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Lesson 2: Revising and Editing

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Examination Number: 0504


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When you feel confident that you have mastered the material in Lesson 1~go to and submit your answers online. If you don’t
have access to the Internet, you can phone in or mail in your exam. Submit your

answers for this examination as soon as you complete it. Do not wait until

another examination is ready.

Questions 1-4: Read the following passage, and then choose the best answer for

each question.

(1)While most people think of space as the next frontier, there is another frontier closer

to home. (2) It is the underground frontier, and the pioneers probing it are amateur cave

explorers, or cavers. (3) Many of their discoveries come by accident, when they are

looking for one thing and find another. Just such an accident occurred recently when

cavers exploring a cavern in Croatia found the world’s deepest hole. (4)Its depth is

1,693 feet, which is 2


feet deeper than the previous record holder in Austria.

(5) , the Empire State Building is 1,454 feet high. (6) In fact, climbing the

Empire State Building would probably be just as difficult as descending into this

Croatian hole. (7)The Croatian discovery is not the deepest cave on Earth, however.

(8)According to cavers, a “hole” is a straight vertical drop that is too steep to walk down;

_____ a “cave” descends more gradually, without such a steep drop.

Which sentence is off the point of the paragraph?

Sentence 1





Sentence 2

Sentence 4

Sentence 6


2. Which transitional word or phrase inserted into Sentence 5 would aid coherence?

@ To put that measurement in perspective
B. Regardless

C. For your information

D. An important fact to keep in mind

3. Which sentence would provide the best support for Sentence 7?

@ It takes a special type of person, careful training, and superb equipment to go
down safely into an extremely deep hole.

B. Nobody earns a living at caving; all cavers support themselves with separate full-

time jobs.

C. The deepest cave is the 5, 130-foot-deep Krubera Cave in the Asian country

of Georgia.

D. Croatia is in southern central Europe, and its capital is Zagreb.

4. Which transitional word or phrase inserted into Sentence 8 would aid coherence?

A. And

B. Whereas


D. More to the point

Questions 5-8: Read the following passage, and then choose the best answer for

each question.

(1)Mosquitoes have always been an annoyance to humans. (2)However, with the

presence in the United States of West Nile virus and fierce Asian tiger mosquitoes, any

way of avoiding these pests has become increasingly important. (3) , many

homeowners may be interested to know about a recently patented birdbath that kills

mosquito eggs. (4)A birdbath is essentially a pool of standing water. (5) Mosquitoes have

in common with most insects the ability to lay many eggs at one time. (6)Operating on

batteries, solar power, or electricity, the birdbath is equipped with a small computer

chip. (7) , this chip instructs a pump to flush out the birdbath’s water.

(8)Then, the water is forced through a fine-mesh filter. (9)Any mosquito eggs in

the water are crushed as they go through the filter.

I~ \


,–….. 5.










Which sentence is off the point of the paragraph?
Sentence 2
Sentence 4

Sentence 5

Sentence 8

Which transitional word or phrase inserted into Sentence 3 would aid coherence?





Which transitional word or phrase inserted into Sentence 7 would aid coherence?

At the bottom

Every few days


On the other hand

Which sentence would provide the best support for Sentence 4?

Standing water is precisely where mosquitoes prefer to lay their eggs.

This is why birds find birdbaths to be nonthreatening and excellent sources

of water.

C. Although mosquitoes prefer mud puddles or water in ditches, they will use

birdbaths if no other water is available.

D. Birdbaths, however, come in all shapes, sizes, and colors.

Questions 9-10: Choose the least cliched, most appropriate figure of speech to fill

in the blank.

9. Many people thought women would die like if they were too

physically active.

A. a butterfly in a whirlwind

B. dogs in a fight

flies on flypaper

an old tree


10. During World War II, a women’s baseball league drew spectators like _

when a shortage of male players depleted men’s teams.

A. moths to a flame

~ a snake in the grass

C. bears to honey

D. bees to a field of poppies

Questions 11-23: Read each sentence or phrase. If its construction and word

usage is correct, choose “No change.” If there’s an error, choose the revision that

best represents the traits of good writing.

1l. Livingwith gusto. That’s what many people yearn for.

A. To live with gusto are what many citizens yearn for.

B. To live with gusto. That’s what many of us yearn to do.

C. Livingwith gusto is what many Americans yearn to do.


No change

12. I was sitting on a log bridge, while the sun sinks low

in the sky.

A. I was sitting on a rotting log bridge over Campbell’s Creek while the sun sinks low

in the western sky, almost gone from view.

~ As I was sitting on the rotten log bridge over Campbell’s Creek, the sun sank low

in the sky.

C. The sun sank low in the sky, when I sit on the rotten log bridge over the creek.

D. No change

13. The region has dry, sandy soil. Always blown about by the ever-present wind.

A. Dry, sandy soil. It is blown into strange formations by the ever-present wind.

B. The ever-present wind blows the region’s dry, sandy soil into strange formations.

C. The region has dry, sandy soil always being blown into strange formations by the

ever-present wind.® No change


14. The climbers had choices. To go over a cliffor to turn back. They decided

to try it.

~. The climbers had two choices: to go over a four-hundred-foot cliff or to turn back.

~ey decided to make the attempt.

B. The climbers had two choices. To go over a four-hundred-foot cliff or to turn

back. They decided to try it.

C. Presented with two choices, to go over a four-hundred-foot cliff or to turn back,

they tried it.

D. No change

15. E. B. White died in


85 even though his work continued to inspire readers.

Q Although E. B. White died in 1985, his work continues to inspire readers.
B. E. B. White died in 1985, and his work continued to inspire readers.

C. Until E. B. White died in 1985, his work continued to inspire readers.

D. No change

16. Juggling a portfolio, art box, illustration boards, and drawing pads, I asked Jane

Alooked ridiculous.

0) As I juggle a portfolio, art box, illustration boards, and drawing pads; I ask Jane

I looked ridiculous.

B. Because I can hardly balance a portfolio, art box, illustration boards, and

drawing pads I have looked ridiculous to Jane.

C. Carrying a portfolio, art box, illustration boards, and drawing pads, Jane told me

I looked ridiculous.
D. No change

17. Organized crime has been able to attract graduates just as big business has.


good pay and the best equipment money can buy.

A. Organized crime have been able to attract graduates just as big business has:

with good pay and the best equipment money can buy.

B. Just like big business, organized crime has been able to attract graduates with

good pay and the best equipment money can buy.

C. Organized crime had been able to attract graduates just as big business has with

good pay and the best equipment money can buy.C) No change


. Joan Didion investigated politics. Also extremely intriguing to the great writer has

been the exploration of human emotions.

A. Both politics and the exploration of human emotions have intrigued the great

writer Joan Didion.

B. Joan Didion has investigated politics, while exploring human emotions has also

extremely intrigued this great writer.

C. The great writer Joan Didion investigated politics. Exploring human emotions has

also intrigued the writer to a great extent.

@ No change
19. Weather reports often give both the air temperature and the

wind chill.

A. In weather reports both the air temperature and the wind chill are often gave.

B. In weather reports they often given both the air temperature and also the

wind chill.

C. Both the air temperature and the wind chill were often given in weather reports.

@ No change
20. Weaving around the barrels with speed and precision, the audience applauded

,~ very loudly.

A. As the racers wove around the barrels with speed and precision, the audience

erupted with loud applause.

B. Weaving around the barrels, the racers made the audience burst into loud

applause because of their speed and precision.

C5 The racers’ speed and precision in weaving around the barrels caused the
audience to applaud most loudly.

D. No change

21. The reason the experiment failed is because the lab equipment was very cruddy.

A. The reason the experiment failed is because of the fact that the lab equipment

was quite dirty.

B. The experiment failed because the lab equipment was dirty.

C. The experiment failed due to the fact of very dirty lab equipment.e No change


22. Every state in the United States names an officialbird, flower, and tree.o Every state in the United States names an officialbird, grows an official flower,
and is known for

an official tree.

B. Every state in the United States names an officialbird, an official flower, and has

an official tree.

C. The states in the United States each names an officialbird, identifies an official

flower, and picks an official tree.

D. No change

23. The Eastern hemlock is not only the state tree of Pennsylvania but also it is a


threatened with extinction.

A. The Eastern hemlock is not only the state tree of Pennsylvania but is a species

threatened with extinction.

B. The Eastern hemlock is both the state tree of Pennsylvania and also is a species

threatened with extinction.

{9l The Eastern hemlock is not only the state tree of Pennsylvania but also a species
threatened with extinction.





No change

Choose the sentence that’s most effectivelywritten.

Many Americans do not eat well but consume too much junk almost every day.

Many Americans regularly eat snacks loaded with fat,

calories, and salt.

Americans ingest too many snack foods with fat, calories, and salt every day

or so.

D. Many Americans pig out on junk food most every day even though it’s full of fat,

calories, and salt.

25. Choose the sentence that’s most effectivelywritten.

~ In a recent study of the American diet, the National Institutes of Health found

that almost half of home-cooked meals contained no


B. According to a recent 2008 study of the foods consumed by residents of the

United States, most of the meals prepared in the kitchens of America are vegetable-


C. According to the National Institutes of Health in their recent study of the

American diet, almost half of the home-cooked meals served in this country contains no


D. The National Institutes of Health recently said that a study showed many

American meals are missing the types of food that are good for them.

26. Choose the sentence that’s most effectivelywritten.

A. Harry Houdini, whose real name at birth was Ehrich Weiss, made the claim that

he had been born in Appleton, Wisconsin, but in actual fact he was born into the world

in Budapest, Hungary.

B. Even though Harry Houdini, whose real birth name was Ehrich Weiss, claimed

that he had been born in Appleton, WI, but he was born in Budapest, Hungary.

C. Harry Houdini, whose real name was Ehrich Weiss, claimed that he had been

born in Appleton, Wisconsin, but in fact he was born in Budapest, Hungary.

r:i) Although Harry Houdini claimed he was born in Appleton, Wisconsin, he was
born in Budapest, Hungary as Erich Weiss.

Questions 27-30: Select the correct classification for each sentence.

27. The screen door creaked and banged when Abby ran into the house.

@9 Complex, declarative
B. Simple, declarative

C. Compound, imperative

D. Complex, imperative

28. Should he admit his mistake, or should he keep quiet and hope to avoid


~. Simple, interrogative

B. Compound-complex, interrogative

C. Complex, interrogative

D. Compound, interrogative


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