Healthcare Management Practices


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Assignment Details

Capstone Project

For this course project, you will select a hypothetical hospital that is failing in your area. You will prepare a report on how you will examine the challenges faced by the hospital and recommend ways to turn the hospital around to make it successful.

You will proceed with the project as guided and provide vital information from your research and real-life experience to fill in gaps where necessary. By the end of the first week, you should submit a complete outline and topic for the project.

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You have recently graduated from AIU with a bachelor’s degree in healthcare management (BHCM). After going to a job fair, a medium-sized hospital group has called you back to look over its systems. Your first job is to do a complete analysis of the systems.

For the Unit 1 Capstone Project, address the following in your analysis:

  1. Executive summary

    Nature of healthcare delivery in the United States
    Brief statement on challenges facing healthcare organizations and the need to alleviate them
    Brief statement on recommendations and conclusion

  2. Challenges facing hospitals

    Rising cost of care
    Staff shortages
    Poor patient outcomes
    Poor public perceptions
    Managerial issues
    Bad debts

  3. Managerial perspectives


Submission Details

  • Research and present a detailed outline on these items.
  • Your work should consist of a 3-page report with at least 5 references cited in APA style.

Submitting your assignment in APA format means, at a minimum, that you will need the following:

  • Title page: Remember the running head. The title should be in all capitals.
  • Length: 3 pages minimum
  • Body: This begins on the page following the title page and must be double-spaced (be careful not to triple- or quadruple-space between paragraphs). The typeface should be 12-pt. Times Roman or 12-pt. Courier in regular black type. Do not use color, bold type, or italics, except as required for APA-level headings and references. The deliverable length of the body of your paper for this assignment is 3 pages. In-body academic citations to support your decisions and analysis are required. A variety of academic sources is encouraged.
  • Reference page: References that align with your in-body academic sources are listed on the final page of your paper. The references must be in APA format using appropriate spacing, hanging indent, italics, and uppercase and lowercase usage as appropriate for the type of resource used. Remember, the Reference page is not a bibliography but a further listing of the abbreviated in-body citations used in the paper. Every referenced item must have a corresponding in-body citation


Healthcare Management Practices

Your Name Here

American Intercontinental University


Healthcare Management Practices

Executive Summary

This is an overview of all areas of the final capstone project. You can write it as a start to this part of the report and update it as you go, or you can write it for the final document. Attending or watching the Live Chat session on Saturday at 12:00pm CDT will help you with writing this section.

Challenges Facing Hospitals

In this section I will outline each of the required challenges: Rising cost of care, cybersecurity, staff shortages, poor patient outcomes, poor public perceptions, managerial issues, bad debts, and regulations. NOTE: If the paragraph is in italics it is just for information and should be removed when completing your paper.
You should not replace the paragraph, just delete it and go to the next section.

Rising Cost of Care

Here is where I would put information on this topic. I could do a separate subheading for each challenge or combine some topics. For example; the rising cost of care and how it relates to bad debt.

Managerial Perspectives

This section would be used to explain classical, behavioral, and scientific managerial perspectives. Using examples would help me to explain each.
NOTE: If the paragraph is in italics it is just for information and should be removed when completing your paper. You should not replace the paragraph, just delete it and go to the next section.

Organizational Performance

This section will be used to analyze the organization’s performance overall as it relates to economics and operations. This section should be one to two paragraphs.



Bachelor of Health Care Management Capstone Project

Your Name Here

American Intercontinental University


Bachelor of Health Care Management Capstone Project

Executive Summary

Executive summary here.

Challenges Facing Hospitals

In this section I will outline each of the required challenges: Rising cost of care, cybersecurity, staff shortages, poor patient outcomes, poor public perceptions, managerial issues, bad debts, and regulations. NOTE: If the paragraph is in italics it is just for information and should be removed when completing your paper. You should not replace the paragraph, just delete it and go to the next section.

Rising Cost of Care

Here is where I would put information on this topic. I could do a separate subheading for each challenge. Each should have at least one scholarly reference.

Managerial Perspectives

This section would be used to explain classical, behavioral, and scientific managerial perspectives. Using examples would help me to explain each.
NOTE: If the paragraph is in italics it is just for information and should be removed when completing your paper. You should not replace the paragraph, just delete it and go to the next section.

Organizational Performance

This section will be used to analyze the organization’s performance overall as it relates to economics and operations. This section should be one to two paragraphs.

Measurement of Organizational Performance

Organizational Economic Performance

Economic performance is measured in financial areas such as profit, loss, and market value. This section would explain those areas briefly and then show where the hospital you are reporting on is in relation to these. You will have to make this up.

Organizational Operations Performance

Operations performance focuses on data such as customer satisfaction and loyalty, social capital, and competitive edge. This section would explain those areas briefly and then show where the hospital you are reporting on is in relation to these. You will have to make this up.

Comparing Performance Across Similar Organizations

Human Capital

This section will focus on the skills, knowledge, and individuals in terms of value to the organization. As an example, think of providers such as physicians, nurses, and technicians. Also think of the non-clinical staff such as engineers, billing, records, IT, and others. You will need to make this up.

Market Orientation

This refers to the information collected from the market the hospital is in and how it shares it with those who need to make decisions. Think of standards, regulations, changes in billing and payment. You will need to make this up.

Team Collaboration and Its Benefits

This section focuses on the benefits of teamwork, which is vital to operations in healthcare. You should choose at least four benefits and write about each.

Service and Practice Management

This section will discuss appropriate business strategies for the hospital you have chosen. Of the options listed in the presentation for this IP, you should choose at least five. Then write about them and how they will help the hospital you have chosen to write about. NOTE: If the paragraph is in italics it is just for information and should be removed when completing your paper. You should not replace the paragraph, just delete it and go to the next section.

Managerial Practices

 In this section I would choose three or four practices to research and explain: effective communication, work delegation, accountability, team collaboration, proper scheduling, in-service training, and mentoring. Each should have a level 3 APA heading. I have given suggestions under each in this template. You are not required to write about all of them.

Effective Communication

For this practice you can write about the need for effective communication in patient care as well as everyday operations. Think about things like supply chain or facility environmental services.

Work Delegation

It is not possible to have one person or even one department responsible for all aspects of hospital operations. Delegation of work is necessary to ensure all areas are covered. You could describe the program you would put in place and what you would expect from those you delegate this to.


How does the hospital ensure that rules, standards, laws, and regulations are followed? You may want to discuss policies and procedures that you would enact for a compliance department.

Team Collaboration

Without teams and departments working together, hospital operations will fail. In this section you could write about the expectations you would have for team collaboration.

Proper Scheduling

There are laws and standards that require specific scheduling, in all areas of hospital operations. For example, there is a need for a building engineer to be on site around the clock for monitoring and emergency response. There are also standards of care that must be met when providing patient care, such as the nurse-to-patient ratio. You could describe the program you would put in place and what you would expect from those you delegate this process to.

In-Service Training

In-service and staff competencies are necessary to ensure the hospital meets required compliance standards, laws, and regulations. This can also be a part of requirements from insurance companies, licensing agencies, and collective bargaining agreements for unions. You could describe the program you would put in place and what you would expect from those you delegate this process to.


What type of mentor would you be? What type of mentors would you expect your leadership team to be? You could describe the program you would put in place and what you would expect from your own mentoring as well as your leaders.

Managerial Decision-Making Process

This section should outline the seven steps of the managerial decision-making process. You could describe the program you would put in place and what you would expect from those you delegate this process to.

Information Technology

Patient information must be protected, and the use of the electronic health record (EHR) has been very useful in the sharing of patient information among stakeholders. Policies and procedures should be in place to access and share patient information, some of which include the following: password access, information sharing for meaningful use, and allowing only authorized users. You could describe the program you would put in place and what you would expect from those you delegate this process to. Remember that technology enhances communication among providers, vendors, and stakeholders.

Areas of Deficiency: Planning Measurement and Evaluation

Pick three topics to write about. You will need to make up the deficiency situation. Use level two APA headings.
NOTE: If the paragraph is in italics it is just for information and should be removed when completing your paper. You should not replace the paragraph, just delete it and go to the next section.

Lack of Managerial and Staff Accountability

Lack of Risk and Crisis Planning

Lack of Risk Officer

Medical Errors

Poor Patient Outcomes

Poor Quality Care

Untrained Staff

Lack of Staff Credentialing

Regulatory Noncompliance

Ineffective Managerial Leadership

Risk Mitigation Strategies

You should write about each of the risk mitigation strategies; Avoid, transfer, accept, limit control. This section should be two to three paragraphs.

Risk and Crisis Planning

You should write about each of the risk and crisis planning process steps; identify potential loss exposures, analyze risk, evaluate and rank risk, treat the risk, monitor and review, proceed to plan. This section should be four to five paragraphs.

Crisis Management Plan

Operation Plan

Use this section to explain the cyclic process of crisis management: identify riks, assess risk, make decisions, putting risk controls in place, supervising, resulting in avoidance, acceptance and mitigation of risk. This section should be three to four paragraphs.

Evaluation Plan

Use this section to describe the parts of the evaluation plan: problem analysis, matching outcomes to objectives, evaluate effectiveness of activities, evaluate hospital environment for plan implementation, make changes as needed, review changes to activities.

Legal and Regulatory Policies

Regulatory Compliance

Chose three regulations or laws that the hospital must follow. For example HIPAA, EMTALA. There are also OSHA, EPA, and others as examples. Explain the laws and

what the consequence for noncompliance would be.

Politics that Drive Health Policy

Explain how politics and political advocacy drives health policy and guides the operations of all healthcare. For example, Medicare and Medicaid participation requirements can be influenced by advocacy organizations.

Quality of Care

Explain how quality is enforced for the safety of those served as well as the general population.

Conclusion and Recommendation

Use this section to make recommendations for improvements. For example; apply appropriate leadership styles, develop and implement risk and crisis management plan and manager, effectively train staff, effectively use technology, comply with laws and regulations, have effective leadership, hold all staff accountable, performance evaluations for staff and programs, evidence-based decision making, communicate expectations and standards for operations


Us this section for your references. You should have at least 15 references. Be sure to properly format.

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