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Assignment_1 EC 201 (Section 2 and 5) Due Oct 23

Follow these instructions or I won’t grade your assignment

(1) Read Chapter 1, The Power of Markets, from Naked Economics. (Charles Wheelan)

(2) Answer all 4 questions below in this order and submit in a Word document. Be organized so that we can follow your logic! Include the questions as headers as they appear below.

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1. What does the author mean by “The Power of Markets?”

2. How is the market economy a powerful force in making our lives better?

3. What does the author mean when he says that the ‘market is amoral?’

4. In what ways is the market like ‘evolution?’

(3) Font and Length and Other Formatting Requirements

a. 11-point Palatino Linotype

b. Single-spaced

c. Header in order on the top left hand side: Assignment 1, Your name and EC 201 Section

d. Include page numbers on the top right hand side

e. Do not include my name or the date (I know these)

f. Length: 1-2 pages

g. If you plagiarize, you will earn a zero and I will report you to the appropriate department. If you do not know what plagiarism is, please contact me. This is a very serious offense and will not be tolerated.

(4) Upload your Word document to Blackboard. I will show you where the link is. If you send it as an email attachment, I will not read your assignment.

(5) There are NO EXTENSIONS under ANY circumstances, because you have over one week to complete the assignment.

Grading scale: Above Average (A), Average (B, C), Poor (D, F). See attached Rubric for details.


Poor (Below Average)


Above Average

Length of paper, Grammatical, Spelling, and Punctuation

Too many errors for a university level paper.

Many grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors.

Little to no grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. Sufficient for a university level paper.

Economic Theory


Poor understanding of economic theory. Assignment has nothing to do with economics and is based on opinion. No evidence that the assigned reading was read or understood.

Moderate understanding of economic theory. Evidence that assigned reading was read, but not much evidence that it was understood.

Excellent understanding of economic theory. Absolute evidence that reading was understood.


No flow from one thought to the next. Poorly written and organized. Incomplete assignment.

Organization is average. Answered 3 out of 4 questions.

Excellent organization. Clear and concise. Answered all four questions.

Assignment_1: The Power of Markets (Wheelan) Rubric

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