I am Joe or Jane’s for dickson only

I am Joe or Jane’s

Mechanics of the paper

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    Student essays should be thorough and at least 1-2 pages long.
    Double spaced
    12 point text
    Standard margins: 1 inch top and bottom, 1.25 inch left and right margins
    Bibliography at the end of the paper should follow standard MLA format. Refer to the Library’s page for information concerning this format for works cited and consulted.
  • References should include at least one printed work (book, encyclopedia, magazine article, newspaper article, etc.)

Material to be included

    Description of body part – include dimensions, shape, color, make-up…
    How is the body part connected to the surrounding parts of the body?
    Explanation of what this body part is responsible for doing.
    Body system – to which body system does it belong? What job does the part do within that body system?
    What happens when the body part is malfunctioning? What effect would this have on the rest of the body system to which the part belongs? How about other body systems that are associated?
    What types of diseases does this body part suffer from? What are the symptoms? What is the cure?
  • What current technologies are there available to replace this body part when it is diseased or damaged?


Grading–+5 and points will be deducted for typos and sentence structure, length, font, bibliography, +.4 for each expectation and only +.2 for the bibliography. 


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