Reaction Paper II-Economic Crisis Ah, my dear students–you thought this course was about all ancient stuff! Or maybe you took the class to satisfy a requirement. Well, hold onto your hats because you are studying material that is in the news on a daily basis! You will become an expert on the topic of the problems with our economy before long and will be able to impress your friends and co-workers. Take a moment and read the front page and business sections of any paper. The issues surrounding the current economic crises are in a large part what you are studying this semester in this class.

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For example, what role did the relaxation of government regulation play in the economic crises? Consider how many business executives are being accused of fraud, misrepresentation, or violations of the securities laws?  What are the ethical issues for businesses and CFO and CEO’s? Madoff, for example, plead guilty to numerous violations. I would like you to read one article about ponizi schemes and post your thoughts about it.  Should all the blame be placed on the organizer of the Ponzi scheme? Do the investors share some of the blame? After all it is an investment-a risk to be taken? What went wrong with the company? How do Ponzi organizers mislead their investors? What were some of the legal charges against them? What lessons can we learn as budding lawyers, the public the at large, and as a nation from this experience?

  1. Write a 2-3 pages reaction paper II relate to Economic Crisis.
  2. Give an analysis of the problem or issue (see Reaction Paper Grading Criteria under Course Document).
  3. Make sure you use proper citations (see MLA Formatting and Style Guide ) and include the legal principles we have studied and your opinion not just a summary of published articles.
  4. Save your paper in rich text format (rtf)

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