from a psycology jornal, see attached info

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Part 2-Journal Article Assignment

Choose a research study, describe it in APA format, interpret it, and critique it. The research article chosen must be a minimum of 3 pages in length with a minimum of 5 references or sources (references are listed at the end of the article).Please see “Journal Article Assignment” following this for specific details and the grading rubric.

A. Describe a research study 40 points

Reference citation

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of research 40 points




C. Critique 40 points

a. Characteristics of the article that demonstrates the relation of Psychology as a science

b. Strengths and limitations of the study

c. Description of the research method usedLast Mod: August 15, 2011 Terra Community College Syllabus Page 5 of 13

d. Possible causal inferences of the study

e. Statistical and/or practical significance

f. Validity of conclusions

D. Grammar, Spelling, Punctuation 15 points

E. Evaluation/Interpretation/Practical Application 15 points

Instructions: Type, double spaced, 12 pt. font and save as a Microsoft Word document. THEN attach it electronically to the Drop Box established for this course. No late papers allowed!

Journal Article Assignment (Research Method-Part 2) Information

Being able to read and critique research is an essential skill in psychological inquiry. This assignment will allow you to begin to understand the format for research conducted in the field of Psychology. This assignment is mandatory for the course. No late submissions will be accepted.


The purpose of this assignment is to provide students an opportunity to familiarize themselves with published research. The tasks of the assignment are as follows:

1. Choose an empirical article from a professional journal where the author(s) describe the purpose, method, and results of a scientific investigation. Some examples of relevant journals in Psychology are:

Developmental Psychology

Human Development

Merrill-Palmer Quarterly

Child Development


Journal of Youth and Adolescence

Aging and Cognition

Psychology and Aging

Research on Aging

Journal of Black Psychology

Developmental Review

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology

Journal of Marriage and the Family

Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences

Death Studies

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Note that not all research articles are complicated reading. As a novice, it might help to browse through the journals until you come upon one that is of interest as well as readable.

2. Identify your article by including a full APA style reference of it at the top of your assignment.

3. Briefly summarize the research article using the headings most common to such empirical reports. You will include specific page numbers that correspond to information from each section. The summary will begin with the

Reference Citation

(see #2 above) and then the Title of the article. Then the Introduction, which generally states a rationale for the investigation and the purpose of the study will follow. The introduction also reviews relevant research. Next is the Method section, which includes a description of the participants, instruments, and procedures. The Results section follows next, which addresses the significant findings of the study. Finally, comes the Discussion and Conclusion where the author(s) summarize(s) the findings and future directions.

Note that in writing a summary you do not want to reproduce or summarize the entire article. Rather, you want to provide the most salient information, as succinctly as possible in each of the aforementioned areas. Further, in some instances you might choose to replicate or incorporate part of the original text. In these cases you MUST put quotation marks around the words you are copying, followed by the page number in parentheses. However, keep the quotes to a minimum.

4. Type your summary (a minimum of 1 page in length, double-spaced) using the information from #s 1-3 above.

5. In addition, a critique must accompany your summary. This should be a one-page (minimum), double-spaced critique. Included in this should be the following sections (remember to include page number citations for each critique response):

 Characteristics of the article that demonstrates the relation of Psychology as a science

 Strengths and Limitations of the Study

 Description of the research method used in the study.

 Possible Causal Inferences of Results

 Statistical Significance and/or Practical Significance

 Validity of Conclusions

**Consult your chapter on Research and assigned activities to assist you in addressing the critique areas**

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6. Finish the assignment with an evaluation and practical application of the information from the article (a minimum of 1 paragraph in length, double-spaced). You should also include page number citations to strengthen your discussion in the evaluation/interpretation/practical application section.


Following is a sample summary for you to review. This is the format that the summary portion of the assignment will take.

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Sample Summary

Reference Citation

Oltjenbruns, K. A. (1991). Positive outcomes of adolescents’ experience with grief. Journal of Adolescent Research, 6 (1), 43-53.


Positive Outcomes of Adolescents’ Experience With Grief.


Reports suggest that by the time youngsters finish high school 90 percent of them will have experienced the death of a family member or friend. Yet, there is very little grief-related literature examining adolescent populations, particularly in terms of possible positive outcomes to grief. Thus, the purpose of this research was to “examine the perceptions of older adolescents regarding positive outcomes, if any, to the grief experience” and “to determine if there are significant differences in responses related to ethnicity, gender, or the personality variable of locus of control” (p. 46).



Research packets were mailed to a computer generated random sample list of 1,200 addresses. A total of 336 individuals returned consent forms and completed surveys, however, only 93 fit the criteria for inclusion in the study. Of these 93 participants, 37 percent were

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Mexican-American, 63 percent were Anglo-American, 28 percent were male, and 72 percent were female. The age range of participants was 16 to 22 years old (p. 46).


Participants responded to the question “What positive outcomes, if any, do you feel were the result of your grief experience(s)? Check all that apply” (p. 47). Seven checklist options were included, for example, “have a deeper appreciation for life, developed emotional strength, and increased empathy for others” (p. 47). In order to measure the personality variable, participants also responded to the Rotter I-E Locus of Control Scale.


Results indicated that 96 percent of the participants identified at least one positive outcome. The most frequent positive outcomes were “deeper appreciation of life (74 percent), greater caring for loved ones (67 percent), strengthened emotional bonds with others (56 percent), and developed emotional strength (53 percent)” (p. 48). The less noted positive outcomes were “increased empathy for others (47 percent), better communication skills (28 percent), and enhanced problem solving skills (9 percent)” (p. 48). Chi-square tests with Yates correction formula were computed to determine if there were significant differences in responses between ethnic groups or gender. No differences were found. However, “significantly more persons with an internal locus of control orientation reported that better communication skills were a positive outcome of their grief experience (X2 = 4.153 [1, N = 93], p < .05)” (p. 48). Some participants added positive outcomes that were not included in the list, for example, “put priorities in a different perspective and made me more independent” (p. 49).

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It is suggested that learning more about adolescent grief reactions, both painful and positive outcomes, can be beneficial for both the griever and helper. It is also suggested that more research be conducted (pp. 52-53).

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Research Methods Part 2 Rubric

Category Achievement Level

Achievement Level 4 Achievement Level 3 Achievement Level 2 Achievement Level 1 Achievement Level 0

Description of Research (Title, Introduction, and Reference Citation) Information clearly relates to the title, introduction, and reference citation (in correct APA format). It includes several supporting details and/or examples and includes specific page numbers.

Information clearly relates to the title, introduction, and reference citation (in correct APA format with few errors). It provides 1-2 supporting details and/or examples and includes specific page numbers.

Information attempts to relate to the title, introduction, and reference citation (student attempts to write in correct APA format but with some errors). Few details and/or examples are given with a few specific page numbers used.

Information has little or nothing to do with the title, introduction, and reference citation (not in correct APA format) and no specific page numbers included.

No points given.

Method of Research (Methods, Results, and Discussion) Information clearly relates to the methods, results, and discussion. It includes several supporting details and/or examples and includes specific page numbers.

Information clearly relates to the methods, results, and discussion. It provides 1-2 supporting details and/or examples and includes specific page numbers.

Information attempts to relate to the methods, results, and discussion. Few details and/or examples are given with a few specific page numbers used.

Information has little or nothing to do with the results, discussion, and reference citation (not in correct APA format) and no specific page numbers.

No points given.

Critique All of the critique questions accurately answered with supporting statements as they relate specifically to the article (including page numbers).

Most of the critique questions accurately answered with supporting statements as they relate specifically to the article (including page numbers).

Some of the critique questions accurately answered with supporting statements as they relate specifically to the article (including page numbers).

Few critique questions accurately answered with supporting statements as they relate specifically to the article (including page numbers).

No points given.

Grammar/Spelling/Punctuation Almost no grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. A few grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors.

Some grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors.

Many grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors.

No points given.

Evaluation/Interpretation/Practical application Practical application and evaluation is evident with 3-4 supporting details and page numbers. Practical application and evaluation is evident with 1-2 supporting details and page numbers. Practical application and evaluation with few details and/or examples are given. Information has little or nothing to do with the practical application and evaluation of the article. No points given.

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Points will be calculated from this 15 point rubric. For example, if you received a 10/15 on this rubric, you will have received 66% (10 divided by 15) on the assignment. This will then be transferred to the 150 point paper (150 multiplied by .66) which would be equivalent to a 99/150 for the assignment.

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