Need Help,
Review the SPSS output file which reports the results of the related samples t-test to compare the number of U.S. states where each brand was sold in 2008 with the number of U.S. states where those same brands were sold in 2012. For each brand, there is one value for the number of states in 2008 and another value for the number of states in 2012, making this a repeated measure. Answer the following questions based on your observations of the SPSS output file:
(1) What was the mean number of U.S. states in which all of the beer brands were sold in in 2008?
(2) What was the mean number of U.S. states in which all of the beer brands were sold in in 2012?
(3) Was there a significant difference in the number of states in which these beer brands were sold in 2008 versus 2012? Report the results of the t-test as follows: t(df value) = ___, and p-value.
SAVE OUTFILE=’C:\Users\donn\Documents\GCU Lead fac\Project with Judy for modifying PSY845 to ‘+
‘introduce SPSS\drinks database -revised for course applications DH.sav’
T-TEST PAIRS=States2008 WITH States2012 (PAIRED)
Notes |
Output Created |
07-JUN-2013 12:05:33 |
Comments |
Input |
C:\Users\donn\Documents\GCU Lead fac\Project with Judy for modifying PSY845 to introduce SPSS\drinks database -revised for course applications DH.sav |
Active Dataset |
DataSet1 |
File Label |
Filter |
Weight |
Split File |
N of Rows in Working Data File |
Missing Value Handling |
Definition of Missing |
User defined missing values are treated as missing. |
Cases Used |
Statistics for each analysis are based on the cases with no missing or out-of-range data for any variable in the analysis. |
Syntax |
Resources |
Processor Time |
00:00:00.00 |
Elapsed Time |
00:00:00.01 |
[DataSet1] C:\Users\donn\Documents\GCU Lead fac\Project with Judy for modifying PSY845 to introduce SPSS\drinks database -revised for course applications DH.sav
Paired Samples Statistics |
Mean |
Std. Deviation |
Std. Error Mean |
Pair 1 |
Total number of US states selling beer in 2008 |
16.2286 |
14.63494 |
2.47376 |
Total number of US states selling beer in 2012 |
21.2000 |
15.48965 |
2.61823 |
Paired Samples |
Correlation |
Sig. |
Total number of US states selling beer in 2008 & Total number of US states selling beer in 2012 |
.880 |
.000 |
Paired Samples Test |
Paired Differences |
95% Confidence Interval of the Difference |
Lower |
Total number of US states selling beer in 2008 – Total number of US states selling beer in 2012 |
-4.97143 |
7.43792 |
1.25724 |
-7.52644 |
Sig. (2-tailed) |
Upper |
-2.41641 |
-3.954 |
Review the SPSS output file which reports the results of the related samples t-test to compare the number of U.S. states where each brand was sold in 2008 with the number of U.S. states where those same brands were sold in 2012. For each brand, there is one value for the number of states in 2008 and another value for the number of states in 2012, making this a repeated measure. Answer the following questions based on your observations of the SPSS output file: (1) What was the mean number of U.S. states in which all of the beer brands were sold in in 2008? (2) What was the mean number of U.S. states in which all of the beer brands were sold in in 2012? (3) Was there a significant difference in the number of states in which these beer brands were sold in 2008 versus 2012? Report the results of the t-test as follows: t(df value) = ___, and p-value.