Health Care Roles in Communication


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Final Project: Health Care Roles in Communication Knowing how to communicate in all health care roles is important. There are many areas of health care, so a diverse understanding of each will not only help you as a health care employee, but will also help the patients you meet. Being aware of the different communication roles may also help guide your decision in choosing your particular health care career. *Resources: Appendix A *Due Date: Day 7 [Individual] forum *Choose one of the scenarios presented in Appendix A and examine the role of communication for each relevant key player listed in Appendix A. Describe the perspectives of each player and an appropriate solution to the scenario. *Write a 2,100- to 2,800-word paper in APA format containing the following: 1). Introduction 2). Overview of chosen scenario 3). Discussion of each key player’s perspective in accordance with your chosen scenario 4). Discussion of communication implications 5). Overview of an appropriate resolution 6). Conclusion *Use and cite a minimum of three outside sources. *Post your paper as a Microsoft Word attachment.

Axia College Material

Appendix A

Final Project Overview and Timeline

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Final Project Overview

For this project, you will choose one scenario from the list of three located at the end of Appendix A. Each scenario describes patients you might come in contact with when working in the health care field. You will examine the role of communication for each key player. The paper will include a description of the scenario, an analysis of each key player’s perspective and role in communicating within the chosen patient scenario, communication implications, and methods for resolving the chosen patient scenario. You will be introduced to these concepts and terms throughout the course; your readings and activities will help prepare you to design your paper.

For your final project, you will write a 2,100- to 2,800-word paper that covers the following elements:

1. Introduction

2. Description of the chosen patient scenario: Summarize the patient scenario you chose, considering the following questions.

· What major components of health communication are present, if any?

· Is promotion of collaborative communication (verbally, nonverbally, environmentally) immediately recognizable?

3. Key Player Perspectives: Describe the perspective of each key player for your chosen scenario. Note: Some scenarios may not involve all the key players listed below.

· Patient: Provide the perspective of the patient. How does patient socialization and characteristics affect his or her perspective? Consider the patient’s illness and personal identity. Is the patient of a marginalized population? If so, how can this impact the patient’s perspective?

· Caregiver: Provide the perspective of the nurse or physician. How might the socialization process, physician-centered communication attributes, stress, burn-out, etc., impact his or her perspective?

· Family or friend: How does the family member or friend perceive the situation? What does his or her attitude or behavior exhibit? How would the relationship to the patient impact perspective?

· Medical assistant: How does the medical assistant perceive the situation? What does his or her attitude or behavior exhibit? How would his or her job description impact his or her perspective?

4. Communication implications: What factors might contribute to poor communication? How might key players’ differing perspectives impact communication and compliance? You may want to consider the following in your response:

· Biomedical and biopsychosocial perspectives

· Patient and caregiver roles

· Cultural views

· Over- or under-supporting strategies

· Boundaries of job parameters

5. Communication resolution: Discuss tips or techniques that each key player should exhibit or utilize to promote open communication and collaboration. Also, consider changes the organization may implement to address the communication issues involved. You may want to consider the following in your response:

· Health communication technologies

· Tone of voice, body language and gestures, and facial expressions

· Medical reform efforts

· Factors that promote effective teamwork

· Social support groups and strategies

· Environmental restructuring tips

· Organizational culture improvements

6. Conclusion

Your paper must be written in APA format and posted as a Microsoft® Word attachment. You must use and cite at least three sources for your paper.

Final Project Timeline

You should budget your time wisely and work on your project throughout the course. If you complete your course activities and use the feedback provided by the instructor, you will be on the right track to successfully complete your project.

· Suggested in Week One: Read the final project overview, timeline, and scenarios in Appendix A.

· Suggested in Week Three: Complete the assignment on the socialization process of caregivers. Review the caregiver perspectives considering the biomedical and biopsychosocial models, physician-centered attributes, and the socialization process.

· Suggested in Week Five: Complete the CheckPoint and Assignment on diversity and communicating within marginalized populations. Review potential barriers in health communication caused by factors that influence patient communication and compliance, caregiver and patient perspectives, and different marginalized populations.

· Suggested in Week Seven: Complete the CheckPoint and Assignment on patient and caregiver roles and cultural views and the implications for health. Review patient, caregiver, and family and friends’ roles and perspectives in communication and support. Review the Marginalized Patient Populations lecture on other medical roles in communication and patient health.

· Suggested in Week Eight: Review the scenarios and choose the one you will examine for your final project. Begin organizing information on the topics and key players you can discuss in your paper.

· Due in Week Nine: Submit your final project.

Final Project Scenarios

Scenario #1—Lena

Lena is from Southeast Asia, and although Lena has lived in the United States for approximately 10 years, she has been raised according to the cultural traditions of her native land. After Lena suddenly fainted in class, she awoke to find herself in the emergency room with her best friend Susie sitting by her side. Lena was upset that she was at the hospital and yelled at Susie for bringing her there, exclaiming, “I’m not weak! I can get better on my own! You know this, Susie!” As she began to get out of bed, Susie notified a medical assistant, who came in and restrained Lena, saying, “Listen girl, I don’t have time to deal with this today! You need to stay here, you are sick!” Immediately after, the doctor interrupted the assistant, instructing her to leave the room. As the doctor calmly tried to explain to Lena her condition, she just sat there with a blank look on her face. She was perspiring heavily and did not acknowledge any of the doctor’s questions. Finally, the doctor said, “Fine, you are not going to respond? I have many other patients to attend to who actually want to get better,” and left the room.

Scenario #2—Vivian

Vivian has been having abdominal pains for the past week. Now that she has started her new job and received her new health insurance, she is finally able to schedule an appointment with a doctor. As Vivian arrives in the waiting area of the new doctor’s office, she notices the simple interior design: gray walls, black chairs, and two notes on the walls stating, “Turn off cell phones” and “Have co-pay ready.” She signs in at the front desk and hopes to talk to someone about the urgency of her pain. As she begins to speak, however, the assistant interrupts her, instructing her to take a seat, then quickly calls a waiting patient up to the desk. Vivian sits down and tries to suffer through the pain quietly. When Vivian is finally called back to the examining room, the doctor walks in and begins talking as if he were in a race. “Hi, Vivian. I’m Doctor Walls. I’m just going to listen to your breathing.” He tells her every step he is taking during her examination, then asks her the following questions: “When did you start feeling the pain?” “How often do you get the pains?” “Does any other part of your body hurt?” Vivian responds to his questions and watches as he quickly writes notes in her medical file. He prescribes pain medication, stipulates that she may have an ulcer, and instructs her to set up another appointment for an ultrasound. “Do you have any questions?” he asks as he is about to walk out the door. A bit overwhelmed, she replies, “No, I guess that’s it.”

Scenario #3—The Johnsons

Office billing receives notes written by the doctors and translates them into codes for billing health insurance. Routinely, Dr. Chan and Dr. Idea send in illegible notes that result in both Medicare and private insurance denying patient claims. As a result, the office bills the patients directly. This seems to be happening quite often, and irate patients are calling the billing office to complain. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson have called three times because they continue to be billed incorrectly, so they decide to meet with someone face-to-face to get results. The first person they come in contact with is Rose, a medical assistant tending to the front desk. Rose is aware of their problem, and in an attempt to explain the situation to the Johnsons, she tells them that it’s hard for billing to read the doctors’ handwriting, and when questioned about an illegible note, the doctors act as though they are “above” everyone else and disregard any inquiries. Rose also assures the Johnsons that this problem was brought up to the medical director, who is also unsupportive. Rose apologizes and assures the Johnsons that she will do everything she can to fix their billing issue. A few days later, the Johnsons request that their medical records be transferred to a different medical facility.

HCA 230

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