Gomal University Javascript Programming Code


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Aretaileroffersarewards program to its customers, awarding points based on each recorded purchase.

A customer receives 2 points for every dollar spent over $100 in each transaction, plus 1 point for every dollar spent over $50 in each transaction

(e.g. a $120 purchase = 2x$20 + 1x$50 = 90 points).

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Given a record of every transaction during a three month period, calculate the reward points earned for each customer per month and total.

Make up a data set to best demonstrate your solution

Check solution into GitHub


Stick to ReactJS and Javascript for developing the solution – avoid additional frameworks and Typescript.

Follow the Principal of Class Component or Functional Component (On the basis of Need)

Use State Full mechanism for data binding

Data Fetching and Insertion should use Async call

Clear and Concise , Readable code

No hardcoded / magic numbers. Use constant definitions/dynamic props

Async call should be used for data access.

Create Class based components./ use React components to generate the UI elements

UI needs to be reasonably OK. Not expecting a fancy UI.

Binary Files should not be checked [shouldn’t be any for JS , but yes no class files. As a standard rule any artifact that can be built should not be version controlled in github

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