You will perform research and write a 3–4 pages (750-1000 words) discussing checks and balances on the president’s military powers.
– Checks and Balances
- 3–4 page in which you explain an instance in which either Congress or the federal courts “checked” the power of the executive branch in a war or an armed military conflict. Describe the long-term impact that this use of power has had on U.S. national defense strategy and the role of the military in achieving the objectives of the government. Cite your sources (Chicago style).
-attach turn it in report
- C-SPAN, “Presidential War Powers,” YouTube video, 2:00, January 5, 2018,
- MSNBC, “Revisiting The Pentagon Papers 50 Years After Their Release | MSNBC,” YouTube video, 11:50, June 14, 2021,
- The University of Chicago, “Hamdan v. Rumsfeld and the Fight over Presidential Power,” YouTube video, 41:43, August 28, 2015,
- Insert footnotes
- Format: 12-point font, Times New Roman, and double-spaced.
- Have a dedicated introduction, conclusion, and references/citations as required.
- Be sure to follow Chicago Manual of Style 17th Edition for citations. For more information on Chicago Style, refer to the Marine Corps University’s Style Guide