Your business has decided to computerize. Your job is to design the database for your company. Decide on all the information that you will need by:
1. Designing the reports that each department will need
2. Determining the tables that need to be created and related to create the reports
3. Deciding which department will be responsible for the data for each table
Name of your company and what it does: (Rush, Clothing Boutique)
Number of the people who work for your company what their positions are, and where they are located. (5 workers)(one manager, one supervisor, and three workers)(you can choose any name, and information of the workers)
What reports you will need and what they look like ( You have to use access, and excel) ( make a payroll sheet)(inventory, and Work schedule)
What tables you will need, their design, and how they are related
Which department will input which data
Be very specific
Due for Monday April 8, 2013.