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COMP8714 : Advanced Software Development Practices
Programming Assignment
YouTube Trender
Submission Date
5pm, Thursday, Week 10
Important Information
You do NOT need a YouTube/Google account to complete and achieve a high mark for this
assignment. You will only be required to read YouTube video data from a file.
You can do this assignment in pairs. You must let me know who you are pairing with and only one
submission is required.
The assignment is worth 40% of the overall topic mark. The 40% is broken down into three phases
as discussed below.
The assignment is to design, implement, test, and document a command line application to analyse
the results of a YouTube search using the YouTube Data API: e.g. “Trending Topics” of YouTube
YouTube is a global video-sharing website headquartered in San Bruno, California, United States. The
site allows users to upload, view, rate, share, and comment on videos. 1 Available content includes
video clips, TV clips, music videos, movie trailers, and other content such as video blogging, short
original videos, and educational videos. User can also add a title and description to the videos and
by examining the contents of and detecting which words appear frequently across titles and
descriptions we can detect “trending topics.” See below for more information on YouTube and the
YouTube Data API that generate the list of videos used in this assignment:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/yt/about/en-GB/
Wikipedia on Youtube: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YouTube
YouTube Data API: https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/getting-started
YouTube Data API for listing videos: https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/docs/videos/list
It is your job to develop a command line application that can detect the YouTube Trending Topics.
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Assignment Phases Overview
The assignment is broken down into three phases:
1. Parse a YouTube video data string in into a YouTube video object
2. Sort Video objects by different features (e.g. title, channel title, views, date, etc.) [20%]
3. Index the list of videos for word usage, aka “Trending Topics”
You must also submit a document that describes what you have done, how it relates to the theory
sections of the topic and any extra features that you have built for your application. You will also
include the final revision number for your code in the repository. This document will be submitted
via Canvas.
4. Application description document
At each phase you should extend at the command line interface to display the results of your
improvement and allow the user to interact with the underlying data structures and algorithms.
Each phase will have marks allocated as follows:

70% Correctness
15% In Code Documentation
15% Demonstration and Testing Code
Your submission will be the contents of your repository directory for the assignment and
a PDF of your Application Description document submitted via Canvas
In Code Documentation
Your code should be documented. That is, it should contain Javadoc comments that describe
methods, classes, instance and class variables, etc., which you have written.
Use Javadoc (see http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/guides/javadoc/index.html).
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Phase 1 Detailed Description [up to 40%]
The goal of phase 1 is to parse a YouTube data string in into a Video object. You will need to at least:

Create a Java class called YouTubeVideo to represent the contents of a video (minimum
o channelId, channelTitle, publishedAt (date), title, description, viewCount
Create a Java class called YouTubeDataParser that can take a file name and extract a list
of videos from the given JSON file
Create a Java class called YouTubeDataParserException that extends Exception to
indicate a parsing error. The YouTubeDataParser should throw this exception when it
encounters an error during the parsing of a JSON file (e.g. the file not found, malformed
JSON file)
Document the code using Javadoc.
Phase 2 Detailed Description [up to 20%]
Phase 2 is to sort Videos by different features of your newly created YouTubeVideo object (e.g.
Channel, Date, etc.). You will need to at least be able to sort videos based on

the channel title,
the published at date,
the number of views,
something to do with the description of the video (e.g. its length).
You can use the static methods of the utility class Collections to sort your videos. Add Javadoc to
your code to document the added functionality.
Phase 3 Detailed Description [up to 20%]
The task of phase 3 is to implement a trending topic analyser for the list of videos. This amounts to
indexing the word usage across the title and description of the videos. A simple way to do this is to
count the number of times a single word appears in the list of videos. Figure 1 lists a pseudo code
example for indexing the words used in videos.
SomeCollection words (this could be a set, list, map, etc)
for each video
for each word in video(title and description)
if (word is in words)
increment count for word in words
add word to words and set count to 1
associate video with word
Figure 1. Pseudo code for indexing the words in videos
NOTE: in this example the “word” is not cleaned in anyway (e.g. all punctuation symbols are
included in the “word”, “twinkle,” is NOT the same as “twinkle”) and it counts multiple occurrences
of a word in a title and description. Your indexer should meet this specification.
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Once indexed, you need to be able to

quickly find a word
find the count associated with a word,
find all the videos that use that word
find the word that is used the most
create a list of words sorted by their counts
You will need to use classes from the Collections framework such as Lists, Maps and Sets to
implement this algorithm. You may need to create a new class to store the information about a
word, e.g. the word itself, the count, the videos associated with it.
Testing your Application
It is expected that you will thoroughly test your application by developing code that demonstrates
how the classes you have created work. The tests will test the classes you build to represent the
videos and other pieces of data (e.g. words in the index, comparators, lists) and the functionality
associated with them (sorting, find most used word, getting the title of a video).
You are provided with a set of JSON files as part of the skeleton code in the “data” directory.
Your assignment will be partially assessed as to how well you demonstrate that it works.
You have been supplied with several .json files as part of the skeleton code that contain different
examples of the type of data returned from YouTube Data API query. The table below describes
each file and the number of videos contained within them
File name
A single video items in video query (mock data)
50 video items from a query from category 15
10 mock video items with useful descriptions and
A single video item for testing indexing
A single video item not in a list
A single video items in video query (mock data),
but with an error
No. Videos
The file “youtubedata_malformed.json” has one video item in a list but contains an error. This file is
useful for test the detection of errors in your parser. For example, it may throw an exception
indicating a problem with the provided .json file.
The file “youtubedata_singleitem.json” contains that data for a single video but not in a list. This is
suitable for testing a class that represent video item data. The data is a JSONObject (enclosed
between “{“ and “}”).
The “youtudedata_indextest.json” contains a fake title and description for testing your indexing.
There should be 1 “ONE”, 2 “TWO”’s, 3 “THREE”’s, four “FOUR”’s, and five “FIVE”’s.
Along with the .json files are corresponding “_info.txt” files available on FLO. These files contain
information about the video contained in the .json file and can be used to provide info for your
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testing (e.g. the number of videos). That is, given the .json file you should expect your program to
be able to provide the information contained in the “_info.txt” file.
The sorting and word counts in the “_info.txt” files closely follow the algorithm in the assignment
specification. Your implementation must conform that what has been specified.
Note that:

The word count includes repeats of the word in the text of one message
o e.g. text:“aaa aaa” => count for “aaa” is 2
I will inspect the code for correctness, but unit tests will give me more insight to how your code
works and make it easier to mark.
Application description document [up to 20%]
You should write a brief document to describe the features of your application. It is to be submitted
through Canvas as a PDF file. You can include text from this document and but it is not a copy of
your Javadoc.
This document can be thought of as an informal user guide and can include screen shots of the code
and its output. You will describe the demonstration and test code. It should also describe what you
have done and how it relates to the theory sections of the topic and any extra features that you have
built for your application. Further, you will include a reflective section on what difficulties, or not,
you faced during the completion of the assignment and how you chose the data structures you used
in solving the problem. You will also include in the document the final revision number for your code
in the repository.
If it is not submitted, then you will receive 0 marks for this component.
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Minimal Class Diagram Example
The UML diagrams2 in Figure 2 show a minimal set of classes that you may implement to complete
the assignment. They are by no means prescriptive and are shown as guide to what you might need
to do to complete the assignment.
Figure 2. Minimal Class Diagram Example
Class diagrams generated using JUG: http://sourceforge.net/projects/jug/
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How To: Get Started
A skeleton IntelliJ project is provided to get you started. This is available in the repository for the
topic. Once downloaded, open the project in IntelliJ and browse through the provided files. You are
provided with the sample JSON files and the associated _info.txt files (in the data dir), the JSONP
library (.jar file in the lib dir), and a single class called YouTubeTrender. This is your starting point
and contains a sample test method you can use as a guide.
How To: Get YouTube Data
This is an FYI, you do NOT need to get your own YouTube data
For this assignment, we will use the result of a YouTube Data API query over videos as our YouTube
video data string. The YouTube data API requires OAuth authentication for any queries over the
videos and as such requires a developer to have a Google account and the necessary OAuth token.
For this assignment you do not need a Google account or be able to query the YouTube servers to
complete the assignment to a high level (e.g. get an HD). You are provided with sample query
The data provided to you comes from a query of videos from the most popular videos from the
category of 15 which is “Pets & Animals” with 50 videos retrieved, for example
Entering this into a web browser will result in an error as it is not OAuth authenticated. However,
you can use the YouTube Data “try it” facility to test it out.
Properly executed, the data returned is in a format friendly to our application which can easily
inspect and parse the return of a search and can be saved to a file. This format is known as the JSON
format. Details will be given below on how to inspect and parse a JSON formatted data.
To make development and testing easier, you have been provided with some .json files that contain
the results of queries. This means you can test your application without a network connection or a
Google Account.
NOTE: you do not need to get data from the YouTube servers to complete the assignment or
achieve a HD
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How To: Parse JSON data
To inspect or parse the data contained within the result of a YouTube data query we need to be able
to parse the JSON data object. JSON3, or Java Script Object Notation, is a lightweight datainterchange format. It is easy for humans to read and write. It is easy for machines to parse and
generate. JSON is built on two structures

A collection of name/value pairs. In various languages, this is realized as an object, record,
struct, dictionary, hash table, keyed list, or associative array.
o Denoted by “{“ and “}”, e.g.
An ordered list of values. In most languages, this is realized as an array, vector, list, or
o Denoted by “[“ and “]”, e.g.
[{“name”:”value”,”name2”:”value2”}, {“name”:”value”,”name2”:”value2”}]
We could attempt to parse the JSON format ourselves, but there exist numerous APIs for doing this
(there are 20 listed on the JSON website just for Java). You have been provided with the JSONP
library file (javax.json-1.0.4.jar) as part of your skeleton code (in the lib directory) for parsing JSON
data. We will be using the object model part of the library and documentation for JSONP can be
found at:
Javadoc API documentation for this can be found at:
There are a number of interfaces and classes in the API but you will be mainly interested in

JsonObject (extends java.util.Map)
o string and value pairs contained between “{“ and “}”
JsonArray (extends java.util.List)
o order list of values between “[“ and “]”
as these are the main structures contained in the Reddit Things Listing.
The JSONP API has a number of methods for returning the correct type, e.g
snippet.get(“title”) returns the id field as String, but if the value is empty this can cause an
exception. This means that to use the API correctly you need to sometimes check what the type of
the contents is first, that is
JsonValue.ValueType value = snippet.get(“title”);
if (value.getValueType() == JsonValue.ValueType.NULL)
// deal with null value
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So, what does a YouTube Data query result in JSON format look like? Figure 4 is an example that has
been truncated to one search result for clarity. Figure 3 lists a portion of basic Java code to extract
the videos from data. That fields of the video are listed here:
Figure 3. Basic code to read video from a YouTube query
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Figure 4. Structure of a YouTube Data JSON Video Search Query Result. “…” indicates truncated data
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