US rites of passage. Do they coincide with the physical, cognitive, or socioemotional changes taking place at this age? Describe which specific changes (physical, cognitive, or socioemotional) they coincide with. Does this explain their importance in a particular culture?
  3. How might such a social ritual, such as a rite of passage, influence the identity formation process of adolescents?
  4. In light of Erikson and Marcia’s theories, discuss how the process of identity development is affected when the adolescent belongs to a minority group (racial, ethnic, sexual, or religious). Be sure to explain these theories and how they apply to identity development.
  5. Summarize research from at least two peer-reviewed* studies on the effect of minority status on identity development, ensuring you describe the main findings of the study as well as the research methods used to study the topic.  
  6. Apply the information you gathered from the online notes, textbook, and research articles to provide at least three practical recommendations for what the family, school, and community can do to ease the process for adolescents.

*Peer-reviewed means an article from a reputable journal, which can be found in the Argosy University Online Library. Peer reviewed indicates that other professionals in the field have reviewed and deemed it worthy of publication, in contrast to much if what we find online: someone posting something he or she wants to, without someone else verifying that the research methods were rigorous enough and the study is valid. Use your textbook and course lectures as your primary resources, as well as articles from the Argosy University Online Library. If you must supplement from a website, do NOT use .coms. Instead, look for .org, .gov, and sometimes .edu for more reputable sources. Never use Wikipedia or about.com.

This assignment is worth

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points and will be evaluated according to the rubric. Study the rubric carefully before you start work and refer to it periodically to complete this assignment.

By Saturday, August 3, 2013, deliver the slideshow and the handout/flier to the M5: Assignment 1 Dropbox.










Assignment 1 Grading Criteria Maximum Points
Describes common rites of passage from 2 cultures around the world and compares them to a common American rite of passage.
Discusses whether they coincide with particular physical, cognitive, or socioemotional changes taking place at this age and discusses whether this explains their importance in a particular culture.
Analyzes how a social ritual, such as a rite of passage, might influence the identity formation process of adolescents.
Synthesizes Erikson and Marcia’s theories of identity development while analyzing how the process of identity development is affected when the adolescent belongs to a minority group (racial, ethnic, sexual or religious).
Summarizes research from at least two peer-reviewed studies on this issue, by describe the main findings of the study as well as the research methods used to study the topic.
Applied the information gathered to provide at least three practical recommendations for what the family, school and community can do to ease the process for adolescents.
Created a 1–2-page handout/flier that summarizes the information from the presentation as take-home information for the parents.

Style (8 points): Tone, audience, and word choice

Organization (16 points): Introduction, transitions, and conclusion

Usage and Mechanics (16 points): Grammar, spelling, and sentence structure

APA Elements (24 points): In text citations and references, paraphrasing, and appropriate use of quotations and other elements of style


Lasa 2 identity Formation

Latoya Waters


Professor Moore



Describe common rites of passage from two cultures
The life stage generation focuses on the timing of life changes and the actions of the early events of family and historical solutions (Harvey 1978, 1987) according to development transactions made on past experiences. The length with spacing, and timing of pass events (Alder 1975) including the rites of passage that are taught among the developing of early adolescent. Vence, the life stage reflection accounts for adolescent rites of passage based on terms of past experiences, family impacts on individual processes, and current environmental (social and political) factors. The life span orientation focuses on the individual from conception to death (Featherman 1983), whereby development and rites of passage are thought to be related to both biological and cultural processes through sequences of stages over time. Of particular interest in the area of biological processes is the research on adolescent brain development. Changes in the frontal lobes during this life stage are thought to influence such aspects as self-control, motivation, and emotion (Dahl 2004). In turn, these physical development progressions affect decision-making abilities and other cognitive tasks (Zarrett and Eccles 2006).

The beliefs, values, behavior and material objects that constitute a people’s way of life.

compare and contrast rites to common US rites of passage


the identity formation process of adolescents?

In light of Erikson and Marcia’s theories

studies on the effect of minority status on identity development
Type info here

describe the main findings of the study as well as the research methods used to study the topic
Type information here


Apply the information you gathered from the online notes


the community can do to ease the process for adolescents

Peer-reviewed articles


ethnic, or religious). Be sure to explain these theories and how they apply


Harvey L.,Alder(1975) .(1978,1987) Featherman(1983)Dahl(2004)Zarret,Eccles(2006). The Sprit World retrieved from http://www.boundless.com/art/history/africa
Ahiv/aids problems in the workplace. (February, 2010). Harvard Mental Health Letter. Retrieved on November 2010 from: http://www.avert.org/america.htm/newsletters/Harvard_Mental_Health_Letter/2010/February/mental-health-problems-in-the-workplace
The high costs of cutting mental health: Mental illness in the workplace. (January 2010). National Institute of Mental Health. Retrieved on November 2010 from: http://www.freehivtest.org/Content/NavigationMenu/State_Advocacy/About_the_Issue/hiv
Statistics (2010) National Institute of Mental Health. Retrieved from: http://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/publications/the-numbers-count-mental-disorders-in-america/index.shtml#Intro
Survey says: Fewer Americans using mental health professionals to manage stress. (Nov. 9, 2010). PR News Wire. Retrieved on November 2010 from: http://www.georgia.tstd.org/news-releases/survey-says-fewer-americans-living with aids-mental-health-professionals-to-manage-stress-69553742.html


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