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Water and Wastewater Treatment. (engineering course)

Disinfection of water streams originating from potable water plants is key in protecting

environmental health. Describe the process design and application, along with potential

processing advantages, limitations and disadvantages of using:

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(i) chlorination;

(ii) UV light;

(iii) ozonation, and

(iv) crossflow membranes to disinfect potable water from a municipal plant.

Information in your report should be fully referenced within the text, including any pictures

or diagrams copied and used. It must include an Abstract at the beginning (no more than

8 lines). The Abstract should be followed by an Introduction, then four individual

Sections (one per disinfection method). Follow these sections with a separate section that

discusses when a combination of methods is needed.

Finally, include a Conclusion that provides an overall discussion of the key points arising

from the entire report. The Conclusion should be no more than one page. Also make sure

you include at the end of the report a list of all References used in the text.

For a guide on how to use references in the text and compile a reference list, refer to an

article in a refereed engineering journal.

On-line encyclopedias, such as Wikipedia, are not adequate as a reference – you must

quote the original source (e.g., journal article, book, technical report etc.).

Any blatant copying of other work, such as cutting and pasting of text from web

pages will be penalized.

Please place a hard (paper) copy of your report.

Due Oct 19/2013

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