I have to write a five page essay about how the mass production of food is detrimental to the earth….

I have to write a five page essay about how the mass production of food is detrimental to the earth. FINAL PAPER
Assignment & Guide
The following is a guide for your entire essay
The essay should be a minimum of 5 pages, double-spaced. It can be longer but not shorter. In addition, you will have your Annotated Bibliographies, which are not part of the page count. You need to write 6 annotated bibliographies. Those are annotations of each source. They need to be in MLA style; and the paper is in MLA style as well.
Topic: Food
Graph 1 Intro to topic and thesis statement
Graph Ethos Statement-First person narrative about your relationship or reason behind your choice of thesis, position, topic (even though you were given the topic by prof.). This narrative can continue in other parts of the paper but should start here.
Graphs proving points
You’ll want to prove between 3 and 5 points. In each graph you’ll want to include some source that you will quote or derive support from. And you’ll want to include paraphrasing and possibly first person narration.
Graphs Addressing counterargument
Here you’ll want to address the major counterargument, which is the opposing viewpoint to your thesis. And you’ll want to address the counterarguments, in other words, the points you argued and their counterarguments.

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Graph Addressing fallacies
Set aside at least one paragraph for any fallacies around your thesis and/or this particular facet of the topic. Write fallacious statements, and/or statements that people have made.
Graphs of Refutations
Return to main argument/thesis; reiteration
Graph Conclusion
Shape of your paragraphs
Sentence 1: Introduce idea or argument
Sentence 2: Develop that idea
Sentence 3: Quote
Sentence 4: conclusion
it has be only from the data base opposing viewpoints. the paragraphs cannot be longer than 5 sentences HELP ME.

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