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Observation Paper

Observation Paper for Equity Management

Taihessa Lee

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Organizational Leadership

Professor Stephen D. Griffin

June 30, 2013

The purpose of this paper is to describe the observable aspects of my current organization’s culture. I will address my perceptions using the following three viewpoints: vision, mission and core values. I am currently employed at Equity Management Corporation, which is a leading third party management company throughout the property management industry. It is a highly competitive organization that works on creating opportunity for their employees and managing with integrity. On the grounds that I work for Equity Management I know first-hand the extent they will go to meet their expectation out of every department and one thing they will always strive to be number one in the housing market. The greater part of these things are expressed inside Equity Management’s vision and mission statement. Their vision and mission are similar as it precisely what the company does and how it plans to develop.

The Mission: Managing with integrity. The Vision: Creating opportunity. The Core Values: will focus on the heart of our company. There are many other parts of Equity. Leasing Agents are the face of Equity. Property Managers are the arms of Equity. Regional Directors represent the head of Equity. But it takes one fundamental body part to keep all this going- the heart. Ultimately, the heart has to beat to make the parts all function together. The heart is where love, care and concern reside evidenced by our commitment to the job, one another and the people we serve. As Equity pays attention to the condition of our personal and corporate heart they can experience a deeper commitment to our everyday activities. The owner’s vision is to improve the heart of Equity in a deeper way. The owner realizes that our hearts inspire us to be our best, and create loyalty in ourselves. Becoming #1 in the industry means being financially strong and growing. But being #1 is also found in a company filled with loyal employees with high integrity, stellar performance while showing you care. I have witnessed this in my current employment with Equity.

Working at the corporate office was hard for me at times because of how clan culture the company is however it likewise has numerous motivating forces as well. I started my employment with Equity Management three years prior. This employment has been assisting me to develop passionately and also professionally. They are showing me to strive to be passionately and the best constantly. The major lesson I am learning while at Equity Management is their Core Values which is the heart of an employee to keep it functioning properly.

A great deal can be learned about an organization by analyzing and exploring the various aspects of organizational observation. My observation of Equity’s leadership and organizational culture would be healthy organization culture. Our owner takes an active role within our organization’s culture. I believe leaders have an enormous effect on the well-being of an organizational culture. A leader directs the energy of the culture whether positive or negative in organization people tend to get what they give. A healthy organizational culture is a must for success within the organization. It is the quality of the employee’s workplace environment that must impact on their level of motivation and subsequent performance.

Equity’s Motivational Strategies: Equity Management uses short range and long term goals in its employee motivational strategies. The company completely comprehends the imperatives of determines their representatives have the instruments information and are zealously will to perform their employment. Equity fully understands by spending money up front to create and maintain employee retention. It takes more to prepare a new employee than it does to improve and hold a present employee. Equity has different associate’s compensation that upgrade employees such a paid days off, bonuses, employee praise, and recognition done at the company’s yearly meeting. Employees will buckle down in the event they know there is something that will benefit them. Equity’s Executive Team are genuinely interested in their employees and find ways to bring out the best in them.

The four workplace environment factor that need to be taken into consideration by any serious manager, supervisor or leader in order to be successful and boost performance.

Objective setting: Involve the employees in setting considerable objectives and performance measure their work. This can be done casually between the employee and their immediate supervisor or as part of an organization’s formal performance management process. The key here is that each employee is actively occupied in the objective setting process and takes responsibility for last objectives and measures.

Performance statement: Regularly feed back to employee’s information on how they are performing. This might comprise of both positive statement on what the employee is doing right and additionally input on what requires change. The statement should be objective as possible and delivered with the appropriate interpersonal and conflict resolution skills. It can be a mix of both casual feedback and conveyed as part of a formal performance management cycle.

Workplace incentive: Determine what rouses your employees in specifically and set up formal and casual structures for rewarding employees that act in the way required. Rewards may comprise of internal and external rewards, for example such as challenging assignments higher payment and associate recognition.

Supervisor Support: Acts as promoters for employees, assembling and distributing the resource needed by them in order for them to be able to do a good job. Immediate supervisors and managers need to showcase the interpersonal aptitudes needed to captivate employees and upgrade self assurance. This includes providing positive encouragement for a job well done.

Mentoring/Coaching: Make accessible to employees talented and regarded individuals to help them perform better in their present role and to support them to advance further into a future role. Mentor and coaches may be internal to an organization or external. It is possible that way they will represents the employees, apply existing aptitudes and advance new aptitudes.

Equity retained a licensed Occupational Therapist and Personal & Professional Life Coach as our Corporate Coach. The Life Coach brings a variety of skills to help manage our growing organization toward overall health and well being to assist us in implementing programs to improve the heart of Equity. Equity will roll out programs such as “Living a Balanced Life”, “Stress Management”, “Effective Communication” and “Wellness Management”.

In conclusion Equity Management has established a respectable business reputation of placing it is employee’s well being, safety, motivation, and job satisfaction as a constant top priority of the organization. Equity has invested heavily in the well being of its employee’s and the employees have in turn invested their time and production efforts to the corporation.


(2013, June 30th). Retrieved from


(2013, June 30th). Retrieved from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leadership

Richard L. Draft. (2011). The Leadership Experience, p 396, 397, 400, 405, 406, 408 and 410.

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