How to prepare for a Job Interview and the communications within that interview. Use the 3-step writing process (problem, process, and product) as you prepare your speech Topic : How to prepare for a Job Interview and the communications within that inte

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How to prepare for a Job Interview and the communications within that interview.

Use the 3-step writing process (problem, process, and product) as you prepare your speech Topic : How to prepare for a Job Interview and the communications within that interview. The purpose of the presentation is to further educate business managers in the area of preparing them for interviewing candidates as well as interview communications skills in the effort to help them to have better communication when it comes to interview and to further their career if they want to go that way again with another employer.

Developing Effective Written Communication Skills
Tyler Hopkins
According to Boyce and Neale (2006), job interview is the first step to hire and retain good employees. As a manager, asking the right questions help one select the most qualified and best candidate. Good interviewing skills are requiring carrying out the exercise successfully and avoiding ending up offering job to unqualified candidate. There is competition for both talented and skilled workers; the manager should be a good listener and communicator who know how to reframe a conversation. As employer be in a position to differentiate between perfect candidate and those who want the job (p. 15). Conducting a successful interview helps in securing the qualified and best candidate for the job. This process is important for both applicant and interviewer because it involves vital decisions following the interview. The whole procedure is suboptimal but the best solution. At the end, they both have the same conclusion. Preparing for the interview minimizes the chances of getting the job. The more one prepares for the interview, the better the chances of nailing the responses during the interview (Money-Zine, 2006).
Steps for Interview Preparation
One does not have to wait until the interview us scheduled to start practicing how to answer the questions. Preparing for interview responses ahead of time helps one to relax when answering the questions before the real interview. First asses yourself, when thinking for a change, it is a good idea to step back and spend more time reflecting. Objectively try to evaluate your accomplishments and skills as employee and see whether they match your long-term career plans. If there is a gap in knowledge or skill area, it is a good time to close the gap. While assessing and reflecting on your skills and accomplishments, update your resume. Do research on the company to gather any relevant information to help you relax during interview (Gulf Coast Business Leadership Network, 2004).
For the manager to hire the best and most qualified candidate s/he must know how to conduct a good interview. Prepare early in advance by creating interview structure and agenda including time limit. The manager should work with Human Resource, peers and other staff to develop the topics and questions. The questions should be in four categories, creative thinking, fact-finding, behavioral, and problem solving. Fact-finding questions help in identifying experience of the candidate, credentials and skills. Creative thinking questions are broader asking interviewee to show a wider understanding of the company trends. With problem solving questions, the candidate is asked to solve problems. The behavioral questions are the most important helping the employer know how employee will act in different situations. These questions reveal the most about employee who can fit in your business culture. If possible, conduct the interview in person (Dianne, 2010).
Preparing for an interview is important for both interviewer and interviewee. Managers should be honest when conducting interviews and performance of the candidate. As an interviewer, you should know what you are looking for in a candidate. Be clear on set-skills for the job. Do not ask irrelevant questions and manage time properly. Be prepared to jump to conclusion in case the candidate is not qualified. Write down what you think you will forget. The manager is also interviewed so his or her impression on the candidate matters. The manager is selling the company and the candidates are selling themselves to the interviewers. As a manager, you should talk about the position and the company. The more the interviewer knows the better because the candidate depends on the interviewers to educate them.
List of References
Boyce, C & Neale, P. (2006). Conducting in-depth interviews: A guide for designing and conducting in-depth interviews for evaluation input. Pathfinder International Tools Series.
Dianne S. (2010). Business communication (2nd Ed.). Mason , OH : Southwestern Centage Learning.
Gulf Coast Business Leadership Network. (2004). Preparing for and conducting an effective job interview. US Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy.
Money-Zine. (2006). Preparing for a job interview. Retrieved from

Developing Effective Written Communication Skills
Tyler Hopkins
According to Boyce and Neale (2006), job interview is the first step to hire and retain good employees. As a manager, asking the right questions help one select the most qualified and best candidate. Good interviewing skills are requiring carrying out the exercise successfully and avoiding ending up offering job to unqualified candidate. There is competition for both talented and skilled workers; the manager should be a good listener and communicator who know how to reframe a conversation. As employer be in a position to differentiate between perfect candidate and those who want the job (p. 15). Conducting a successful interview helps in securing the qualified and best candidate for the job. This process is important for both applicant and interviewer because it involves vital decisions following the interview. The whole procedure is suboptimal but the best solution. At the end, they both have the same conclusion. Preparing for the interview minimizes the chances of getting the job. The more one prepares for the interview, the better the chances of nailing the responses during the interview (Money-Zine, 2006).
Steps for Interview Preparation
One does not have to wait until the interview us scheduled to start practicing how to answer the questions. Preparing for interview responses ahead of time helps one to relax when answering the questions before the real interview. First asses yourself, when thinking for a change, it is a good idea to step back and spend more time reflecting. Objectively try to evaluate your accomplishments and skills as employee and see whether they match your long-term career plans. If there is a gap in knowledge or skill area, it is a good time to close the gap. While assessing and reflecting on your skills and accomplishments, update your resume. Do research on the company to gather any relevant information to help you relax during interview (Gulf Coast Business Leadership Network, 2004).
For the manager to hire the best and most qualified candidate s/he must know how to conduct a good interview. Prepare early in advance by creating interview structure and agenda including time limit. The manager should work with Human Resource, peers and other staff to develop the topics and questions. The questions should be in four categories, creative thinking, fact-finding, behavioral, and problem solving. Fact-finding questions help in identifying experience of the candidate, credentials and skills. Creative thinking questions are broader asking interviewee to show a wider understanding of the company trends. With problem solving questions, the candidate is asked to solve problems. The behavioral questions are the most important helping the employer know how employee will act in different situations. These questions reveal the most about employee who can fit in your business culture. If possible, conduct the interview in person (Dianne, 2010).
Preparing for an interview is important for both interviewer and interviewee. Managers should be honest when conducting interviews and performance of the candidate. As an interviewer, you should know what you are looking for in a candidate. Be clear on set-skills for the job. Do not ask irrelevant questions and manage time properly. Be prepared to jump to conclusion in case the candidate is not qualified. Write down what you think you will forget. The manager is also interviewed so his or her impression on the candidate matters. The manager is selling the company and the candidates are selling themselves to the interviewers. As a manager, you should talk about the position and the company. The more the interviewer knows the better because the candidate depends on the interviewers to educate them.
List of References
Boyce, C & Neale, P. (2006). Conducting in-depth interviews: A guide for designing and conducting in-depth interviews for evaluation input. Pathfinder International Tools Series.
Dianne S. (2010). Business communication (2nd Ed.). Mason , OH : Southwestern Centage Learning.
Gulf Coast Business Leadership Network. (2004). Preparing for and conducting an effective job interview. US Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy.
Money-Zine. (2006). Preparing for a job interview. Retrieved from

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