Glasgow Caledonian University Engaging Employees in the Change Process Discussion

If an organization is not prepared for change, then any change initiative is likely to fail. Therefore, to increase the probability of a successful change initiative, leaders need the ability to determine if an organization is ready to implement change.

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Write a paper of 1,200-1,500 words that discusses how to engage employees in the change process and how to benchmark the progress of a change initiative. Include the following in your paper:

  • An analysis of the factors used to determine if change is needed in a given organization.
  • A discussion of how to determine if an organization is structurally ready to support change leading to a culture of continuous learning, improvement, and adaptation.
  • A critique of several tactics that can be used to engage employees in the change process.
  • An evaluation of the effects of change on individual, social, financial, and corporate concerns.
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