Health Project Lecture

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Health Project (100 points)

(Example Below)

On the same word document you are to type 10 full paragraphs. Do not copy and paste

any of your work. Do not use any previous submitted work. Send (upload) the entire

completed project (all 10 paragraphs on the same document) by selecting “Project” and

then select “View/Complete”. From there you will select “browse” and find your

document on your computer. Check the box to agree to submit to the Global Reference

Database and then select “submit.” In less than 10 seconds a green banner on the top

should appear which will state if you were successful or not. If you were not successful it

is usually the document is in the wrong format or the site is busy.

Later on you can return to this same area and see the analysis. Do your own work! Make

it interesting for me to read. Use proper respectful language and try and avoid slang.

Use your spell and grammar check-please! Make sure I feel like you did not fake it or do

it all the night before it was due and that you watched/listened to the entire assignment!

You can send this assignment in a few weeks early but not late. Get started early.

Paragraphs should be font size 12 single space. Skip a line between paragraphs. USE

THE FORMAT GIVEN IN THE EXAMPLE BELOW! Each paragraph is worth 10


When you submit your work online the document must end with ( ), ( x), (.rtf),

( ), (.htm), (.html) for Safe Assign to accept it. If you do not understand what this

means ask anyone who is somewhat computer literate. (Hint: if you email the document

to yourself and see that it has one of the endings as noted above-you are good to go!)

You can always get help by going to the school library computer rooms.

Paragraph 1: Go to and select the drop down menu “Books & Videos”

and then select “Here Be Dragons Video & DVD”. The 41 minute video appears so

select play, watch and take notes. Make sure you note all the “red flags” to be aware of

when using critical thinking (red herring, confirmation bias, anyone?). Type a full

paragraph regarding this video.

Paragraph 2: From the class web site select “Videos” on the left. Select an “inFact”

video that is also done by Brian Dunning from skeptoid. (Such as inFact:Nuclear Energy

or inFact:Vaccine Ingredients) Write a full paragraph and pretend I have never seen the

video. Put your personality into your writing and make sure you keep it PG (so my

mother could read it). Tell me about many of the points made in the video and give me

your logical opinion. (Feeling statements are interesting but like testimonials is no proof

at all)

Paragraph 3: From the class web site select “Videos” on the left. Select a Stossel video

that is done by John Stossel. (Such as exposing Kevin Trudeau or Media Scares) Write a

full paragraph and pretend I have never seen the video. Put your personality into your

writing and make sure you keep it PG (so my mother could read it). Tell me about many

of the points made in the video

and give me your logical opinion.

Paragraph 4: The same as before select another Stossel video. From the class web site

select “Videos” on the left. Select a Stossel video that is done by John Stossel. (Such as

exposing Kevin Trudeau or Media Scares) Write a full paragraph and pretend I have

never seen the video. Put your personality into your writing and make sure you keep it

PG (so my mother could read it). Tell me about many of the points made in the video

and give me your logical opinion.

Paragraph 5: From the class web site select “Videos” on the left. Select a video that is

not done by either Skeptoid/Dunning or Stossel. (Examples would be Body Worlds: The

Plastination Process or both My Strange Addiction videos which count as one) Write a

full paragraph and pretend I have never seen the video. Put your personality into your

writing and make sure you keep it PG (so my mother could read it). Tell me about many

of the points made in the video and give me your logical opinion.

Paragraph 6: The same as before select another video. From the class web site select

“Videos” on the left. Select a video that is not done by either Skeptoid/Dunning or

Stossel. (Examples would be Body Worlds: The Plastination Process or both My Strange

Addiction videos which count as one) Write a full paragraph and pretend I have never

seen the video. Put your personality into your writing and make sure you keep it PG (so

my mother could read it). Tell me about many of the points made in the video and give

me your logical opinion.

Paragraph 7: Go back to and on the top left side select the tab

“About Skeptoid” and then select “episode guide”. Choose one that you think relates to

health. You can listen and or read the episodes. The 99 cents is only a request if you

want to donate which I suggest you do not donate. Write a full paragraph regarding the

episode. Tell me about the episode and your thoughts. Make me believe you listened to

or read the entire episode (I have). No copy and pasting ever!

Paragraph 8: Go to This excellent web site by Dr. Barrett

exposes many of the hucksters and cites all sources. (Skeptoid above is more of a teaser)

Scroll down the page and on the left look at the black type headings. After “About

Quackwatch” and “About Dr. Barrett” and “Publications for Sale” and “General

Observations” select a “Questionable Products, Services, and Theories” topic. They are

in blue type. (Examples “Algae Products: False claims and Hype” or “Reiki.” Write a

full paragraph on one of these in the usual format and investigate one of the sources he


Paragraph 9: Go to either of these reputable health websites or and I suggest looking up a medical procedure or condition and

report. Report on what you found and why. Do you think the information is reputable

and helpful? Again write a full paragraph in the usual format. Please note just because

an advertisement is on a reputable web site does not mean that web site endorses it!

Paragraph 10: Have you ever heard of a health story or any other rumor on the internet?

Many are false. Go to to find out the truth. Pick one that is somewhat

plausible-there are thousands! Choose one that relates to health. Everybody should

have “snopes” bookmarked on their computer! Confront the “know-it all” and the

“goody-two-shoes” who send out this garbage! Note: anybody reporting on the urban

legend that “Mickey” did not die from eating “pop rocks and soda” will be whipped with

a wet noodle. Try and choose one that you or someone you knew thought was true. Yes,

“Snopes” has its bias as we all do but overall this is a great source.


Example of Assignment that you will turn in to Safe/Assign:

Make sure the document is in the correct format. Spell and grammar check is a must.

Skip a line between paragraphs. The name of the video should be clearly stated and the

date you watched it should be put in parenthesis!

Fred Fibernugget

Class T/Th 2:00

Spring 2013

Title (interesting title is a must)

1. Video “Here Be Dragons” by Brian Dunning (3/1/11) when I first watched this
video I was expecting to see dragons. Silly me as this was obviously a metaphor.

There are so many things that advertisers try and sell that are not true. I have

fallen for more than a few. Mr. Dunning then explains how we can be duped.

The one I especially have to keep my guard up is “confirmation bias” which is . . .

2. Video “InFact: Nuclear Energy” by Brian Dunning (3/3/11) when I was in my
junior year of high school I had a very good instructor who pretty much

convinced the entire class that nuclear power is the evil of all evils. I held that

believe throughout my college years. I think the video dispels many of those

fears. After the Japan Tsunami the media portrayed the nuclear power plant

destruction as Armageddon . . .

3. Video “John Stossel Exposes Liar Kevin Trudeau” (3/6/11) I have never seen
such a crook! I am amazed how this man has not been put in prison! I played this

video to a couple of my friends who thought Trudeau is very clever. Personally I

think the word is “ruthless” as he takes money from ill-informed and many times

desperate people . . .

4. Video Stossel (Title of Video) (date you watched it) same format as above.

5. Video “Body Worlds: The Plastination Process” (3/10/11) Incredible! I had to
find more so I went to the web site. It is showing in Las Vegas in the next few

months and I am going to go. This video showed the process of Plastination

which is not only educational but is art . . .

6. Video “My Strange Addiction Part 1 and 2” (3/15/11) (choose another video by
neither Skeptoid or Stossel) How crazy does it get. I guess Americans have it so

good that we worry about the wrong things. How can these people be addicted to

tanning and weight lifting? It made me wonder . . .

7. Internet “Student Questions: Energy Shots and Sunscreen
(skeptoid #268)” (3/22/11) the mail sure is lively for Mr. Dunning! I had to laugh

at all the students who take their “energy shots” before . . .

8. Internet “Ear Candling” (4/1/11) I just had a friend explain
to me how this detoxified them and their headache went away. Unbelievable . . .

9. Internet “Vasectomy” (4/10/11) my husband is
considering getting a vasectomy. This web site explained much more than the

brief explanation given in class. There is even a video giving a demonstration of

the procedure. I thought . . .

10. Internet “Benzene Warning” (4/15/11) I had no idea what to
select so I went to the “Hot 25” selection at the top of the page and selected #9.

Here we go again another cancer scare! The scare goes like this . . .

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