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Plan and Design a Small System:

You will use the information learned throughout the course to identify and document a full information system for a small company. You will apply the basic steps of the
Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
to building the IT infrastructure for an electronic health care data system for an urgent health care facility* by addressing what actions are taken and what decisions are made in each phase. Some of the key technical issues to address include privacy, security, shared resources, data format, storage and common file format. The results should be presented in a 1800 to 2400 word paper (no more than 1.5 line spacing and no more than 12 point type) that details each step in the
SDLC with an emphasis on the technology outcome. Refer to the document “SDLC Module 2 from IFSM 201” in Course Content. Identify which SDLC version you will employ, use each of the SDLC phases to organize your paper, and clearly articulate the steps you used to:

1. Complete a preliminary investigation, requirements analysis, and system recommendation. Decide how the facility is physically laid out, the number of employees, their work role, and the type of system access each require.

2. Specify a detailed design based on your set of hardware and software requirements.

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3. Develop the system according to your design specification.

4. Outline how you would test the system, gain user acceptance, and maintain the system.

A preliminary draft will be due 3 weeks prior to the final plan.

In your submission, be sure to include all references using APA style (see the tutorial in the COURSE CONTENT menu) for your source information in a bibliography as well as when you cite them within the body of your paper. Be sure to check your work for spelling and grammatical errors
submission. Yes, spelling and grammar count. One of the goals of this project is to provide you with an opportunity to hone your writing skills.
Do not simply copy/paste information from the web – such submissions will not be accepted for credit.

Research projects should be original work for IFSM 310; therefore, you may not re-use of a paper written you’ve written for a different class.

Grading: This activity is awarded 20% of the total grade in the course. The total number of points for this activity will be set to 100. The weight in the grade book will be set to 5% for the draft and 15% for the final plan. The elements are assessed as follows:


Draft Value

Final Plan

Preliminary investigation

3.75 points

11.25 points

Requirements identification and analysis

3.75 points

11.25 points

System design

3.75 points

11.25 points

System implementation

3.75 points

11.25 points

System test plan

2.5 points

7.5 points

Assignment Management

1.25 points

3.75 points

Organization and Structure

3.75 points

11.25 points

Readability, Style, Mechanics

2.5 points

7.5 points


25 points

75 points

* (Note that your design must comply with Congressional regulations. Since 1996, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) details patient privacy and regulations for health care-related businesses. In addition to HIPAA, there were two acts passed by Congress in 2009 that specifically garnered support for migrating to electronic medical records (EMRs). The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act is specifically geared at providing financial incentives to health care organizations that migrate towards EMRs, with the intention of eventually replacing the incentives with penalties if providers do not institute electronic record keeping. The second is the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act (ARRA), which institutes funding for comparative effectiveness research (CER). Analysis and aggregation of anonymized patient data in regards to conditions, treatment and progress can provide an invaluable source of CER to physicians and healthcare organizations in the treatment of patients.)

SDLC Phases

Key Activities

Initiation phase

· Develop business case
· Identify project sponsor
· Appoint project manager
· Develop concept proposal
· Review and approve concept proposal

System concept-development phase

· Analyze business need
· Form project team
· Plan project
· Develop project-acquisition strategy
· Identify and analyze risks
· Obtain funding and resources
· Document phase efforts
· Review and approve phase documents

Planning phase

· Refine acquisition strategy
· Analyze project schedule
· Document internal processes
· Establish agreements with stakeholders
· Develop project-management plan
· Review and approve project-management plan

Requirements-analysis phase

· Define functional requirements
· Define technical requirements
· Conduct reviews and approve requirements

Design phase

· Design system
· Design business processes
· Outline operations and maintenance manuals
· Outline deployment plan
· Conduct design reviews
· Approve system design

Development phase

· Refine and complete software requirements
· Refine and complete software design
· Acquire and install hardware
· Code and test software
· Conduct hardware- and software-qualification testing
· Install software
· Test system qualification
· Complete plans and support documentation
· Test and review documentation
· Develop deployment plan
· Obtain approval and acceptance of all development documentation

Integration-and-test phase

· Conduct subsystem/system testing
· Conduct security testing
· Conduct user-acceptance testing
· Review and finalize development-phase documentation
· Obtain user acceptance

Implementation phase

· Communicate deployment plan
· Execute training plan
· Perform data entry, migration, and conversion
· Install new system
· Perform postimplementation evaluation
· Obtain approval to operate the system

Operations-and-maintenance phase

· Transition project to operations
· Operate system
· Perform data and software administration
· Perform system and software maintenance
· Identify problems, recommend modifications, and update the system
· Monitor organizational changes, recommend modifications, and update the system

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