Human Anatomy II Discussion Question


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Discussion 1

Mrs. Ryan, a middle-aged woman, appears at the clinic complaining of multiple small hemorrhagic spots in her skin and severe nosebleeds. While taking her history, the nurse notes that Mrs. Ryan works as a rubber glue applicator  at a local factory.  Rubber glue contains benzene, which is known to be toxic to red marrow.  Using your knowledge of physiology, explain the connection between the bleeding problems and benzene.

Discussion 2

Hannah, a newborn baby, needs surgery because she was born with an aorta that arises from the right ventricle and pulmonary trunk that issues from the left ventricle, a condition called transposition of the great vessels.  What are the physiological consequences of this defect?

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Discussion 3

Peripheral vascular disease (PVD) is a very common condition in the United States and is a leading cause of disability among people older than 50. It is more common in smokers, people with diabetes, hypertension and high cholesterol. Many people seem to think that this is a normal part of aging, and that nothing can be done or that the only alternative is surgery. Today, however, surgery is only one of several effective treatments available for peripheral vascular disease. Research and discuss the some of the debilitating issues associated with PVD and one non-surgical treatment that would be helpful for people with this condition. Be sure to give a reference for any outside sources you use in your posting.

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