GC Programming

It’s really worth taking a step back now and looking at what you’ve really done, if you’ve been putting the
picture together: you have set up the skeleton of a small startup company, with name, mail, web, and file
and once you do the AWS lab,
a co
de repository
and two sites linked by VPN, one in a private cloud,
one in a public cloud … without buying a single piece of hardware or going even once to a data center.

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CS 470: Unix/Linux Sysadmin
Summer 2021 Lab 9
patching, grading, and the reaper
At last, handing in and evaluating all your homework.
It’s really worth taking a step back now and looking at what you’ve really done, if you’ve been putting the
picture together: you have set up the skeleton of a small startup company, with name, mail, web, and file
servers, and once you do the AWS lab, a code repository and two sites linked by VPN, one in a private cloud,
one in a public cloud … without buying a single piece of hardware or going even once to a data center.
Not bad for six weeks, eh? Six weeks ago, lots of you were total noobs. Pat yourself on the back.
It’s also really worth noting that we cut lots of corners due to:

limitations of our hardware and network setup, like not having a publicly routable IP,
our private network, like cutting out encryption certificates for services, which we would never,
ever do in a real company, and
to make sure no more was spent out of pocket, otherwise we’d each have registered a domain
name and set up real inbound/outbound mail servers.
Please keep all this in mind when and if using the materials as a reference.
part zero: grading configuration
Your grading configuration should be your first five VMs, up and running, from labs 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
Lab 6 is graded via the lab 2 VM and the artifacts you were asked to store on your NFS server at the end of
that lab.
part one: patching
1. First, let’s bring the base operating system software up to date on each VM. In real life, we often test
patches in test environments before deploying them to production environments.
$ sudo syspatch
You set up a cron job to update the ports tree … but you haven’t been looking at the results. Add the
following command as a cron job, and run it immediately to see if any of your ports have gotten out of
date …
# /usr/ports/infrastructure/bin/pkg_outdated
… and if they have, update them!
2. FreeBSD:
$ sudo freebsd-update fetch install
We set up an up-to-date ports tree with portsnap … this is the command we use to check if any ports
or packages are outdated …
$ pkg version -l ” cs470.local)
errata v5, 8/16/2021:
• Fixed broken SSH config snippet in step #9. (cs470 -> cs470.local)
• Clarified grading setup in partJul
7, 2021
Jul 7, 2021
Peter Bartoli (https://sds…
• Solaris memory guidance in step #5.
• NEW step #12 for feedback pipeline for lab 6 grading bugs in the reaper.
Jul 12, 2021
Jul 12, 2021
Jul 19, 2021
3.6 MB
1.1 MB
96 KB
129 KB
Peter Bartoli (https://sds… 1.2 MB
At last, handing in and evaluating all your homework.
Jul 19, 2021
Peter Bartoli (https://sds… 37 KB
It’s really worth taking a step back now and looking at what you’ve really done, if you’ve been putting the
picture together: you have set up the skeleton of a small startup company, with name, mail, web, and file
servers, and once you do the AWS lab,
a code repository and two
sites linked by VPN, one
in a private cloud,
Aug 2, 2021
Aug 2, 2021
Peter Bartoli (https://sds… 35 KB
one in a public cloud … without buying a single piece of hardware or going even once to a data center.
Not bad for six weeks, eh? Six weeks ago, lots of you were total noobs. Pat yourself on the back.
Aug 9, 2021
Aug 9, 2021
Peter Bartoli (https://sds… 32 KB
Aug 2, 2021
Aug 2, 2021
Peter Bartoli (https://sds… 65 KB
Jul 14, 2021
Jul 14, 2021
Peter Bartoli (https://sds… 27 KB
Jul 26, 2021
Jul 26, 2021
Peter Bartoli (https://sds… 58 KB
Jul 7, 2021
Peter Bartoli (https://sds… 136 KB
Jul 7, 2021
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8/16/21, 10:28 AM
All My Files
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CS 470: Unix/Linux Sysadmin
Summer 2021 Lab 9
patching, grading, and the reaper
errata v2, 8/12/2021:
• Added in lab 7 to part zero and steps 4 and 7; again, sorry for the late edition, but it had to be done for
errata v3, 8/12/2021:
• Added lab 7 to step #8.
• Added clarification in step #9 to make sure EDORAS is in your known_hosts file. If you’re SSHing into
EDORAS for the first time from any lab VM with the reaper, SSH agent forwarding will appear to fail.
errata v4, 8/13/2021:
• Fixed broken SSH config snippet in step #9. (cs470 -> cs470.local)
errata v5, 8/16/2021:
• Fixed broken SSH config snippet in step #9. (cs470 -> cs470.local)
• Clarified grading setup in part zero.
• Solaris memory guidance in step #5.
• NEW step #12 for feedback pipeline for lab 6 grading bugs in the reaper.
At last, handing in and evaluating all your homework.
It’s really worth taking a step back now and looking at what you’ve really done, if you’ve been putting the
picture together: you have set up the skeleton of a small startup company, with name, mail, web, and file
servers, and once you do the AWS lab, a code repository and two sites linked by VPN, one in a private cloud,
one in a public cloud … without buying a single piece of hardware or going even once to a data center.
Not bad for six weeks, eh? Six weeks ago, lots of you were total noobs. Pat yourself on the back.
It’s also really worth noting that we cut lots of corners due to:

limitations of our hardware and network setup, like not having a publicly routable IP,
our private network, like cutting out encryption certificates for services, which we would never,
ever do in a real company, and
to make sure no more was spent out of pocket, otherwise we’d each have registered a domain
name and set up real inbound/outbound mail servers.
Please keep all this in mind when and if using the materials as a reference.
part zero: grading configuration
Your grading configuration should be your first five VMs, up and running on your computer, plus lab seven.
You will run the reaper from your VMs from labs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7.
Lab 6 is graded via the lab 2 VM and the artifacts you were asked to store on your NFS server at the end of
that lab.
part one: patching
1. First, let’s bring the base operating system software up to date on each VM. In real life, we often test
patches in test environments before deploying them to production environments.
$ sudo syspatch
You set up a cron job to update the ports tree … but you haven’t been looking at the results. Add the
following command as a cron job, and run it immediately to see if any of your ports have gotten out of
date …
# /usr/ports/infrastructure/bin/pkg_outdated
… and if they have, update them!
2. FreeBSD:
$ sudo freebsd-update fetch install
We set up an up-to-date ports tree with portsnap … this is the command we use to check if any ports
or packages are outdated …
$ pkg version -l ”

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