This video is based on a realistic but fictitious arbitration hearing involving a Nurse (Kevin) who received a disciplinary suspension as a penalty for alleged insubordinate behavior. You will observe the arbitration hearing and listen to the witnesses testimony. Your assignment is to take over the role of the neutral, third party arbitrator, decide how to rule on the case and to write the arbitration award.
This link
will provide you with a word-by-word transcript of the hearing from the video. You may want to refer to it when composing your paper.
There should be four sections to your paper:
I. The issue:
In very simple terms (one or two sentences), what is the question before the arbitrator? You will hear the parties agree on this at the beginning of the arbitration hearing.
II. The positions of the parties:
Management’s position: Main bullet points
The Union’s position: Main bullet points
III. Discussion and the arbitrator’s opinion:
Go through each of the points above (in part II) for union and management and discuss your opinion on each point and summarize. This should be the lengthiest section of your paper.
IV. The arbitrator’s award:
A short statement (one or two sentences) awarding the case in favor of either the union or management or some combination of the two.
There are three possible outcomes from which you need to decide: