All code is done but need a graphical user interface for input and output
Programming Assignment Details – 201910.16586 IT-106-201…
Begin: Practice quiz for Exam 1- Requires Respondus LockDown ……
Based on your problem-solving expertise, you have been hired to work in the department’s main office,
helping direct students who need advising help. One of your first tasks is to help the advisors by creating
an application that can tell the advisor if a student who is not yet in the IT major if the student is eligible
to declare the IT major. Some students who declare the IT major will be eligible to apply for a
declaration scholarship. A maximum of 52 new students will be allowed to declare the IT major, based
on their cumulative GPA and whether or not the student has passed IT 106 with a grade of “C” or higher.
Any student who has not completed IT 106 with a grade of “C” or higher or has not obtained a
cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 may not declare the IT major. Students who do meet these criteria will be
allowed to declare the IT major. For students who are eligible to declare, students that have achieved a
cumulative GPA of at least 3.8 will earn a $4,920 scholarship award. Students that have achieved a
cumulative GPA of at least 3.5, but less than 3.8 will earn a $550 scholarship award. Any cumulative
GPAs less than 3.5 will not be eligible for a scholarship award.
Your goal is to create an application to allow a department advisor to continually input student data
until the advisor has reached the maximum number of students allowed to declare the IT major or the
advisor has indicated they are finished entering student data. One by one, the application will enable
the advisor to input a student’s name, his/her cumulative GPA and whether or not the student has
completed IT 106 with a grade of “C” or higher. Based on data provided, the application must print well-
formatted detail stating whether or not the student is permitted to declare the IT major. For students
eligible to declare the IT major, the application must also print the amount of the scholarship to be
awarded to the student. Upon completion of entering all student data, the application will print a well-
formatted report that includes the total number of students entered by the advisor, a count of students
that may declare the IT major, and the average scholarship award earned by students that may declare
the IT major.