HLTH – 556 DB 2 – Urgently Required. 10-12 Hours. Need A + Work

Looking at Figure 3 – 1 “Stages of Health Care Market Power” in the McLaughlin & McLaughlin text, which box best suits your personal belief of the role of Government in healthcare markets and why do you believe we should remain or move to that form of healthcare system? Support your reasoning with research from your text and outside readings.

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Your thread is due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Wednesday of Module/Week 2, and your two replies are due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Friday of the same module/week.

Reading & Study

McLaughlin & McLaughlin: chs. 3–4


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Below are the specific requirements for each part of this assignment.


· Must be at least 400 words.

· A minimum of one source is required (course textbook may be used).

· Citations used should be formatted in APA.

· Should thoroughly address the topic prompt, using citations as appropriate.


· Must post at least two 200–250-word replies to your classmates per forum.

· Should expand upon ideas expressed in your classmates’ threads by adding new ideas to points that you agree with and/or explaining areas of disagreement.

· Should be posted intermittently throughout the forum.  Do not complete all of the replies at one time; instead, allow for conversation to develop by posting multiple times throughout the week.

· A minimum of one source per reply is required (course textbook may be used).

· Citations used should be formatted in APA.

I have attached the Discussion Rubic as to how the Main post and Responses would be Graded. Please follow every single Instruction. 

I will be attaching the main post of two students you need to respond to later or by tomorrow. Please send me the main post first and the responses when I upload the main post of two students.


Required Resources:

McLaughlin, C. P., & McLaughlin, C. D. (2015). Health policy analysis: An interdisciplinary approach (2nd ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett. ISBN: 9781284037777.

American Psychological Association. Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (Current ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

 Iverson, C, Christiansen, S, & Flanagin, A. AMA Manual of Style: A Guide for Authors and Editors Current ed. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.  

HLTH 556 Discussion Board Rubric

Advanced 92-100% (A) 

Proficient 84-91% (B) 

Developing 1-83% (< C)   Not present 



Levels of Achievement 

Content 70% 

Advanced 92-100% (A) 

Proficient 84-91% (B) 

Developing 1-83% (< C)  

Not present 

Demonstrates content mastery and a well-rounded understanding of the issue.


8 points


18- 16.5 points

All posts display clear content mastery, and relate precisely to the assigned topic.

16.49- 15.0 points

All posts are related to the assigned topic, but do not provide evidence of subject mastery.

14-1 points

Posts are loosely related to the assigned topic, and do not effectively contribute to the development of the discussion.

0 points 

Does not provide evidence of subject mastery. 

Articulates a clear position on the topic with academic support. 


8 points

18- 16.5 points

Posts are balanced in their approach to the topic, but provide evidence of a clear, well-researched position on the topic.

16.49- 15.0 points

Posts are mostly balanced, but do not provide evidence of a firm position derived from research or current literature.

14-1 points

Posts show a clear bias, or do not provide a discernable position on the issue. Evidence of research is not present.

0 points 

Does not display evidence of individual thought or topical research. 

  Contributes to the overall discussion through relevant, substantive posts.


17-15.5 points

Unique contributions are made to the discussion in both the original thread and two responses.  

15-14 points

Contributions are made through an initial thread and two responses, but are definitional in nature.  

13-1 points

Contributions made are minimal, and are derivative in nature.  

0 points 

Contributions to the discussion are nominal.


Structure 30% 

  Grammar and


8 points

8-7.4 points

Correct spelling and grammar used throughout essay. Posts contain fewer than 2 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.

7.3 – 6.7 points

Posts contain fewer than 5 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.

6.6-1 points

Posts contain fewer than 8 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.

0 points 

Posts contain greater than 8 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.


  APA Format


8 points

8-7.4 points

Minimal errors (1-2) noted in the interpretation or execution of proper APA format.

7.3 – 6.7 points

Few errors (3-4) noted in the interpretation or execution of proper APA format.

6.6-1 points

Numerous errors (5+) noted in the interpretation or execution of proper APA format.  

0 points 

Notable absences in required APA formatting.




6 points

6 points

Minimum word count of 400 words for the initial thread and 200 words for each response is met or exceeded. Initial post includes one unique, relevant scholarly reference  

5 points

Minimum word count for each post is within 10% of the requirement. References to outside sources are included, but do not provide unique insight to the overall discussion.

4-1 points

Minimum word count for each post is within 20% of the requirement. Sources referenced are not scholarly or relevant.

0 points 

Word count for each post is not within 20% of the requirement. No outside references are provided.

Discussion Post Two 

Healthcare has become an industry. Finding the best delivery system can be challenging. McLaughlin and McLaughlin lay out the five main avenues for delivering healthcare. The first is a monopoly in which the market is controlled by one provider. This option is now considered illegal, for obvious reasons. One source should not have all the power in the market, to control prices and options. When the government is involved in a monopolized method of healthcare distribution, then individuals would not have any input in insurance options.The second option is a monopsony, which occurs when a single, exclusive buyer controls the market. In this case the government would most likely be the exclusive, primary buyer which may not be the best option for an individual looking for proper heath care and health insurance. If the government is the primary, exclusive buyer, then it would have the most control in distributing healthcare, and determining the prices. 

Oligopolistic is the third option. Within this system, there are three or four healthcare providers which control state and local healthcare prices when a national market is not present.  On a national scale, oligopolistic distribution occurs in pharmacy benefits management and Medicare managed care. In the industrial sector, oligopolistic competition means that the providers only control around 40% of the market, because at least two other providers  are present (McLaughlin & McLaughlin, 2015). 

If this type of competition was implemented in healthcare distribution, then the government would be one of the main sellers. Granted, it would most likely be the primary one, but the other main buyers would also have some influence as other sellers.            

The fourth option mentioned is administered competition which consists of several buyers and one primary buyer (McLaughlin & McLaughlin, 2015). With this said, the primary buyer would most likely be a government creation. This would imply that the government would still have a great deal of control of healthcare distribution, maybe not directly but indirectly through this government created buyer. 

The final option is consumer-driven healthcare. In this free market approach, consumers determine the market. In this model, the government would not have much influence, but at the same time it may not be the most reliable option. The free market model relies on accurate information, numerous buyers and sellers means that there aren’t any set prices. At the same time, all products have substitutes and an individual can leave the market whenever one wants (McLaughlin & McLaughlin, 2015). 

With this said, the oligopolistic method of distribution would be the best option because the government would have competition as a buyer and as a provider. It would not have complete control. John Kirkwood points out that when there are multiple buyers, the prices can be bargained collectively, when these buyers fuse the lowest price can be found (Kirkwood, 2016).


Kirkwood, J.B. (2016). Buyer power and healthcare prices. 

Washington Law Review

 91(1), 253-293. Retrieved from: 



McLaughlin, C. P.; McLaughlin, M. J. (2015). Health Policy Analysis (Second ed.) Burlington, MA:  Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Liberty University


            When looking at my personal beliefs I find that the role of our Government that should remain in the healthcare arena is that of provider / insurer oligopoly. Throughout the years changes in healthcare have always been a topic that is considered very controversial. In more recent times the healthcare reform in 2012 known as the Affordable Care Act (ACA) also known as Obamacare, has allowed the ability for healthcare transformation. This transformation has afforded the ability of creation of an oligopoly. Oligopoly takes place when a small group of suppliers offer a service or product rather than a single supplier such as in a monopoly (McLaughlin & McLaughlin, 2015).  Rather than allowing provider monopolies causing serious inefficiency in allocation of resources for the patient creation of provider Oligopolies allow consumers to receive services that are more appropriate.  Of course with any businesses backed or supported by the government there may be some favoritism and thus suppliers may feel they can push limits to better their outcomes. However in an oligopoly prices should be more moderate or fair due to competition verses a monopolistic situation.

            I support the idea of oligopoly in healthcare because it allows individuals the opportunity to select from various suppliers as well as affords the opportunity for providers to choose who they deal with from an insurance perspective. With that being said of course nothing is perfect. Some say that allowing a few companies to control the market may cause an increase in premiums and decrease in services. However it seems that the additional potential suppliers are not willing or able to meet the demands and regulations set forth by healthcare reform and thus are or have removed themselves out of the insurance world. Larger established insurers have the means to operate and meet or exceed set standards placed upon them. Smaller companies therefore have a lower opportunity to offer a competitive product since the government applies rules and guidelines and because of their inability to meets those demands will exit the game. This very position of healthcare having a set number of options rather than many companies spanning from small to large corporations allows both hospitals and providers the opportunity to negate prices and ultimately places power in the hands of providers rather than the insurance companies.  “Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God”.

            Working for a large healthcare insurance company certainly plays a vast part on my perspective on this topic. I see where placing options in the hands of the consumer help regulate the business aspect. For example my company has lost members because they do not have contracts with certain providers. Members rather switch insurance companies than start over with another provider. Many patients find physicians and establish relationships, rather than seek another provider they prefer to switch insurances. If our system was built on a monopolistic ideology then providers and facilities would be at the mercy of the insurance company.



McLaughlin, C. P., & McLaughlin, C. D. (2015). Health policy analysis: An interdisciplinary


approach (2nd ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett.

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