Government Interpertation


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Interpretation Response 


OCTOBER 5, 2017

The Partisan Divide on Political Values Grows Even Wider (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

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Module 1 also introduces us to the concept of politics and government and we are encouraged to consider the many ways our lives intersect with politics and government.  Political science helps us ask important questions and offers different approaches to answering them. Political ideologies inform us of the many ways in which the roles of government and politics can be imagined. This first Interpretation assignment asks you to examine the responses to a recent poll of public opinion about the widening split in the political views of Americans.

Your task is to spend some time observing the data reported in the poll results and to interpret what this data means. Think about the results as they related to the information you have learned in Module 1. There is no right or wrong answer, per se. Rather, I am looking to assess your ability to make sense of data that relates to our course of student.

Your Interpretation posting must be composed of a minimum of 150 relevant, responsive, and complete words in order to receive full points. Your Interpretation response can earn up to 5 points. You will use your own voice and write in your own words. No quotes, paraphrases, or plagiarism allowed. Points will be deducted if instructions are not followed. 

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