FTC Interactive Learning Discussion

  • Wave on a String
  • In this activity, you will apply the scientific method to investigate the properties of transverse waves. The activity involves experimentation using a web-based interactive simulation. The URL for the simulation is provided in the activity file.

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    Activity Instructions

    Download the Wave on a String activityUsing a simulation, apply the scientific method to investigate the various properties of transverse waves.Background ReadingBefore attempting the activity, review the topic The Nature of Waves in Chapter 6 of The Sciences. Completing the reading is important for you to be able to correctly apply the properties of waves to the experiments performed in this activity.Introduction to the Simulation1. After completing the background reading for this assignment, go to the “Wave on a String” simulation on the PhET simulations website at http://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/wave-on-a-string. Click the play arrow on the simulation graphic to run the web-based simulation or click DOWNLOAD to run the simulation locally on your device.2. Get oriented to the simulation by exploring and manipulating all the possible variables and options:a. MODE: manual, oscillate, pulse. In Oscillate and Pulse modes, you can pause/play, step, and also change other settings regarding the wave characteristicsi. Amplitude: 0 to 1.25 cmii. Frequency: 0 to 3.00 Hziii. Damping: None to Lotsiv. Tension:  Low to Highb. END: fixed end, loose end, or no endc. Rulers: Display (box checked) or not (box unchecked). When displayed, you will see two rulers: one horizontal and one vertical.d. Timer: display (box checked) or not (box unchecked); start/pause/resete. Reference line: dashed line that can be used as a reference for amplitude measurements  Note: The rulers, timer, and reference line can all be dragged around as needed.  In addition to the reference line, there is another dashed line parallel to the undisturbed string that is fixed (not moveable).f. Restart button: starts the simulation over for the current settingsg. Reset button (circular button with a circular arrow, on the lower right of the screen): resets the simulation to the default settingsh. Pause button ( I I ): simulation is running when this is showing; press to pause the simulationi. Play arrow ( > ): simulation is paused when this is showing; press to run the simulationWhile getting oriented with the simulation, think about how the different wave properties discussed in Chapter 6 are being illustrated in the simulation, and how changing things in the simulation affects the wave properties.3. After spending some time experimenting with the simulation, follow the steps below to conduct four experiments. Before beginning, be prepared to write down your observations.ExperimentsExperiment 1: Manipulating a Wave on a StringIn this experiment, you will investigate and observe the properties of waves by manipulating a string attached to an energy source.Before completing the experiment, write down a hypothesis, based on your current understanding after reading the background information for the activity, that makes specific predictions for how the string will react to changes to the energy source and to changes to the end of the string.1. Experiment setup: Click the Reset button. The Mode will be set to Manual. Set the Damping to None.2. Experiment procedure:a. Set the End to No End. Wiggle the wrench up and down at varying speeds and over various distance ranges. As the wrench is wiggled, a wave disturbance is created and the string to moving up and down represents energy being propagated along the string.  Observe how the properties (wavelength, frequency, and speed) of the wave produced changes with the different wiggle action. Write down your observations.b. After wiggling for several seconds, let go of the wrench and observe what happens. Write down your observations.c. Click Restart. Change the End to Loose End. Wiggle the wrench as in part a. Observe the differences in the properties of the waves produced with the Loose End compared to No End. After wiggling for a bit, let go of the wrench and observe what happens. Write down your observations.d. Click Restart. Change the End to Fixed End. Wiggle the wrench as in part a. Observe the differences in the properties of the waves produced with the Fixed End compared to No End and the Loose End. After wiggling for a bit, let go of the wrench and observe what happens. Write down your observations.Answer the questions below to help you formulate some results and conclusions for this experiment. You may need to do some additional experimentation to answer the questions.1. In part a. of the experiment:a. Based on the definitions of transverse and longitudinal waves (chapter 6), which type of wave – transverse or longitudinal – is being generated along the string? Explain how you determined this.b. How is the wave frequency and wavelength affected when the wrench is wiggled faster?c. How is the wave amplitude affected when the wrench is wiggled farther up and down?2. For which end setting(s) is wave interference taking place? Explain what causes the interference.3. For which end setting(s) does the energy propagate away from the source without returning? Explain why the energy does not return.Experiment Results and ConclusionsBased on your observations while performing the experiment and your answers to the questions above, formulate some results and conclusions for how the string will react to changes to the energy source and changes to the end of the string.Experiment 2: The Effects of Damping and TensionIn this experiment, you will investigate and observe the effects of adding tension or damping to a wave.Before completing the experiment, write down a hypothesis, based on your understanding after reading the background information for the activity, that makes specific predictions for how adding tension in the string, or damping the energy along the wave, will affect the amplitude, wavelength, and speed of the wave being generated by the oscillator.1. Experiment setup: Click the Reset button, and then click the pause button ( I I ) so that the play arrow ( > ) is showing. Set Mode to Oscillate, set Damping to None, set Tension to Low, set end to No End, and display the Rulers. You do not need to adjust the frequency and amplitude settings. For this experiment, we will be changing the Damping and Tension settings.2. Experiment procedure:a. Click the play arrow. After the oscillation wheel has turned several times, gradually adjust the Damping from None to Lots. Observe how the amplitude, wavelength, and speed of the energy propagating along the string all change as the damping is increased, using the rulers as an aid in determining the relative changes (you do not need to take any measurements). Write down your observations.b. Repeat the setup in part 1 above.c. Click the play button. After the oscillation wheel has turned several times, gradually adjust the Tension from Low to High. Observe how the amplitude, wavelength, and speed of the energy propagating along the string change as the tension is increased, using the rulers as an aid in determining the relative changes (you do not need to take any measurements). Write down your observations.Experiment Results and Conclusions

  • Based on your observations while performing the experiment, formulate some results and conclusions for how the independent changes made to the damping and tension each affect the amplitude, wavelength, and speed of the wave being generated by the oscillator.Experiment 3: Measuring WavelengthIn this experiment, you will measure the wavelength of a wave produced along the string for different settings of the wave frequency.Before completing the experiment, write down a hypothesis, based on your understanding after reading the background information for the activity, that makes a specific prediction for how changing the wave frequency will affect the wavelength.1. Experiment setup: Click the Reset button. Set Mode to Oscillate, set Amplitude to 0.50 cm, set Frequency to 1.00 Hz, set Damping to None, set the Tension to high, set the End to No End, and display the Rulers. For this experiment, we will be changing the Frequency setting.2. Experiment procedure:
  • Construct a table like the one below. Complete the following steps to complete the table.
  • a. After observing the generated waves with the oscillation wheel turning, click the pause button.b. Measure the wavelength in centimeters (cm), by using the horizontal ruler to measure the horizontal distance between consecutive wave crests (highest part of the wave) or between consecutive wave troughs (lowest part of the wave). Write down the wavelength value for this frequency setting in the table.c. Change the Frequency to 2.00 Hz. Repeat steps a and b.d. Change the Frequency to 3.00 Hz. Repeat steps a and b.
  • Frequency SettingMeasured Wavelength in Centimeters (cm)1.00 Hz2.00 Hz3.00 HzTo check that you performed the experiment correctly, and to validate the correctness of your hypothesis: Multiply the frequency (in Hz = 1/s) by the corresponding wavelength (in cm).  Recall from chapter 6 that: Wave speed (in cm/s) = Wavelength (in cm) X Frequency (in Hz = 1/s).   You should calculate the same speed, about 6 cm/s, for each of the frequency settings.
  • Experiment Results and ConclusionsExplain how the data you collected in the experiment validates the relationship between wavelength and frequency for waves traveling at the same speed, as described in Chapter 6.  If your data did not validate the relationship, go back and check that you performed the experiment correctly.
  • Experiment 4: Calculating Wave Period In this experiment, you will investigate the relationship between wave frequency and wave period, by counting the number of waves passing a given point for a given time interval and performing a calculation.
  • Before completing the experiment, write down a hypothesis, based on your understanding after reading the background information for the activity, that makes specific predictions for how the period of a wave correlates to its frequency.1. Experiment setup: Click the Reset button. Set Mode to Oscillate, set Amplitude to 1.00 cm, set Frequency to 1.00 Hz., set Damping to None, leave the Tension on High, set the END to No End, and display both the RULERS and TIMER.
  • For this exercise, we will be changing the Frequency setting.2. Experiment procedure: Construct a table like the one below. Perform the following steps to complete the table.a. With the simulation running, position the timer above the 3 cm mark on the horizontal ruler. You will be using the 3 cm mark as a reference point for counting waves passing it.  With the ruler and timer in these positions, you should be able to count wave crests passing the 3 cm mark and also see the timer. Practice counting wave crests that pass the 3 cm mark as the simulation runs. With each wave crest that passes, one cycle of the wave has passed.b. Start the timer and count the number of wave crests that pass the 3 cm mark in 10 seconds.
  • Exact timing is not critical; just stop counting waves when the timer reaches about 10 seconds.c. Repeat step b, resetting the timer after each repeat, until you are confident that you are counting the correct number of wave crests passing in 10 seconds. Record this value in the designated location in the table.d. Change the Frequency to 2.00 Hz. Repeat steps b and c. e. For each frequency setting, divide the time interval (10 seconds) by the number of wave cycles passing in 10 seconds. This calculates the amount of time in seconds that is required for each wave to pass a given point, which is defined as the wave period. Record each calculated period in its designated location in the table.To check that you performed the experiment correctly, and to validate the correctness of your hypothesis:
  • In chapter 6, you learned that the wave period is equal to 1/frequency. So, the inverse of the corresponding frequency setting (1/frequency) and the calculated period should be very close in value.FrequencySettingTime IntervalNumber of Crests (Wave Cycles) Passing in 10 SecondsWave Period(10 seconds/number of wave cycles passing in 10 seconds)1.00 Hz 10 seconds2.00 Hz 10 secondsExperiment Results and ConclusionsExplain how the data you collected and calculations you performed in the experiment validates the relationship between wave period and wave frequency as described in Chapter 6. If your data and calculations did not validate the relationship, go back and check that you performed the experiment correctly.Activity  EDS 1021
    Week 4 Interactive Activity

      Wave on a String

    Using a simulation, apply the scientific method to investigate the various properties of
    transverse waves.
    Background Reading
    Before attempting the activity, review the topic The Nature of Waves in Chapter 6 of The
    Sciences. Completing the reading is important for you to be able to correctly apply the
    properties of waves to the experiments performed in this activity.
    Introduction to the Simulation
    1. After completing the background reading for this assignment, go to the “Wave on a String”
    simulation on the PhET simulations website at
    http://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/wave-on-a-string. Click the play arrow on the
    simulation graphic to run the web-based simulation or click DOWNLOAD to run the
    simulation locally on your device.
    2. Get oriented to the simulation by exploring and manipulating all the possible variables and
    a. MODE: manual, oscillate, pulse. In Oscillate and Pulse modes, you can pause/play, step,
    and also change other settings regarding the wave characteristics
    Amplitude: 0 to 1.25 cm
    Frequency: 0 to 3.00 Hz
    Damping: None to Lots
    Tension: Low to High
    b. END: fixed end, loose end, or no end
    c. Rulers: Display (box checked) or not (box unchecked). When displayed, you will see two
    rulers: one horizontal and one vertical.
    d. Timer: display (box checked) or not (box unchecked); start/pause/reset
    e. Reference line: dashed line that can be used as a reference for amplitude
    measurementsNCE THROUGH THE DAY
    ready to go. As you begin the 90-minute
    Ou tune the radio to a favorite FM music
    ume to feel the beat. From time to time,
    station that features traffic and weather
    problems. The radio is so familiar and
    what magical. How can music and news
    om the radio station? How can so many
    at the same time without interfering
    ers, surprisingly, are intimately tied to
    he electromagnetic force.
    6.1 The Nature of Waves
    Lucenet Patrice/Phototeque Oredia/Age Fotostock America, Inc.
    Waves are all around us. Waves of water travel across the surface of the ocean and crash against
    the land. Waves of sound travel through the air when we listen to music. Some parts of the
    United States suffer from mighty waves of rock and soil called earthquakes. All of these waves
    must move through matter.
    But the most remarkable waves of all can travel through an absolute vacuum at the speed of
    light. The sunlight that warms you at the beach and provides virtually all of the energy neces-
    sary for life on Earth is transmitted through space by just such a wave. The radio waves that
    carry your favorite music, the microwaves that heat your dinner, and the X-rays your dentist
    uses to check for cavities are also types of electromagnetic waves-invisible waves that carry
    energy and travel at the speed of light. In this chapter, we will look at waves in general and then
    focus on electromagnetic waves, which play an enormous role in our everyday life.
    Waves are fascinating, at once familiar and yet somewhat odd. Waves, unlike flying can-
    nonballs or speeding automobiles, have the ability to transfer energy without transferring mass.
    Energy Transfer by Waves
    Energy can be transferred in two forms in our everyday world: the particle and the wave.
    Suppose you have a domino sitting on a table and you want to knock it over-a process that
    requires transferring energy from you to the domino. One way to proceed would be to take
    another domino and throw it. From the standpoint of energy, you would say that the musclesomino and
    RE 6-3 Waves passing a
    bat reveal how wavelength,
    ty, and frequency are related.
    know the distance between
    crests (the wavelength) and
    umber of crests that pass each
    d (the frequency), then you can
    te the wave’s velocity.
    In symbols:
    wave crests going by every second (the frequency) and measure the distance
    between the crests (the wavelength). From these two numbers, the speed of
    the wave can be calculated.
    If, for example, one wave arrives every 2 seconds and the wave crests are
    6 meters apart, then the waves must be traveling 6 meters every 2 seconds-a
    velocity of 3 meters per second. You might look out across the water and see a
    particularly large wave crest that will arrive at the boat after four intervening
    smaller waves. You would predict that the big wave is 30 meters away (five
    times the wavelength) and that it will arrive in 10 seconds. That kind of infor-
    mation can be very helpful if you are plotting the best course for an America’s
    Cup yacht race or estimating the path of potentially destructive ocean waves.
    This relationship among wavelength, velocity, and frequency can be writ-
    ten in equation form:
    In words: The velocity of a wave is equal to the length of each wave times the
    number of waves that pass by each second.
    In equation form:
    wave velocity (m/s) = wavelength (m) x frequency (Hz)
    EXAMPLE 6-1
    v=λx f
    where 2 (the Greek letter lambda) and fare common symbols for wavelength and wave fre-
    quency, respectively. This simple equation holds for all kinds of waves (Figure 6-3).
    wavelength (m)
    On a relatively calm day at the beach, ocean waves traveling 2 meters per second hit
    the shore once every 5 seconds. What is the wavelength of these ocean waves?
    Reasoning: We can solve for wavelength, given the wave’s velocity (2 meters per second)
    and frequency (1 wave per 5 seconds, or 1/5 Hz = 0.2 Hz):
    wave velocity (m/s) = wavelength (m) x frequency (Hz)
    Solution: We can rearrange the equation to solve for wavelength.
    velocity (m/s)
    frequency (Hz)
    (2 m/s)
    0.2 Hz
    = 10 m
    The Two Kinds of Waves: Transverse and
    Imagine that a chip of bark or a piece of grass is lying on the surface of a pond when you
    throw a rock into the water. When the ripples go by, the floating object and the water around
    it move up and down; they do not move to a different spot. At the same time, however, the
    wave crest moves in a direction parallel to the surface of the water. This means that the
    motion of the wave is different from the motion of the medium on which the wave moves. This
    kind of wave, where the motion is perpendicular to the direction of the wave, is called a trans-
    verse wave (Figure 6-4a).Researchers, Inc.
    GURE 6-8 Two waves originating
    om different points create
    interference pattern. Bright
    gions correspond to constructive
    erference, while dark regions
    respond to destructive
    RE 6-9 Cross sections of
    ering waves illustrate the
    mena of (a) constructive and
    tructive interference.
    One easy way to think about what happens is to imagine
    that each part of each wave carries with it a set of instructions
    for the water surface-“move down 2 inches,” or “move up 1 inch.” When two waves arrive
    simultaneously at a point, the surface responds to both sets of instructions. If one wave says to
    move down 2 inches and the other to move up 1 inch, the result will be that the water surface
    will move down a total of 1 inch. Thus each point on the surface of the water moves a different
    distance up or down depending on the instructions that are brought to it by the two waves.
    One possible situation is shown in Figure 6-9a. Two waves, each carrying the command “go
    up 1 inch,” arrive at a point together. The two waves act together to lift the water surface to the
    highest possible height it can have. By the same token, if two waves troughs, each 1-inch deep,
    meet then the net change will be a trough 2 inches deep. This effect is called constructive inter-
    ference, or reinforcement. On the other hand, you could have a situation like the one shown in
    Figure 6-9b, where the two waves arrive at a point such that one is giving an instruction to go up
    1 inch and the other to go down 1 inch. In this case, the two waves cancel each other out and the
    STOP & THINK! Today’s scientists are much more con-
    cerned about the ethical treatment of animals than were
    naturalists of the eighteenth century. How might you con-
    duct an experiment on the hearing of bats without injuring
    the animals?
    – Amplitude 1 inch
    Waves from different sources may overlap and affect each
    other in the phenomenon called interference. Interference
    describes what happens when waves from two different sources
    come together at a single point-each wave interferes with the
    other, and the observed height of the wave-the amplitude-is
    simply the sum of the amplitudes of the two interfering waves.
    Consider the common situation shown in Figure 6-8. Suppose
    you and a friend each throw rocks into a pond at two separate
    points as in the figure. The waves from each of these two points
    travel outward and eventually will meet. What will happen
    when the two waves come together?
    Amplitude 1 inch
    Amplitude 1 inch
    Amplitude 1 inch
    Amplitude 2 inches
    Wave amplitudes add
    Wave amplitudes cancel
    zero amplitudetons, which focuses
    tina, where the
    converted into nerve
    signals are carried to
    the optic nerve.
    (adjusts focus)
    of frequency slices or “banas exist, and many more people w
    can do sa
    undergo total internal reflection each time it comes to the edge of the glass. Light entering
    longer ultraviolet waves can cause a chemical change in
    skin pigments, a phenomenon known as tanning. This
    lower-energy portion of the ultraviolet is not particularly
    harmful by itself.
    Shorter-wavelength (higher-energy) ultraviolet radia-
    tion, on the other hand, carries more energy-enough
    energy that this radiation, if absorbed by your skin cells.
    can cause sunburn and other cellular damage. If the ultra-
    violet wave’s energy alters your cell’s DNA. it may increase
    your risk of developing skin cancer (see Chapter 23). In
    fact, because ultraviolet radiation can damage living cells,
    hospitals use it to sterilize equipment and kill unwanted.
    The Sun produces intense ultraviolet radiation in both
    longer and shorter wavelengths. Fortunately, our atmos-
    phere absorbs much of the harmful short wavelengths and
    thus shields living things. Nevertheless, if you spend much
    time outdoors under a bright Sun. you should protect
    exposed skin with a Sun-blocking chemical, which is trans-
    parent (colorless) to visible light but reflects or absorbs
    harmful ultraviolet rays before they can reach your skin
    (Figure 6-26).
    The energy contained in both long and short ultraviolet wavelengths can be absorbed by
    atoms, which in special materials may subsequently emit a portion of that absorbed energy as
    visible light. (Remember, both visible light and ultraviolet light are forms of electromagnetic
    radiation, but visible light has longer wavelengths, and therefore less energy, than ultraviolet
    radiation.) This phenomenon, called fluorescence, provides the so-called black light effects so
    popular in stage shows and nightclubs. We’ll examine the origins of fluorescence in more detail
    in Chapter 8.
    X-rays are electromagnetic waves that range in wavelength from
    about 100 nanometers down to 0.1 nanometer, smaller than a
    single atom. These high-frequency (and thus high-energy) waves
    can penetrate several centimeters into most solid matter but are
    absorbed to different degrees by all kinds of materials. This fact
    allows X-rays to be used extensively in medicine to form visual
    images of bones and organs inside the body. Bones and teeth
    absorb X-rays much more efficiently than skin or muscle, so a
    detailed picture of inner structures emerges (Figure 6-27). X-rays
    are also used extensively in industry to inspect for defects in
    welds and manufactured parts.
    The X-ray machine in your doctor’s or dentist’s office is
    something like a giant lightbulb with a glass vacuum tube. At
    one end of the tube is a tungsten filament that is heated to a
    very high temperature by an electrical current, just as in an
    incandescent lightbulb. At the other end is a polished metal
    plate. X-rays are produced by applying an extremely high volt-
    age-negative on the filament and positive on the metal plate-
    so electrons stream off the filament and smash into the metal
    plate at high velocity. The sudden deceleration of the negatively
    charged electrons releases a flood of high-energy electromag-
    netic radiation-the X-rays that travel from the machine to you
    at light speed.
    Philip and Karen Smith/lconica/Getty Images
    FIGURE 6-26 When you spend
    time outdoors under a bright Sun,
    you should protect your skin with
    sunblock, which is transparent to
    visible light, but reflects or absorbs
    harmful ultraviolet rays.
    FIGURE 6-27 Internal structures
    are revealed because bones and
    different tissues absorb X-rays to
    different degrees.TECHNOLOGY
    AM and FM Radio Transmission
    Radio waves carry signals in two ways: amplitude modulation (AM) and frequency
    modulation (FM). Broadcasters can send out their programs at only one narrow
    range of frequencies, a situation very different from music or speech, which use
    a wide range of frequencies. Thus radio stations cannot simply transform a range
    of sound-wave frequencies into a similar range of radio-wave frequencies. Instead.
    the information to be transmitted must be impressed in some way on the narrow
    frequency range of your station’s radio waves.
    This problem is similar to one you might experience if you had to send a mes
    sage across a lake with a flashlight at night. You could adopt two strategies. You
    could send a coded message by turning the flashlight on and off, thus varying the
    brightness (the amplitude) of the light. Alternatively, you could change the color
    (the frequency) of the light by alternately passing blue and red filters in front of the
    Amplitude modulation (AM)
    A. Original sound wave
    B. Carrier wave
    C. Modulated signal
    Microwaves include electromagnetic waves whose wavelengths range from about 1 meter
    (a few feet) to 1 millimeter (0.001 meter, or about 0.04 inch). The longer wavelengths of
    microwaves travel easily through the atmosphere, like their cousins in the radio part of the
    spectrum, though rock and building materials absorb most microwaves. Therefore, micro-
    waves are used extensively for line-of-sight communications. Most satellites broadcast sig-
    nals to Earth in microwave channels, and these waves also commonly carry long-distance
    telephone calls and TV broadcasts. The satellite antennas that you see on private homes
    and businesses are designed primarily to receive microwave transmissions, as are the large
    cone-shaped receivers attached to the microwave relay towers found on many hills or tall
    C. Modulated signal
    Radio stations also adopt these two strategies (see Figure 6-19). All stations
    begin with a carrier wave of fixed frequency. AM radio stations typically broadcast
    at frequencies between about 530 and 1600 kHz, whereas the carrier frequencies of
    FM radio stations range from about 88 to 110 MHz.
    FIGURE 6-19 (a) AM (amplitude
    modulation) and (b) FM (frequency
    The process called amplitude modulation, or AM, depends on varying the strength (or ampli-
    tude) of the radio’s carrier wave according to the sound signal to be transmitted (Figure 6-19a). modulation) transmission differ in
    Thus the shape of the sound wave is impressed on the radio’s carrier wave signal. When this
    signal is taken into your radio, the electronics are designed so that the original sound signal is
    recovered and used to run the speakers. The original sound signal is what you hear when you
    turn on your radio. Because AM frequencies easily scatter off the layers of the atmosphere, they
    way that a sound wave (A) is
    superimposed on a carrier wave o
    constant amplitude and frequency
    (B). The carrier wave can be varied,
    or modulated, to carry information
    (C) by altering its amplitude or its
    can be heard over great distances.
    Alternatively, you can slightly vary the frequency of the radio’s wave according to the
    signal you want to transmit, a process called frequency modulation, or FM, as shown in Figure frequency.
    6-19b. A radio that receives this particular signal will unscramble the changes in frequency
    and convert them into electrical signals that run the speakers so that you can hear the
    original signal.
    The distinctive transmission and absorption properties of microwaves make them ideal for
    use in aircraft radar. Solid objects, especially those made of metal, reflect most of the micro-
    waves that hit them. By sending out timed pulses of microwaves and listening for the echo, you
    can judge the direction, distance (from the time it takes the wave to travel out and back), and
    speed (from the Doppler effect) of a flying object. Modern military radar is so sensitive that
    it can detect a single fly at a distance of a mile. To counteract this sensitivity, aircraft design-
    ers have developed planes with “stealth” technology-combinations of microwave-absorbing
    materials, angled shapes that reduce the apparent cross section of the plane, and electronic
    Jamming to avoid detection (Figure 6-20).
    Frequency modulation (FM)
    A. Original sound wave
    B. Carrier wave
    FIGURE 6-20 The Stealth fighter
    has been engineered to reflect and
    absorb microwave radiation and thus
    avoid detection by radar.
    U.S. Air Force Photo by Staff Sgt. Andy Dunaway, Department of Defense
    exhaust of jet engines in enemy aircraft, and infrared detectors are often
    used to see human beings (Figure 6-22) and warm engines at night. Simi-
    larly, many insects (such as mosquitoes and moths) and other nocturnal
    animals (including opossums and some snakes) have developed sensitivity
    to infrared radiation:; thus they can “see” in the dark.
    Infrared detection i
    If you
    s also used to find heat leaks in homes and buildings.
    a picture of a house on a cold night using film that is sensitive to
    infrared radiation, places where heat is leaking out will show up as bright
    spots on the film. This information can be used to correct the heat loss and
    thus conserve energy. In a similar way, Earth scientists often monitor volca-
    noes with infrared detectors. The appearance of a new “hot spot” may signal
    an impending eruption.
    STOP & THINK! We often say that we get heat from the Sun. What
    actually travels between the Sun and Earth?
    Visible Light
    What we perceive as the colors of the rainbow are contained in visible light, whose wave-
    lengths range from red light at about 700 nanometers down to violet light at about 400 nanom-
    eters (Figure 6-23). From the point of view of the
    larger universe, the visible electromagnetic world in
    which we live is a very small part of the total picture
    (see Figure 6-18).
    FIGURE 6-22 A photograph using
    infrared film reveals heat escaping
    from an elephant. This “false-color”
    image is coded so that white is
    hottest, followed by red, pink, blue,
    and black
    David Parker/Photo Researchers
    Our eyes distinguish several different colors, but
    these portions of the electromagnetic spectrum
    have no special significance except in our percep-
    tions. In fact, the distinct colors that we see-red.
    orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet-represent
    very different-sized slices of the electromagnetic
    spectrum. The red and green portions of the spec-
    trum are rather broad, spanning more than 50
    nanometers of frequencies; we thus perceive many
    different wavelengths as red or blue. In contrast, the
    yellow part of the spectrum is quite narrow, encom-
    passing wavelengths from only about 570 to 590
    Why should our eyes be so sensitive to such a
    restricted range of the spectrum? The Sun’s light is especially intense in this part of the spec-
    trum, so some biologists suggest that our eyes evolved to be especially sensitive to these
    wavelengths, in order to take maximum advantage of the Sun’s light. Our eyes are ideally
    adapted for the light produced by our Sun during daylight hours. Our eyes are also able to
    see visible light produced by a wide variety of common chemical reactions (see Chapter 10).
    most notably burning (Figure 6-24). By contrast, animals that hunt at night, such as owls and
    cats, have eyes that are more sensitive to infrared wavelengths-radiation that makes warm
    living things stand out against the cooler background.
    The Eye
    The light detector most familiar to us is one we carry around with us all the time-the human
    eye. Eyes are marvelously complex light-collecting organs that send nerve signals to the brain.
    Your brain converts these signals into images through a combination of physical and chemical
    processes (Figure 6-25).
    Relative sensitivity
    Ted Kinsman/Photo Researchers, Inc.
    400 450 500 550 600 650 700
    Wavelength (nm)
    FIGURE 6-23 (a) A glass prism
    separates light into the visible
    spectrum of colors, because different
    amounts. (b) Humans perceive the
    wavelengths of light bend different
    visible light spectrum as a sequence
    of color bands. The relative sensitivity
    of the human eye differs for different
    wavelengths. Our perception peaks
    near wavelengths that we perceive
    as yellow, though the colors we see
    have no special physical significance.

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