How the world shaped your dreams and aspirations Written at or under 510 words. Must answer the prompt: Describe the world you come-for example, your family, community, or school-and tell us how your world has shaped your dreams and aspirations. Make sur

How the world shaped your dreams and aspirations

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Written at or under 510 words. Must answer the prompt: Describe the world you come-for example, your family, community, or school-and tell us how your world has shaped your dreams and aspirations. Make sure it is grammatically correct and that it flows in order.


Describe the world you come-for example, your family, community, or school-and tell us how your world has shaped your dreams and aspirations.

“Did you study for your science test tomorrow?” my dad asked.

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“Yes”, I replied. I was not worried about the test because Biology is my easiest and favorite subject. Studying is not a problem for me, but my parents want me to be fully prepared in school in case I have a pop quiz or pop “test” in any of my classes. When I lay down on my bed, I think of other people and what they would be doing right now on a Saturday night. Would my friends be celebrating at parties, being on a date, or playing video games? I did those things when I did not have any homework for the day, but ever since I started my senior year, I have had a lot of homework. I wondered why I could not be like my friends, enjoying free time. Nonetheless, I knew the reasons of why I should be working hard. My parents knew I wanted to go to a prestigious college, major in Biology, and become successful in life. They want me to fulfill my dreams of becoming a doctor so that I can have a better future.

My parents are the most important inflence in my life. They have always guided and helped me with anything that troubled me. My parents are immigrants from India. My dad is a physical therapist and my mom used to be a nurse. When I was born, my parents settled in Texas. They are the first generation of our family to come to America. Growing up, I was always taught that academics are the first priority for it always helps you later in life. I did not realize how important this advice was to my future. True, I did achieve all ‘A’s throughout elementary, middle, and high school, but my parents pushed me even more to be the best of the best in school and to receive 100’s on every test and assignment. Why was I always being pushed to the limit to expand my knowledge even farther? The answer is in my dreams and aspirations.

College requires money. My dad is the single wage earner in our family. Currently, all of our expenses are paid toward the house, groceries, and other necessary items that put a roof over our heads. Not only is he paying for all of these necessities, but he is also paying for his own education which includes getting a master’s degree in health care administration. I know that he will not be able to pay off my college debt. My extended family lives in India, so there is no chance that they would help me payoff my coming financial burden. So I am hopeful that my good academics and achievements in school will be recognized. By being the best in my school, I may have a great chance of obtaining scholarships to help ease some of the financial burden of going to college. With scholarships, I would be able to fulfill my aspiration of attending the best college and pursuing a degree in Biology as the basic foundation for medical school. I could then possibly attend the best medical school and accomplish my dream of becoming a doctor.

Education is something that is never going to be wasted in life. It can only help you prepare for the future. My aspiration of attending the best college and majoring in Biology is a result of my family’s advice to work hard in school. My desire of becoming a doctor was formulated due to my parent’s occupations and I believe it is in my blood. I come from an environment filled with learning. I appreciate my parents for guiding me through the important parts of life and I appreciate the advice they have given me in regards to preparing for my future. The world I come from may be different from that of the average student because learning is my first priority to help me achieve my aspirations and dreams.

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