Graphic design homework

I need to write a paper for introducing the designer, and I choose the Max Bill who is an artist, designer, and painter were born in Swiss.I just upload all requirement on the file so you can check it.

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Who will become the winner of the most innovative designer in history for 2018? Each
student must select two people from our required textbook, the first one should be your top
choice and then a back up in case there’s a duplicate. Select based upon who you feel could
win the most innovative designer in history contest.
Here’s the breakdown and due dates:

Class 3: two required names from the book are due. You will be giving me your top name
first. It’s first come, first serve. If you person has been selected, use your back-up name.

Class 5: A one page persuasive essay and a highlights page are due about your designer.
Highlight page: Create a one-page “highlight” sheet listing the innovative acts performed
by the designer. What is meant by a one-page highlight sheet? Think one page with six or
seven bullet points only listing the innovations created in his/her lifetime. Nothing mundane
or boring such as “Frank Lloyd Wright was an architect; he was born in Wisconsin, etc.”
NO!!! This is a one-page highlight sheet of the designer’s innovative works. We will be
voting in round one based upon the highlight sheets. Here’s an example: If the designer was
Francois-Ambroise Didot, one bullet point might be: The Didot point system of 72 points to
the French inch became the standard unit of type measurement which is what we use today
as an inch standard for typesetting and signage.

Class 6, 7, 8: Round 1 voting begins. Your highlight sheet will be used to help MAKE
decisions on the vote. Those who win the vote move on to the next bracket. Those who are
eliminated will be turning in assignments to me. You each will have two minutes, if needed,
to speak. Do not read from the highlights sheet. The voters will have this in their hands.

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Class 18, 19: Round 2 voting begins. In order to avoid the exact same arguments used
in the first round students are to create and design a symbol/image to represent their
designer. The symbol can be any image or visual representation of innovation as it relates
to that particular designer. For example, a student draws a pentagram at different depths
and with different shapes representing Michael Beruit from Pentagram—a design studio
for which he was a founding partner and has work spanning 50 years in all industries. Be
creative. The image/symbol is not to be accompanied by any words. Make the symbol/im-
age powerful/dramatic in order to get the votes. Students will have the opportunity to stand
up for a couple of minutes and formally share their rationale for the symbol they selected.
Those whose designer is no longer in the running, you will be turning in your symbol/image
to me. The image/symbol is not be a collage of their work. Be creative.

Class 24: Round 3 voting begins. Use any visual, audio, kinesthetic (2-5 minute video/
You-Tube clips, etc.) that may help your designer advance to the next round. This is the last
argument to get in the finals. The information you present can have a tremendous impact on
any given designer moving on (especially this late) in the tournament. Please make sure you
have excellent material to have incredible impact on late round match-ups! Those student’s
whose designer is no longer in the running, you will be turning in your information to me.

Date Assigned: Class 1


Total Days to Work on Project: SEVERAL

Class 28: Final round of voting! THE FINAL TWO. Complete the following
statement: _______________ must win the 2018 Most Innovated Design
tournament because…

This is the last moment for you to put everything you have learned into
your own words and make a final impassioned plea for their designer. Any
student who wishes to read his/her statement/paper to the class may do so.
Once everyone has had the chance to defend his or her papers, there will
be an open forum for one final debate. Once the debate comes to a logical
conclusion, we will prepare for the final vote.

What is a persuasive essay?
Persuasive writing utilizes logic and reason to show that one idea is more
legitimate than another idea. It attempts to persuade a reader to adopt a
certain point of view or to take a particular action. The argument must al-
ways use sound reasoning and solid evidence by stating facts, giving logical
reasons, using examples, and quoting experts.

When planning a persuasive essay, follow these steps:
1. Know the purpose of your essay. To prove your designer is the most in-

2. Analyze your audience. Your audience is neutral, or disagrees with your

position. You have to convince them otherwise.
3. Research your topic. A persuasive essay must provide specific and con-

vincing evidence. It is necessary to go beyond your own knowledge and
experience. You will need to go to the library or interview people who are
experts on your topic. Be well informed about your topic. To add to your
knowledge of a topic, read thoroughly about it, using legitimate sources.
Take notes.

4. Structure your essay. Decide what evidence you will include and in what
order you will present the evidence. Remember to consider your purpose,
your audience, and you topic. Support your position with evidence.
Remember that your evidence must appeal to reason.

5. Remember that if you don’t provide evidence, your argument won’t be as

6. Start with a clear topic sentence that introduces the main point of your
paragraph. Make your evidence clear and precise. Use facts as your
evidence. Consider how your body paragraphs flow together.

7. Go to the writing center. Have them document you were there.

Paper mandatories:
Must use times new roman, 10 point type, single spaced, 1 page minimum
to persuade. Name and class at the top. Biblio’s on the last page.


Grading Opportunities A B C D F
Organization The introduction is inviting, states

the goal or thesis, and provides an
overview of the issue. Information
is presented in a logical order and
maintains the interest of the
audience. The conclusion strongly
states a personal opinion.

The introduction includes the goal
or thesis and provides an overview
of the issue. Information is pre-
sented in a logical order but does
not always maintain the interest of
the audience. A conclusion states
a personal opinion.

The introduction includes the main
goal or thesis. Most information is
presented in a logical order. A con-
clusion is included, but it does not
clearly state a personal opinion.

There is no clear introduc-
tion, structure, or conclu-

No evidence.

Goal or Thesis There is one goal or thesis that
strongly and clearly states a
personal opinion and identifies
the issue.

There is one goal or thesis that
states a personal opinion and
identifies the issue.

A personal opinion is not clearly
stated. There is little reference to
the issue.

The personal opinion is not
easily understood. There is
little or no reference to the

No evidence.

Reasons and Support Three or more excellent reasons
are stated with good support. It
is evident that a lot of thought
and research was put into this

Three or more reasons are stated,
but the arguments are somewhat
weak in places.

Two reasons are made but with
weak arguments.

Arguments are weak or
missing. Less than two
reasons are made.

No evidence.

Attention to Audience Argument demonstrates a clear
understanding of the potential
audience and anticipates counter-

Argument demonstrates a clear
understanding of the potential

Argument demonstrates some
understanding of the potential

Argument does not seem
to target any particular

No evidence.

Grammar, Mechanics, &

There are no errors in grammar,
mechanics, and/or spelling.

There are few errors in grammar,
mechanics, and/or spelling, but
they do not interfere with under-

There are several errors in gram-
mar, mechanics, and/or spelling.

There are numerous errors
in grammar, mechanics,
and/or spelling.

No evidence.

Highlights Sheet Has all the required elements of 6+
bullet points of their most innova-
tive designer.

No evidence.


Grading Opportunities 5 Points 0 Points
Design Creative concept which dem-

onstrates the strength of the

Concept isn’t well thought out and
only reuses the original work(s) of
the designer instead of creating
a new symbol/image from their
work. Or is missing.

Reasoning Reasoning clearly demonstrates
the choices made for the new

No clear reasoning or it wasn’t

Or is missing.


Grading Opportunities 5 Points 0 Points
Time The information presented was in

the allotted time and was useful.

Reasoning Reasoning clearly demonstrates
the selection.

No clear reasoning or it wasn’t

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