Grantham University Anticipatory Management Control & Ability Questions

For this Application is to compute the summary statistics for a data set provided. Use SPSS to calculate the summary statistics, including the mean, median, mode, range, quartiles, interquartile range, semi-interquartile range, and the standard deviation.

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A worksheet is provided for this assignment (attached), in the form of a Microsoft Word document. Download the Assignment Worksheet and paste your output—the summary statistics you calculated—at the end of the document. Then, based on your output, answer the questions on the worksheet, typing your answers directly into the document.


In your assignment you will include 2-3 tables. Table 1 must contain the descriptive statistics for the total dataset for the following variables: AGE, CHNG_CHOL, HDL, GLYHB. Table 2 will contain descriptive statistics for the same variables, but will be split into two sub-parts: Group 1 and Group 2. Alternatively you may present descriptive statistics for Group 1 and Group 2 in separate tables for a total of 3 tables:

Table 1:a. Descriptive statistics for AGE using the entire datasetb. Descriptive statistics for CHNG_CHOL using the entire datasetc. Descriptive statistics for HDL using the entire datasetd. Descriptive statistics for GLYHB using the entire dataset

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Table 2 (you may also choose to provide two separate tables for Group 1 and Group 2):e. Descriptive statistics for AGE separated by Group 1 and Group 2f. Descriptive statistics for CHNG_CHOL separated by Group 1 and Group 2g. Descriptive statistics for HDL separated by Group 1 and Group 2h. Descriptive statistics for GLYHB separated by Group 1 and Group

When you calculate descriptive statistics for the entire, dataset, go to the “descriptives” function under the “analyze” menu at the top of your SPSS screen.

Next, below is a video on how to produce a table of descriptive statistics for the entire dataset:

Below is another example of a descriptive statistics table. Be sure to double check that your columns include Mean, Median, Standard Deviation, and Range.

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