Personality tests as well as other tests are tools that professionals in the field of human resources are using to know the personality of the candidates, assessing their skills and observe their professional capacity.
Emotional intelligence allows us to become aware of our emotions, understand the feelings of others tolerate the pressures and frustrations we endure at work, emphasize our ability to work together and adopt a social and empathic attitude, which will give us a greater chance of personal development.
According to the EI test, my score means that, “I am “ generally good at interpreting, understanding, and acting upon emotions. They are fairly comfortable with dealing with social or emotional conflicts, expressing their feelings, and dealing with emotional situations”. I completely agree with the description provided. I am very expressive when it comes to my feelings, I can interpret the feelings of others but usually very hard in demonstrating emphatic. One area that I need to improve on, is the way I deal with work related issues. I get so involved in what I do, that I tend to take it personal and let my emotions get the best of me. I need to remain objective although I put all my heart into my work. I also need to learn how to manage myself .I have a strong personality and can easily get upset. I react too quickly to situations and respond without thinking. If I can learn to receive the information, process it, and analyze it, I would not be so aggressive and provide an appropriate response. That would improve my leadership skills because leaders have control of themselves.
My big five personality test described me as a person that do not seek for new experience, easy to criticize others, neither organized or disorganized, extremely outgoing and very anxious an worry a lot. I could be more organized but the most important part is to learn to follow a to do list and stop procrastinating. I could also practice more empathy and be more understandable, instead of letting my temper put me in uncomfortable situations that lead me easily to criticize others.
Personal leadership development is advancing on the path to success. It’s a personal motivation to better the skills God has given me. I read that personal leadership is when a human being in his own search to find a great joy to live, work, and in relating to people; when a person feels his/her life is worth something. Leadership is a skill to get juice from life knowing what you want to do and have enough self confidence to perform. It is understood that the essence of life is found in giving and receiving. Who does not develop its leadership in life, somehow fails.
Reason why I chose the next two leadership test to help me understand and evaluate my path in life. “Your Leadership Potential” and “Are you on a Fast Track to Nowhere?”. In the fast track test, my score is 2-3. There is a need to fine-tune my people skills and to continue shaping my networking more than my authority. Although my score on the personality test said that I am extremely outgoing, I believe it takes me time to warm up to people and to initiate a conversation.
Knowing how to lead myself is one of the keys to success in our professional and private lives, as is being able to solve problems and make decisions. All this is framed with a good ability to communicate. There are leaders that born with the gift but others are made, means to get to be a leader is a learning process, and it is therefore necessary to identify the skills and qualities that are to learn or increase in this process. Yes, I do have leadership potential and I have discovered with these tests. I also know that I need to start for having a better knowledge of myself, the values that move me, the fears that I have, my strengths and weakness. Have more control of myself, practice more communication and analyze situations.
Week 2-1
The video tells us that we are moving from logical to a conceptual age. Were people not only know about programming, codes, or edit documents. Today it is important to other type of mentality capable of recognizing patterns, creating, designing, inventing. We are moving from an economy and society based on logic capabilities (computing the information) to an economy and society based on capabilities such as CREATIVITY, empathy or global vision: Conceptual Age. Not only our left hemisphere, analytic and logic is necessary but it is also important the use of our right hemisphere. The use of creativity, empathy and joy will determine our future.
Week 2-2:
Participative Leader:
Leadership is the person’s abilities to get the followers to commit to the achievement of common goals.
I like my current manager’s leadership style. She adopts a participative style, using the query to engage leadership. She doesn’t delegate her right to take final decisions and points out specific directives to us but check our ideas and opinions about many decisions that concern us. Judith listens, discusses ideas and accept our contributions as long that the ideas are possible and practical. This helps to increase our capacity to make better decision, useful and mature ideas and assume responsibilities A participative leader supports its employees and does not behave as dictated but the final authority on matters of importance still in his hand.
Week 3-2: lideres estrategicos tienen que ver con la vision y la mission, mientras que gerentes estrategicios tienen que ver con la estrategia.
One of the manager task is to optimize the use of available resources to achieve the organization’s objectives. A manager may have the ability to motivate employees but not to keep the motivation. A Strategic manager focus more and the objectives and goal and how to achieve them that loose perspective in a very important factor, the employees. Many times the strategy is more practical and structural that the employees are not valued and they get discouraged.
Strategic leader, visualize, anticipate and maintain flexibility and empower others to create strategic when change as necessary.