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Part 3

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    After creating the resource pool, copy the screen image of Resource Sheet and paste into the Word document.
    After assigning resources, copy the screen image of the data entry screen and paste into the Word document.
    After time-constrained scheduling, copy the screen image of Resource Sheet and paste into the Word document. The Resource Sheet should show the resources that over-allocated.
    After resource-constrained scheduling, copy the screen image of Resource Sheet and paste into the Word document. The Resource Sheet should show the resources that over-allocated.

Part 3A Notes

    Enter resource names from Table A2.12 For “Assembly/Test” enter “Assembly” for consistency with Table A2.11.
    Enter one team as 100% and two teams as 200% under Maximum Units.

Table A2.12 (Organization Resources)

Name                                    Group                                                   Cost ($/hr)

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Design                                  R&D (2 teams)                                   $100

Development                    R&D (2 teams)                                   $70

Documentation                                R&D (1 team)                                     $60

Assembly                            R&D (1 team)                                     $70

Purchasing                          Procurement (1 team)                   $40


Complete Part 3,

Part A

of the Conveyor Belt Project (p. 637). Submit your Microsoft Project file along with the memo to the


From the textbook:

Part 3

Remember the old saying, “A project plan is not a schedule until resources are committed.”  This exercise illustrates this subtle, but very important difference.

Part A

Using your files from Part 2 input resources and their costs if you have not already done so.  All information is found in Tables A2.11 and A2.12


Answer the following questions:

1.  Which if any of the resources are over-allocated?

2.  Assume that the project is time constrained and try to solve any over-allocation problems by leveling within slack.  What happens?

3.  What is the impact of leveling within slack on the sensitivity of the network?


Include a Gantt chart with the schedule table after leveling within slack.


4.  Assume the project is resource constrained and resolve any over-allocation problems by leveling outside of slack.  What happens?  What are the managerial implications?

5.  What options are available at this point in time?


Include a Gantt chart with the schedule table after leveling outside of slack.


Note:  No splitting of activities is allowed

Note:  No partial assignments (i.e. 50 percent).  All resources must be assigned 100 percent.


Part 3


· After creating the resource pool, copy the screen image of Resource Sheet and paste into the Word document.

· After assigning resources, copy the screen image of the data entry screen and paste into the Word document.

· After time-constrained scheduling, copy the screen image of Resource Sheet and paste into the Word document. The Resource Sheet should show the resources that over-allocated.

· After resource-constrained scheduling, copy the screen image of Resource Sheet and paste into the Word document. The Resource Sheet should show the resources that over-allocated.

Part 3A Notes

· Enter resource names from Table A2.12 For “Assembly/Test” enter “Assembly” for consistency with Table A2.11.

· Enter one team as 100% and two teams as 200% under Maximum Units.

Table A2.12 (Organization Resources)

Name Group Cost ($/hr)

Design R&D (2 teams) $100

Development R&D (2 teams) $70

Documentation R&D (1 team) $60

Assembly R&D (1 team) $70

Purchasing Procurement (1 team) $40

Complete Part 3,

Part A

of the Conveyor Belt Project (p. 637). Submit your Microsoft Project file along with the memo to the

From the textbook:

Part 3

Remember the old saying, “A project plan is not a schedule until resources are committed.” This exercise illustrates this subtle, but very important difference.

Part A

Using your files from Part 2 input resources and their costs if you have not already done so. All information is found in Tables A2.11 and A2.12

Answer the following questions:

1. Which if any of the resources are over-allocated?

2. Assume that the project is time constrained and try to solve any over-allocation problems by leveling within slack. What happens?

3. What is the impact of leveling within slack on the sensitivity of the network?

Include a Gantt chart with the schedule table after leveling within slack.

4. Assume the project is resource constrained and resolve any over-allocation problems by leveling outside of slack. What happens? What are the managerial implications?

5. What options are available at this point in time?

Include a Gantt chart with the schedule table after leveling outside of slack.

Note: No splitting of activities is allowed

Note: No partial assignments (i.e. 50 percent). All resources must be assigned 100 percent.

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