History consists of humans who each have a unique combination of beliefs, assumptions, values, and biases. The stories we tell and the knowledge we create about the past cannot be separated from their authors. Thus, we should never accept a source at face value. But instead, we must be critical consumers of information. In this activity, you will analyze your primary sources for narratives and consider if any bias is represented.
Use the provided Module Four Activity Template: Bias in Primary Sources Word Document to complete this activity. First, you will locate an additional primary source related to your historical event. Next, you will answer questions about your event and the primary source you identified in a previous module. You will then consider whether there is evidence of bias in these sources.
Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:
Conduct source analysis on two primary sources relevant to your historical event.
You will respond to specific questions about each source in the activity template.
Analyze the primary sources relevant to your historical event for the presence of bias.
Compare how your historical event is represented in your primary sources.
Do the two sources tell the same story, or are contrasting perspectives represented? Provide evidence from your sources.
HIS 100 Module Four Activity Template: Bias in Primary Sources
Locate an additional primary source relevant to your historical event. Use it and the primary
source you identified in a previous module to answer the questions below. Replace the
bracketed text with your responses.
Source One
Conduct source analysis on a primary source relevant to your historical event.
Attempt to write the APA style citation for your first primary source and include a link to it. You
will not be penalized for incorrect format.
[Insert citation.]
Respond to the following questions:
Who authored or created the primary source?
o [Insert text.]
What was the author’s position in society at the time the primary source was created?
o [Insert text.]
When was the primary source created?
o [Insert text.]
Where was the primary source created, released, or publicized?
o [Insert text.]
Who was the intended audience for the primary source?
o [Insert text.]
Why was the primary source created?
o [Insert text.]
Whose perspective(s) is presented in the source?
o [Insert text.]
Source Two
Conduct a source analysis on a primary source relevant to your historical event.
Attempt to write the APA style citation for your second primary source and include a link to it.
You will not be penalized for incorrect format.
[Insert citation.]
Respond to the following questions:
Who authored or created the primary source?
o [Insert text.]
What was the author’s or creator’s position in society at the time the primary source was
o [Insert text.]
When was the primary source created?
o [Insert text.]
Where was the primary source created, released, or publicized?
o [Insert text.]
Who was the intended audience for the primary source?
o [Insert text.]
Why was the primary source created?
o [Insert text.]
Whose perspective(s) is presented in the source?
o [Insert text.]
Both Sources
Analyze the primary sources relevant to your historical event for the presence of bias.
[Insert text.]
Compare how your historical event is represented in your primary sources.
[Insert text.]
HIS 100 Module Three Activity Template: Revising Questions
Identify the topic you chose to explore:
The topic I chose is a creation of the United Nations.
Identify a historical perspective that could be applied to your historical event.
The United Nations was created after World War II as an international organization to
maintain world peace and security. It was formed as a result of the need for an international
response to the atrocities that took place during World War II, particularly in light of the
Holocaust and other mass killings. At the end of World War II, it was clear that there could no
longer be any tolerance for such crimes against humanity. The historical perspective is that it was
created after World War II and the Cold War.
The historical event that I am writing about is when the United States and its allies
defeated Germany, Italy and Japan in World War II. The allies had many differences between
them but they joined forces to defeat Hitler, Mussolini and Hirohito who were aligned with one
another. The reason why I chose this historical event is because it is important for me to
understand how different countries work together when there are conflicts between them. It’s also
important for me to learn about how different cultures interact with each other because I want to
be able to travel around the world someday soon and know what to expect from certain
Revise your research question based on evidence from your primary and secondary
I have decided to revise my research question to “How did the creation of the United
Nations affect international relations?”
The research I have done has helped me understand that the formation of the United
Nations was a very important event in history. It affected relations between countries and
promoted peace and security around the world.
The United Nations was created on October 24th, 1945 after World War II ended. The
purpose of this organization is to prevent another major world war from occurring again. The UN
has 193 member states, with one country as its head. Its headquarters are located in New York
City, USA.
The UN serves as an international forum for discussing international issues; promoting
friendly relations among nations; helping nations cooperate economically; working for
international peace and security; encouraging respect for human rights and fundamental
freedoms; protecting individuals in times of need; providing humanitarian aid during natural
disasters and armed conflicts; assisting underdeveloped countries with economic development
programs; and helping countries improve living conditions by meeting basic needs such as food
and shelter (United Nations).
Explain how historical perspective and evidence from sources influenced your finalized
research question.
My research question was influenced by the historical perspective and evidence from
sources. In the past century, there have been many events that have changed our world. One of
them was the creation of the United Nations. The UN was created in 1945 after World War II
ended. It was created to prevent any more wars like World War II from happening again. The
UN consists of 193 member states and it is an intergovernmental organization that promotes
international cooperation and has some limited powers to enforce its decisions. Since its creation,
it has helped many countries around the world solve their problems peacefully instead of going
to war with each other (Robinson, 2016). The UN has also helped millions of refugees all over
the world by providing them food, water, shelter and medical care until they can go back home
safely or find another place where they can live peacefully (UNHCR).
PROGRAM1. Horizons Series A, 22, 7-20.
Roberts, G. (2019). A League of Their Own: The Soviet Origins of the United Nations. Journal
of Contemporary History, 54(2), 303-327.