i need my whole accounting assignment done

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MAA103 & MAAP103 – Accounting for Decision Making

(Relates to Topic 4)

Represents 20% of the assessment for this unit


HARDCOPY: TUESDAY 9 April, 2013 BY 5.00pm


HARDCOPY: TUESDAY 7 May, 2013 BY 5.00pm

NOTE the following general submission points:

1. Assignment MUST be completed in groups of no more than THREE students. Students

CAN NOT complete assignment with students from other lecturers classes.

2. All students MUST submit an electronic copy of the assignment planner and the final
assignment through MOODLE (using the ‘Assignment Submission Link’) on the MIBT
PORTAL. All group members’ names must be clearly stated on the cover page of the
assignment for all electronic and hard copy lodgments.

Please refer to instructions file uploaded on the portal (under ‘MOODLE’ – ‘Week 1’)
on how to submit MAA103/MAAP103 assignment planner and final assignment
electronically through MOODLE.

Online submission should be in one file. That is, all parts of the assignment
must be combined into one word processing file. Save and name file as your
student MIBT ID. NUMBER.

MAA103 – Accounting for Decision Making

Trimester 1, 2013 Page 2

NOTE the following general submission points continued:

3. Only ONE HARDCOPY of assignment planner and final assignment per group is to be
submitted. You MUST include an ASSIGNMENT COVER SHEET only for your hard copy

version of your final assignment with all names included. Each student must submit a
separate Assignment Cover Sheet with the HARDCOPY of their final assignment. If an
assignment cover sheet is not attached NO MARKS will be given.

Additionally, ONE copy of the Assignment Mark Sheet (attached on page 9 of this

assignment) must also be submitted with your assignment.

Do NOT submit assignment in a plastic folder or plastic pocket.

4. This assignment consists of TWO components – an assignment planner AND final
assignment: both components must be completed.

Submission of your Assignment Planner will carry two (2) marks which will be awarded
with the final assignment submission (see page 4 for requirements)

assignment must be SINGLE SIDED, using Arial 12 font size, properly referenced and

ideally 1.5 line spacing (refer to ‘Guide to assignment writing and referencing booklet) and
include a REFERENCE LIST (minimum of 6 references should be used) in alphabetical
order outlining the textbook(s) and any articles, electronic sources etc. used. The Harvard
style should be used for referencing and citations. Marks will be deducted if your work
is not properly referenced or a reference list not attached. Read and adhere to the
Assignment Submission and Plagiarism Notice on page 6 of your unit outline carefully.

If students are found copying from other students or using a previous trimester’s
assignment to complete this assignment then a ZERO result will be awarded.

6. Hardcopy of assignments should be placed in your lecturer’s pigeon hole located in building

la on level 4 MIBT (next to room la4.111) by the due date.

7. Word limit for report is 2000 words minimum to 2500 words maximum (word limit
excludes reference list and appendices).

NOTE: Assignments submitted late and without prior approval will be penalised. A penalty of
10% of the available marks will be deducted for every day the assignment is late. Assignments
received after a week, and without approved extension, will not be marked. These will be held
until final grading and may be taken into consideration in a pass/fail situation.
Please note that, an extension will only be given by the Unit Coordinator/lecturer and must
be requested at least 48 hours prior to submission date.

Please read checklist guidelines on page 8 of this document.

MAA103 – Accounting for Decision Making

Trimester 1, 2013 Page 3

Final Assignment requirements:

2000 words minimum to 2500 words maximum (excluding appendices and
reference list) for final assignment.
A deduction of 2 marks will apply if the number of words is 10% under 2000
words or over by more than 10% of 2500 words.

Assignment Objective: The objective for this assignment is for you to perform and
interpret financial ratios, that is, provide ratio analysis of financial statements over a
two year period (2011 through 2012) and together with all other relevant information,
advise on these organisations as investment opportunities. The companies to be
analysed are:

1. Fantastic Holdings Ltd. (FAN)
2. Super Retail Group Ltd. (SUL)

(Former Name: Super Cheap Auto Group Ltd.)

Fantastic Holdings Ltd. Super Retail Group Ltd.

KEY RATIOS 2011 2012 2011 2012

Gross Profit Margin 47.47% 48.18% 45.25% 43.92%

Net Profit Margin (after Tax) 4.46% 4.71% 5.09% 5.05%

Return on Equity 19.30% 19.26% 18.31% 12.14%

Asset Turnover (Times) 2.598 times 2.494 times 1.909 times 1.194 times

Return on Assets 12.08% 12.18% 11.06% 7.15%

Inventory Turnover (Days) 66.29 days 61.89 days 97.86 days 91.95 days

Debtors Turnover (Days) 2.61days 2.31 days 4.31 days 3.93 days

Creditors Turnover (Days) 25.28 days 21.71 days 40.89 days 43.67 days

Current Ratio 1.96 1.75 2.34 2.17

Quick Ratio 0.37 0.44 0.33 0.33

Debt Asset Ratio (Total Debt) 40.01% 39.02% 46.91% 50.28%

Debt Equity Ratio (Total Debt) 17.88 % 18.24% 32.66% 56.33%

Times Interest Earned (Times) 35.06 times 80.95 times 8.85 times 6.83 times

Please note all ratios provided above have been taken from the
database FinAnalysis and some have been calculated
manually. Please accept these ratios as a given. You are not
required to show calculations for the ratios provided above.

MAA103 – Accounting for Decision Making

Trimester 1, 2013 Page 4


Assignment Planner requirements:

After forming your groups, complete, TYPE and submit through MOODLE via
MIBT PORTAL, as well as a HARDCOPY of the documents on pages 10 and 11
by the due date listing each of the group members names, your plan and
timeline for completing the assignment. That is, a plan and timeline of how you
and your group members will research and prepare the assignment (this means
that your groups should be organised and a discussion amongst members should
have taken place together with some preliminary research on the two companies
and financial statement analysis). The plan should be brief. It may be in key
point format and chronological showing your progress to the due date.

In addition, a list of 6 references which you plan to use to assist with your
report preparation should also be submitted. This may include electronic
databases, texts, journals or other references, but does not include the company
annual reports, websites or the prescribed textbook.

Each person in a group must submit an electronic copy via the MIBT
PORTAL. Each group must also attach ONLY ONE HARDCOPY of the
planner (pages 10 and 11) to their final hardcopy assignment as an
appendix. This will be worth 2 marks. If you choose not to submit the
planner, 2 marks will be deducted from your final assignment result.

Please Note: The Assignment Planner has been uploaded as a document file
on the portal to assist you with your typing.

Purpose of the Planner

The purpose of the Planner is to encourage you to start working on the assignment early. We, the
unit team, are aware that you can all submit a report by the due date, but often students do not
commence working on the task until the last minute and this, unfortunately, has been reflected in
the marks attained. This assignment does involve quite an amount of research and the staff want
to support you in achieving the best result you can. Therefore the aim of the Planner is to get you
started much earlier, and also develop your problem-solving skills and initiative in researching.
Developing and refining these skills will not only assist you in your studies but will also be of great
benefit in the workplace and in your career progression. Since the introduction the Planner
student results both in the Planner and the unit overall have increased and the feedback has been

Business Report requirements:
Prepare a formal business report, containing the appropriate sub-headings
(please see report format on page 7 for sub-headings to be used). Also use
the marking grid on page 9 as a checklist of what to cover and sub-headings
to use.

MAA103 – Accounting for Decision Making

Trimester 1, 2013 Page 5

In your final report submission you are required to specifically address the
(a) 2 marks
Introduction – In your own words provide a brief, non-financial, overview of both
organisations, describe their business activities and the aim of your financial
analysis (maximum 250 words).

(b) 10 marks
In the ‘body of the report’ (as per point 5 in the attached Suggested Formal
Case report structure) – analyse the:

 Profitability

 Efficiency and

 Financial stability – both short-term and long-term

of both companies, using the ratios given and any other appropriate information.
Use sub-headings for the above areas of discussion (please see report format for sub-

headings to be used). Under each area of discussion you should:

1. Identify and briefly define ratios of both companies over the years.
2. Compare ratios from one year to the other and between companies.
3. Give reasons as to why these ratios have changed over the years and why one company
is better than the other.
4. Discuss any other information not given in this assignment that would help your analysis.

Your discussion must be an interpretation and analysis of results not merely a
restatement of the ratio results.

Analysis and Interpretation of ratios
For both companies, review the financial ratios (as provided) for the 2011 and 2012
financial years on a consolidated basis. A summary of any additional ratio calculations for
2011/2012 years or prior years to 2011 should be included by way of Appendix, although
results are best reported in a Table (report style) within the Ratio Interpretation section.
Your aim should be to guide the reader through your analysis in a professional report style
manner. Use consolidated figures only. Interpret and compare the ratios by analyzing the
potential factors and strategies driving the financial trends by referring to the notes to the
financial statements and the financial press (for example, The Age, Australian Financial
Review, The Australian, etc.) or other documentation about Fantastic Holdings Ltd. and
Super Retail Group Ltd. In your analysis specifically address profitability, operating
efficiency and financial stability (as per the attached marking sheet). Consider all factors
you believe would be relevant to performance and future investment decisions such as
customers, competitors, business strategy and markets.

Ple Please appropriately reference all sources. Please number and label all tables
and figures and make reference to the appropriate table or figure number in
your discussion/analysis section of your report.

Additional areas you may wish to investigate could include (but not be limited to) items
such as what are the largest expenses and assets, profit margins and how, or why, do
these compare or differ between these two companies and the industry sector. Are
properties leased or owned? Are the two years representative or comparable with earlier
years? Are these potential investments suitable for all types of investors?

MAA103 – Accounting for Decision Making

Trimester 1, 2013 Page 6

(c) 4 marks
Limitations (1 mark) –

Identify and discuss any limitations (as per point 7 in the attached Suggested
Formal Case Report Structure) to your analysis. At least 4 limitations required to be
identified .

Conclusions and Recommendations (3 marks) –
Offer a definite recommendation (as per point 8 in the attached Suggested Formal

Case Report Structure) to a shareholder on which company you think is a better
investment option perhaps in the short term or longer term, including appropriate
justification based on your analysis. Are these good investment options? Within your
recommendation also consider the limitations of your analysis that the investor

should consider in their decision.

There WILL be additional information or other relevant ratios you need to calculate
to give an informed recommendation. You should incorporate your additional
research into the appropriate discussion areas of your report, using additional
sub-headings where necessary.

(d) 4 marks
Up to 4 marks will be awarded for evidence and use of relevant and appropriate research

material throughout the report; this includes primarily the use of current financial press
such as The Age, Australian Financial Review, calculation of additional ratios and other
relevant and current sources. Please ensure all references are quoted and used in your

This is a business research assignment and students will be rewarded for evidence of
wider reading and research of the companies and industry.

You must include a correctly prepared list of references (as per point 9 in the
attached Suggested Formal Case Report Structure). A penalty of up to 2 marks
will be deducted for inappropriate format or inappropriate referencing. See the

following website for assistance on how to prepare a reference list:


When preparing the report, the following points should be followed:
 Use appropriate report format as per attached ‘Suggested Formal Case Report Structure’


 Use appropriate sub-headings as per report ‘Suggested Formal Case Report Structure’

 For each sub-heading make sure you address the relevant points as per instructions in this

 The financial statement discussion should be kept brief and to the point.
However, it should not merely be a re-statement of the ratio results. It must be a brief
‘discussion’ of what the results tell you about each area that is being examined and how it
relates to the recommendation to be made.

 Attach appropriate ratio calculations as an appendix to the report.

 A reference list using an appropriate and recognised format must be included at the end of the

 The mark sheet attached gives you a clear indication of how the report will be marked.


MAA103 – Accounting for Decision Making

Trimester 1, 2013 Page 7


Your answer to the final assignment must be presented as a formal business

Whilst there are various formats for a formal business report that may be followed,
we suggest using the following.

Suggested Formal Case Report Structure

1. Title page – appropriate title for the report, who it is for and your details

2. Executive summary (This is NOT an Introduction) – separate page

Maximum of 1 paragraph, explaining what you have done as well as the significant
findings and recommendations.

3. Table of contents (include page numbers) – separate page

4. Introduction (separate page) – refer part (a)

 A short summary of the situation and what analysis is about to be conducted

 Maximum 2 paragraphs

5. Body of the report containing your analysis, including appropriate sub-headings to

address part (b)

 Profitability

 Efficiency

 Financial Stability – short-term and long-term

6. Additional or Other information relevant to your report – part (b) (separate page)

7. Limitations – part (c) (separate page)

8. Recommendations – part (c) (separate page)

9. List of references – based on the ‘Guide to assignment writing and referencing

booklet’ (also available on the MIBT PORTAL) or on the following guidelines:


10. Appendices (attached to end of report)

 these contain material that is too bulky to include in the body (e.g. ratio
calculations, tables, diagrams), and

 material that is essential to explain a point that would distract the reader from
the main message if included in the body of the report

An additional resource on various aspects of academic study, including report
writing, is available on the below site or from the library

Your report must be single sided.



MAA103 – Accounting for Decision Making

Trimester 1, 2013 Page 8


Make sure your assignment consists of the following before

1. Submit via MIBT PORTAL Assignment Planner and Final Assignment.

2. Assignment Cover sheet as the front page to the hardcopy of your final assignment.
This must include ALL names and student MIBT ID. numbers of group members.

3. Final assignment – Your formal business report analysing both companies.

VERIFICATION AND BACK UP PURPOSES. Please include on your front title page ALL

names and student numbers of group members.

4. Appropriate final reference list (at least 6 references required to be used and listed in
alphabetical order). The Harvard style should be used for referencing and citations.

5. ONE copy of the Assignment Mark Sheet (on page 9 of this assignment) as the last

6. The Mark Sheet must indicate ALL the names and student ID. numbers of each
member of the group.

7. Where there are three group members, the report must reflect the work and effort of three.

8. Attach as an appendix a copy of your previously submitted Assignment Planner to your
final group copy submission.

PLEASE NOTE: It is the hard copy of your submission that is
marked – NOT the MIBT PORTAL electronic copy

MAA103 – Accounting for Decision Making

Trimester 1, 2013 Page 9

MAA103/MAAP103 Assignment Mark Sheet – Trimester 1, 2013

NOTE: This assignment represents 20% of your assessment for this unit.




Introduction &

Appropriate Format



Efficiency 2

Financial Stability


Financial Stability


Limitations of Analysis 1

Recommendation 3

Evidence of wider reading
and research


Deductions: inappropriate

Failure to submit Assignment

Failure to submit Assignment
Planner will incur a 2 mark


General Comments:

MAA103 – Accounting for Decision Making

Trimester 1, 2013 Page 10

MAA103/MAAP103 Assignment Planner – Trimester 1, 2013

(Assignment CAN NOT be completed with students from other accounting classes)

ID No.: Class Time/Day:




Lecturer’s Name:



MAA103 – Accounting for Decision Making

Trimester 1, 2013 Page 11

MAA103/MAAP103 Assignment Planner Cont.

List 6 references that will be used in your research:

NOTE: The references included in the planner may include a combination of electronic
databases, texts, journals or other references, but does not include the company
annual reports, websites or the prescribed textbook. The company annual
reports, websites and prescribed textbook would need to be included in your final
reference list attached to your report. This reference list may differ from your final
reference list.







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