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Pampers and Huggies: Brand Extensions 4


Pampers and Huggies:

Brand Extensions

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Kelsey Student

Global Brand Marketing

Pampers and Huggies: Brand Extensions

Huggies and Pampers are the two largest competing brands in the diaper market. Other brands consist of Luvs, store brands, Seventh Generation, gDiapers, cloth diapers, and others. Consumer opinions and preferences vary amongst the many brands, but the majority of opinions and preferences are between the largest competitors Huggies and Pampers. During a recent survey (

Appendix A

) of ten consumers, some consumers believe Huggies are better, while others favor Pampers. The differences in opinions and preferences are similar between the two brands that dominate the market. Therefore, these two master brands hold many expansion opportunities within product categories for babies.

Huggies a product of Kimberly-Clark has a well-recognized name amongst consumers. When consumers hear the name Huggies, the majority thinks wipes along with diapers and quality. A couple of consumers even think fashionable when he/she hears the name Huggies due to its Jeans Diapers. Consumers believe Huggies prevents leaks and absorbs well if one has a boy versus a girl. In addition, three out of ten consumers believe friends would approve of him/her using Huggies, as friends perceive Huggies as a premium brand. Consumers hold some of these same beliefs with the Pampers brand.

Pampers are a product of Proctor and Gamble, which is also a well-recognized brand name amongst consumers. When consumers hear the name Pampers, the majority thinks diapers along with wipes and quality. Seven out of the ten consumers perceive Pampers to be the market leader. Stating he/she tried Huggies but felt it did not absorb as well as Pampers nor was it as innovative. For example, one consumer commented on how the Pampers Swaddlers contain a little notch at the top to go around the umbilical cord, which is fantastic and prevents parents from having to roll the top of the diaper down to keep it away from the belly button on newborns.

However, many consumers stated the brand of choice depends on if a parent has a boy or a girl. For example, a consumer with a boy preferred Huggies whereas consumers with a girl preferred Pampers some said the opposite, which means it depends on each individual parent’s preference. Regardless of boy or girl after reviewing the results, it appears the majority of consumers think wipes upon hearing Huggies and diapers upon hearing Pampers. There are additional differences.

For example, the majority perceive Pampers to be the market leader and hold more quality over Huggies. The reason for Pampers to be the market leader as previously mentioned is its ability to absorb better while preventing leaks. This difference is important as it assists in preventing diaper rash and clothes changes due to leaks, which are important to consumers. However, Huggies is more fashionable and produces better wipes. This is important as being able to clean the bottom of a baby also assists in the prevention of rashes. Moreover, a higher quality wipe means consumers will use less wipes per package, making each package last longer. This philosophy is the same with diapers, a diaper that absorbs better while preventing leaks means diapers can last longer. It appears consumers prefer Pampers when it comes to diapers and Huggies when it comes to wipes, but when it comes to extending the brand names into other categories, consumers remained equal with both names and category extensions.

Consumers remained in agreement that neither Pampers nor Huggies should extend itself into furniture (1 rating across the board), strollers (2 rating across the board), or baby monitors (3 rating by 9 out of 10 consumers polled). None of the consumers polled could see Huggies or Pampers releasing furniture, strollers, or baby monitors as it would be weird. For example, some consumers said Pampers and Huggies are diapers and wipes not furniture and that he/she would not buy it if these companies were to release a line of furniture, because it would probably not be of good quality. Consumers remained in agreement that he/she could see Huggies or Pampers extending its names into potty chairs/training seats and diaper bags along with shampoo/body wash/lotion. For example, consumers believed potty chairs/training seats would go well with the brand names, as it is the next step after diapers. Other consumers felt shampoo/body wash/lotion would make sense as wipes are used for cleaning so why not introduce additional hygiene products.

Considering the amount of competition between Huggies and Pampers and consumers beliefs that one is better than the other depending on the gender and some thinking wipes upon hearing Huggies and diapers upon hearing Pampers both brands should consider line extensions.

Huggies and Pampers should explore a line of potty chairs/training seats and shampoo/body wash/lotion as consumers according to the survey (Appendix A) could see these brand names on such product lines. These line extensions would be natural since products such as potty chairs/training seats and shampoo/body wash/lotion are similar to diapers and wipes as each assists with hygiene. Huggies and Pampers should avoid furniture, strollers, and baby monitors as consumers favored those the least. Lastly, upon considering expansion both brands should seek quality and innovation, as consumers perceive these items in addition to diapers and wipes among other items.

Appendix A

Huggies and Pampers

Brand Extension Survey

What do you think when you hear the name Huggies? (Pick only 3)





Market Leader

Socially Responsible
Social Approval



What do you think when you hear the name Pampers? (Pick only 3)




Market Leader
Socially Responsible
Social Approval


On a scale of 0 (definitely would not expect Huggies to sell it) to 10 (definitely would expect Huggies to sell it) rank the proposed extensions for Huggies: Use each number only once

Scale Rating

Proposed Extension


Shampoo/Body Wash/Lotion






Bath Toys/Tubs


Teething Rings


Baby Monitors


Potty Chairs/Training Seats


Diaper Bags





On a scale of 0 (definitely would not expect Pampers to sell it) to 10 (definitely would expect Pampers to sell it) rank the proposed extensions for Pampers: Use each number only once

Scale Rating

Proposed Extension

Shampoo/Body Wash/Lotion



Bath Toys/Tubs

Teething Rings

Baby Monitors

Potty Chairs/Training Seats

Diaper Bags




Global Brand Marketing

Kathie Krawczyk

Spring 2011 Session

Global Brand Marketing | Introduction 2


The purpose of this report is to compare two competing brands that do

not have other brand extensions. For this report, Cascade and Electrasol are

the chosen competing brands. This report contains findings and analysis

from a consumer poll regarding the brand value and other products

customers would purchase.

Consumer Poll Results

10 consumers were polled regarding Cascade and Electrasol

dishwasher soap. All of the results can be found on Appendix A. 9 of the 10

consumers that were polled used Cascade versus Electrasol which is line with

the market share. However, the brand selected was not as important as the

possible product extensions that customers would like to see developed and

to see if the brand name would be relevant to the purchase of these product


The majority of those polled listed dishwashing liquid soap and laundry

detergent as their choice of other products made under either the Cascade

or Electrasol brand name. Also popular were multi-purpose cleaner and

window cleaner. With the success of each brand in the dishwasher

detergent category, these brand extensions make sense. The majority of

those polled also indicated that they believe the same quality of the new

Global Brand Marketing | Product Extensions 3

products would exist as with the original dishwasher detergent product and

they would recommend the product to the friends and family.

Product Extensions

All of the product extension suggestions remained in the household

cleanser category. Both Cascade and Electrasol have built good brand value

and brand recognition in offering a high quality product, in this case, that

cleans and sanitizes dishes in the dishwasher. With this kind of brand

recognition, it makes sense that loyal customers would also purchase other

products made by the same brand. The consumers that were polled seem to

believe that other kitchen cleaners should be developed and if developed,

they would purchase them because of the brand name. There were only two

product extensions mentioned that were outside the kitchen but still in the

cleaner category. Those were grill cleaner and bathroom cleaner.

So the question is why hasn’t Cascade or Electrasol made any other

products other than a dishwasher detergent? Taking a closer look at all of

the brands offered by each parent brand may help answer this question.

Proctor and Gamble distributes Cascade and Reckitt Benckiser distributes

Electrasol. Both parent brands offer many other household products

especially in the cleanser category.

Since Cascade was the most popular, Proctor and Gamble’s individual

brands will be analyzed. The majority of those polled stated that they would

Global Brand Marketing | Product Extensions 4

like to see a dishwashing liquid soap or laundry detergent made under the

Cascade brand. However, Proctor and Gamble already distributes those

types of products; Dawn and Joy dishwashing soaps and Tide, Bold, Ariel,

Cheer, Dreft, Era and Gain laundry detergents (Brands). Almost all of the

Proctor and Gamble’s brand extensions are individual brands – brands that

only offer one product or a version of product. For example, Tide is offered

in various scents, consistencies, and package sizes but they are all still

laundry detergents. Positioning Cascade as a family brand would be

contrary to their current business model. Another disadvantage of

producing a product extension is sales cannibalization between the brands

already in those categories.

The possible brand extensions that would be the most successful, in

my opinion, would be a product for cleaning and sanitizing dishwashers and

a specialty brand for cleaning outdoor grills. Currently, Proctor and Gamble

does not have any other brands for these two products eliminating the

effects of cannibalizing sales. The dishwasher cleanser and sanitizer would

tie closely to the existing product and customers would believe that this

product would be as good as the original. The grill cleaner maybe more of

stretch for the brand but if positioned as part of a trusted brand family like

Cascade, customers would make the connection because both are cleaning


Global Brand Marketing |


Brands. (n.d.). Retrieved May 13, 2011, from Proctor and Gamble:

Appendix A


Do you currently use one of the

following dishwasher soaps?

Cascade: 8 – yes,

1 sometimes Electrasol: 1 – yes

What other products under the Cascade

or Electrasol brand name would you like

to see offered?

Why would you purchase othe products

made by Cascade or Electrasol. Circle all

that apply:

A. I believe the same quality

would exist in the new products

as the original 6

B. I like to buy brands I trust 5

C. These products are always

priced better than others 1

D. I only buy the cheapest or

brands that are on sale. 4

E. I would not buy any other

products made by Cascade or

Electrasol. 0

Would you recommend either Cascade

or Electrasol brand products to your

friends and family? 5-yes, 1-no, 4-maybe

Window cleaner, degreaser, dishwashing liquid soap,

multi-purpose cleaner, grill cleaner, kichen cleaner,

laundry detergent, spot remover, hand cleaner,

Cascade vs Electrasol Consumer Poll

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