How women are portrayed/objectified/oversexualized in society and advertisements (3 page paper)

I have attached the rubric assignment for this below. I have also attached the picture/advertisement I would like for you to reference/include as the artifact portion. I need this to be completed by Sunday April 21 at 9:00 in the morning (EASTERN STANDARD TIME)

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needs to be 3-4 pages size 12 font


Analysis Paper Assignment Sequence

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Introduction to Effective Thinking and Writing in WGS

Your paper will include:

1. A material artifact (picture, ad, newspaper article, song lyrics, etc.) or a short description of an event you experienced or observed;


. a brief (1 short paragraph) summary/description of the artifact;

3. a 3 page analysis, which will include

a. a discussion of the relationship among the artifact and how women are objectified

b. your contextualization of this particular artifact;

c. an interpretation of the artifact, why the problem with it exists

· Analysis:

· You need to be able to see things in a way not completely shaped by your own and your culture’s assumptions. For instance, you’ll sometimes be framing analyses by saying, “Our culture thinks X, but I want to argue (and/or our readings argue) Y.”

· You must be able to articulate why: why do we care about this question, why should I read this paper, why does your interpretation matter?

· You must be able to assess/evaluate, using a range of appropriate evidence.


Try using words such as oppression, power, privilege, etc.



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