Gandhi and the Partition of India

Part One

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In this SAS Curriculum Pathways Interactivity, you will view four short videos and read and analyze six short primary-source documents to collect information which will allow you to take a position and respond to the focus question: Should India be partitioned?


To begin, follow this link to Interactivity 937. If prompted, enter “melody9off” in the Student User Name then click “log in” to begin. (quick launch #937).


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As you proceed through the material, you will be instructed to complete a document analysis by identifying passages that support a position. Please be thorough in selecting your passages and in writing your brief analyses of the passages. Always write in complete sentences. When you reach the end, save your document to submit here.



Activate and build background knowledge about the Indian independence movement, Mohandas Gandhi, and the proposed partition of the Indian sub-continent into separate Hindu and Muslim nationsAnalyze the relevant primary-source documents and identify arguments with varying points of viewEvaluate the arguments for and against the partition of India

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