Healthcare Management

I am looking someone that knows healthcare management. I am willing to pay someone to do class work. I have attached the syllabus for someone that is sharp and guarantee an A grade in this course. I am willing to pay $320.00 for the whole course and will pay each week after the module has been complete and graded.

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Saint Leo University
Graduate Business Studies

HCM 550
Health Care Management

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Course Description:
In this course, students will study the critical elements of contemporary health care management
beginning with strategic planning, marketing, and information systems. The course will also examine
other aspects of management as they relate to health care quality improvement methods and allied health
professions such as:

 human resource management for health care

 communication management for health care

 process improvement techniques related to health care practice behavior in various

Prerequisite: HCM 520

Burns, L. R., Bradley, E. H., & Weiner, B. J. (2012). Shortell and Kaluzny’s health care management:
Organization design & behavior (6th ed.). Clifton Park, NY: Delmar Cengage Learning.
ISBN-13: 978-1-4354-8818-2

Course Objectives:

Upon course completion, students will be able to:

 Apply and evaluate foundational health services management principles

 Analyze the roles of leaders and managers in influencing organizational culture,
performance, and change

 Examine critical health industry changes and challenges facing health care managers;
advocate for recommended improvement and reform

 Integrate information from various sources to make decision or recommendations

 Demonstrate the Saint Leo University core values of community and excellence

Core Values:
Community: Saint Leo University develops hospitable Christian learning communities everywhere we
serve. We foster a spirit of belonging, unity, and interdependence based on mutual trust and respect to
create socially responsible environments that challenge all of us to listen, to learn, to change, and to

Excellence: Saint Leo University is an educational enterprise. All of us, individually and collectively, work
hard to ensure that our students develop the character, learn the skills, and assimilate the knowledge
essential to become morally responsible leaders. The success of our University depends upon a
conscientious commitment to our mission, vision, and goals.


 Discussion Topics: 8 @ 10 points = 80 points, 20%

 Written Assignments: 7 @ 20 points = 140 points, 35%

 Midterm Exam: 60 points, 15%

 Term Project: 120 points, 30%

Course total = 400 points, 100%


Grading Scale:

Minimum points needed for grades:
A = 95-100%
A- = 90-94%
B+ = 86-89%
B = 83-85%
B- = 80-82%
C = 75-79%
F = Below 75%

Attendance Policy:
Students are expected to view the course modules in the week they are offered, and to log onto the
course often enough to remain abreast of any communications from the instructor. It is the student’s
responsibility to be aware of what is happening in the class online.

Late Policy:
All work must be submitted on time. Exceptions must be documented and acceptance is at the discretion
of the faculty member.

Students with Disabilities:
Saint Leo University is committed to a policy which provides an equal opportunity for full participation of
all qualified individuals with disabilities in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Appropriate
academic accommodations and services are coordinated through the Office of Disability Services.
Students with disabilities who require accommodation should contact the office as soon as possible via
email: or telephone: (352) 588-8464. For additional information, students may
access the Policy and Procedure Manual through the Saint Leo website.

Academic Honor Code:
The Academic Honor Code is published in its entirety in the Saint Leo University Catalog. The first
paragraph is quoted below:

Saint Leo University holds all students to the highest standards of honesty and personal integrity in
every phase of their academic life. All students have a responsibility to uphold the Academic Honor
Code by refraining from any form of academic misconduct, presenting only work that is genuinely
their own, and reporting any observed instance of academic dishonesty to a faculty member.

It is the responsibility of every member of the faculty and student body to cooperate in supporting the
Honor Code. Academic misconduct includes but is not limited to the following categories:


 Providing or receiving academic work to or from another student without the permission of the

 Buying or selling academic work.

 Violating test conditions.

 Forging academic documents.

 Copying computer programs.


 Stealing and passing off the ideas and words of another as one’s own or using the work of
another without crediting the source whether that source is authored by a professional or a

 Submitting an article or quoted material from a periodical or the internet as one’s own.

 Retyping or re-titling another student’s paper and handing it in as one’s own.

 Intentionally or unintentionally failing to cite a source.



 Helping another student commit an act of academic dishonesty.


 Resubmitting previous work, in whole or in part, for a current assignment without the written
consent of the current instructor(s).

 Having another student complete one’s own assignments, quizzes, or exams.

 Lying to a professor.

 Fabricating a source.

Please refer to the Saint Leo University Academic Catalog for more information on the Honor Code and
procedures for adjudication.

Protection of the Academic Environment:
Disruption of academic process is the act or words of a student in a classroom or online environment
which in the reasonable estimation of a faculty member (a) directs attention away from the academic
matters at hand, such as distractions, persistent, disrespectful or abusive interruptions of academic
discussions, or (b) presents a danger to the health, safety or well-being of the faculty member or
students. Education is a cooperative endeavor, one that takes place within a context of basic
interpersonal respect. We must therefore make the learning environment conducive to the purpose for
which we are here. Disruption, intentional and unintentional, is an obstacle to that aim. We can all aid in
creating the proper environment, in small ways and in more fundamental ways. So, when we speak in
class, we can disagree without attacking each other and no one speaks in a manner or of off-topic
content that disrupts the class. Any violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action. Please refer to
the Student Handbook for further details.

Cannon Memorial Library Resources for Online Learning Courses:

Cannon Memorial Library
Librarians are available during reference hours to assist you. To contact the librarian on duty, please call
1.800.359.5945 or email

Reference Hours**
Monday to Thursday 9 AM—10 PM
Friday 9 AM—5 PM
Saturday/Sunday 10 AM—6 PM

**Subject to change. Click the Ask a Librarian link on the Cannon Memorial Library homepage for
current information.

Web Address (URL)

Online Catalog (All Books, eBooks, and Media)
SLU students, faculty and staff may borrow books from Cannon Memorial Library through the online
catalog. Use the Library Catalog link under Find Info on the library’s homepage to access the catalog.
Books you can check-out have Location=Cannon Library, Second Floor and Status=Available. Use the
Interlibrary Loan link under Services on the library’s homepage to place your request.

Online Library Resources (Articles and eBooks)
Saint Leo provides an array of online article databases and eBook collections that support your classes.
Use the Databases link under Find Info on the Cannon Memorial Library homepage to access the online

CQ Researcher………………..…..….. (In-depth topical analysis by Congressional Quarterly)
Dissertations and Theses……..…..…. (A database of published Dissertations and Theses, including

those from Saint Leo University)


EBSCO ………………………………… (Comprehensive all-subject database, includes Business Source
Premier, Academic Source Premier, ERIC, ATLA)
Literature Resource Center……..……. (Comprehensive source for literary topics, includes Twayne

Newsbank: America’s Newspapers…. (625 U.S. newspapers)
ProQuest……………………………….. (Comprehensive all-subject database, includes ABI/Inform Global)
PsycINFO………………………………. (APA abstracts and indexing for psychology subjects)
Westlaw………………………………… (Comprehensive legal resource)
Wilson…………………………………… (Includes Education, Science, Humanities, & Business indexes)

Supplemental Library Resources
Saint Leo encourages students to obtain a public library borrowing card at their earliest convenience.
Many state libraries grant public library cardholders free remote access to multiple online databases
containing full-text articles. For further information, contact your local public library. To find updated links
to all state libraries, as well as public libraries, law libraries, and college libraries in your area, go to

Library Tutorial
The University strongly encourages all students to review the instructional tools. These tools can be
accessed by clicking the links under Get Help. By learning to become more proficient researchers,
students will also enhance their academic success. Please review the Library Tutorial by clicking the link
under Get Help on the library’s homepage and complete the online test which will prepare you for utilizing
the library’s resources and services. A score of 70 or higher is necessary to pass. Please allow yourself
15-20 minutes to take the test.

Additional Assistance:
MBA program questions/concerns should be addressed to Technical questions
concerning the course should be addressed to the eCollege Help Desk by clicking the Tech Support
button in the upper right corner of the Course Home page.



Course Schedule:

Module 1 Health Care Leadership and Management

Objectives At the conclusion of this module, students will be able to:

 Apply and evaluate foundational health services management principles
 Analyze the roles of leaders and managers in influencing organizational

culture, performance, and change


Items to be Completed: Due No Later Than:

Post introduction to the class Thursday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

Read Chapters 1 and 2 in your textbook

Post your initial response to the discussion topic Thursday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

Post responses to at least two of your classmates

Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

Submit your Written Assignment Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

Begin research for your Term Project

Module 2 Organization Design and Motivation

Objectives At the conclusion of this module, students will be able to:

 Apply and evaluate foundational health services management principles
 Examine critical health industry changes and challenges facing health care

managers; advocate for recommended improvement and reform
 Integrate information from various sources to make decisions or



Items to be Completed: Due No Later Than:

Read Chapters 3 and 4 in your textbook

Post your initial response to the discussion topic Thursday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

Post responses to at least two of your classmates Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

Submit your Written Assignment Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

Continue working on your Term Project


Module 3 Work Teams and Communication

Objectives At the conclusion of this module, students will be able to:

 Apply and evaluate foundational health services management principles
 Analyze the roles of leaders and managers in influencing organizational

culture, performance, and change
 Demonstrate the Saint Leo University core value of community

Items to be Completed: Due No Later Than:

Read Chapters 5 and 6 in your textbook

Post your initial response to the discussion topic Thursday 11:59 PM EST/EDT
Post responses to at least two of your classmates Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT
Submit your Written Assignment Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

Submit Module 1-3 Term Project components for
feedback and suggestions

Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT
Continue working on your Term Project

Module 4 Power, Politics, and Conflict Management

Objectives At the conclusion of this module, students will be able to:

 Apply and evaluate foundational health services management principles
 Analyze the roles of leaders and managers in influencing organizational

culture, performance, and change
 Integrate information from various sources to make decisions or


Items to be Completed: Due No Later Than:

Read Chapter 7 in your textbook

Post your initial response to the discussion topic Thursday 11:59 PM EST/EDT
Post responses to at least two of your classmates Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

Complete the Midterm Exam Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

Continue working on your Term Project


Module 5 Complexity, Innovation, and Quality Improvement

Objectives At the conclusion of this module, students will be able to:

 Analyze the roles of leaders and managers in influencing organizational
culture, performance, and change

 Examine critical health industry changes and challenges facing health care
managers; advocate for recommended improvement and reform

 Integrate information from various sources to make decisions or

 Demonstrate the Saint Leo University core value of



Items to be Completed: Due No Later Than:

Read Chapters 8 and 9 in your textbook

Post your initial response to the discussion topic Thursday 11:59 PM EST/EDT
Post responses to at least two of your classmates Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT
Submit your Written Assignment Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT
Continue working on your Term Project

Module 6 Strategic Management

Objectives At the conclusion of this module, students will be able to:

 Apply and evaluate foundational health services management principles
 Analyze the roles of leaders and managers in influencing organizational

culture, performance, and change
 Examine critical health industry changes and challenges facing health care

managers; advocate for recommended improvement and reform
 Demonstrate the Saint Leo University core value of community

Items to be Completed: Due No Later Than:

Read Chapters 10 and 11 in your textbook

Post your initial response to the discussion topic Thursday 11:59 PM EST/EDT
Post responses to at least two of your classmates Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT
Submit your Written Assignment Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT
Continue working on your Term Project


Module 7 Health Policy and Health Information Systems

Objectives At the conclusion of this module, students will be able to:

 Apply and evaluate foundational health services management principles
 Analyze the roles of leaders and managers in influencing organizational
culture, performance, and change
 Examine critical health industry changes and challenges facing health care
managers; advocate for recommended improvement and reform
 Integrate information from various sources to make decisions or

Items to be Completed: Due No Later Than:

Read Chapters 12 and 13 in your textbook

Post your initial response to the discussion topic Thursday 11:59 PM EST/EDT
Post responses to at least two of your classmates Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT
Submit your Written Assignment Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT
Continue working on your Term Project

Module 8 Consumerism, Ethics, and Globalization

Objectives At the conclusion of this module, students will be able to:

 Apply and evaluate foundational health services management principles
 Analyze the roles of leaders and managers in influencing organizational
culture, performance, and change
 Examine critical health industry changes and challenges facing health care
managers; advocate for recommended improvement and reform
 Integrate information from various sources to make decisions or

 Demonstrate the Saint Leo University core values of community and


Items to be Completed: Due No Later Than:

Read Chapters 14 and 15 in your textbook

Post your initial response to the discussion topic Thursday 11:59 PM EST/EDT
Post responses to at least two of your classmates Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT
Submit your Written Assignment Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

Submit your Term Project Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

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