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A. What life lessons, skills, and values are central to your current success?

What role models or mentors helped you learn those lessons, develop those skills, or assume those values? In what ways are you like them?

I find that I am an honest and caring leader who values efficiency. I can project trust to my superiors and my subordinates, I have the gift of project confidence to others, and after I realized this quality in myself I have been trying to master this gift.

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I don’t think I had a mentor in my life that influenced the leader I become. The closest was a German Physician with the worst rigid character I’ve ever seen but the nicest person after work, I notice than in general the people who work with him, dislike his behavior but at the same time value his company after work. I notice that his great character for issues beside work, were more valuable for people than working with him, and his temper was tolerable for that.

I had learned more reading about great leaders from history than from mentors. The history of civilization goes around politics and diplomacy and the great business leaders of history as Alexander the great, Napoleon, Lincoln, Roosevelt, JP Morgan, Rockefeller, Tesla, Ford, Steve Jobs and the list may go on. All this great men has influenced my life more than any other human alive.

B. Which bosses have made a lasting impression on you? What did you learn from each? How does your managerial style reflect that?

I have learned more from co-workers and their interactions with subordinates, than from my former bosses. Every one of them has positive management points, but in general I can’t think of any who left such a positive impression that change my style. For the other part I had a great boss, excellent human been who micromanagement everything, the lesson I learned from him was not to do it ever to the people who work for me. I learned how micromanagement neutralizes employee’s intellectual growth; affect the person’s overall emotional evaluation of his or her own worth. Additional to this put more pressure to the leader who overworks for issues that should be delegated.

At the time I was attending for Emergency medicine, I learn from a colleague how, to project calm under pressure make your team confident, efficient, and respectful. I learned from another colleague, how to be human and caring without be taking as a soft boss, in fact he amazed me how been very pleasant at the same time was very strict for work matters.

My managerial style is reflected in how my staff respect me as a boss, they appreciate that I fully support them. I am invited to more meetings that I should be because people enjoy my comments and suggestions, in general people that work with me, appreciate me. I know it because after I leave different positions in my professional life, most of my former staff keep in touch and care about me.

C. What roles have you held over the course of your career? What skills brought you recognition? What skills led you to be promoted?

After I’ve been working as attending physician, I become fascinated by vaccine production, and I started a career in research and good manufacture practice “GMP” this knowledge allow me to work in the pharmaceutical industry. My life suddenly changed when I was assisting to a seminar and I was contacted with a job offer to be the Medical officer on cruise ships. As I like changes and the challenges than come with it I decided to accept. I started as a Junior Medical officer and in just one year I became Senior Doctor. At that time I noticed the gift I have to make other to trust me. Few years after this work, the time has come to settle ashore, and I got an offer to work as a Manager Director of Utilization for Health Spring/Cigna in Miami. These changes brought to me the need to learn about markets and business. Again with no to much experience on the matter, the interviewers trust me when I told them,” I’ll learn quickly and I will succeed.” My skills projecting confidence were my big asset for getting this job. After I move to the beltway I switched sides, and now I’m a Director of utilization of a Hospital in Washington DC.

Part of the skills I brought to any company is my willingness for coaching and offer confidence to my staff, I speak out my appreciation for their quality of work, I outline the plan of work, I set the goals but once I trust their capabilities, I let them space for innovation. I’m considering myself very confident delegating responsibilities. I have

Developed a certain sense of self-awareness in my abilities and that; despite that self-awareness, the more I investigate different modes of analyzing my personality, the better I have gotten at pinpointing specific areas of strength and room for potential improvement. For example, through assorted in meeting activities and discussions, I’ve found that my ability to engage others in the necessary conversation is highly correlated with my initial perception of them and their attentiveness. This kind of actions is my great asset to stand out for promotions.

D. Before undertaking your current position or career, what assumptions did you hold about the industry, the job, the work, the organization, the workers, or the people being served? How did your assumptions affect your performance and relationships?

I came from Heath Insurance business, which is very organize and efficient, they are up today with the changes in health care, using all the tools available, watching their resources with armies of professionals, doctor, nurses, administrator working together like a team. My current position is a Directorial position in a Hospital, before I came to work in this industry as an executive; I had the assumptions that this was an industry that was inefficient, having poor management where doctors and nurses barely working as a team; like many other industries, the health system has changed by providers there are not. Physicians continue attached to the past long gone when no one questioning a doctor for he or she was doing, today the doctor work is audited 24/7, it gets questioned, he/she has to explain the thinking process of the treatment or get denied. Nurses has been taken a major role in health care, from patient care, to informatics, anesthesia administration but still attached to the past, no matter what they do still thinking they are beside care, very similar to the photos we see from the 30’s. My third group, PA’s; a limbo between physician and nurse practitioner. In general health care is a mess.

My assumptions were not far out of the reality I found, baby boomers physicians just don’t care about new changes, they will retire soon and the fact to replace them is not easy task, giving them a lot of leverage to keep the old business as usual. These assumptions affect my performance because with some doctors and nurses than meet my description above I just gave up and focus in the younger more willing to change groups. I know is not right but at times I feel I waste my time trying to change a mentality already set with not leverage from my part to lead this change.

E. Briefly, identify how your leadership style has changed over the years. What about your current style is more effective than in the past?

One of the main things has been that I become and extroverted leader, I have noticed over the span of this course, that I have developed a certain sense of self-awareness in my abilities. Today I have the ability of analyze my personality, and gotten better at pinpointing specific areas of strength and room for potential improvement.

F. To what areas of business have you had little exposure? What aspects of managing people are new or uncomfortable to you? What skills are required of you now that you have not had the chance to develop yet because of the path your career has taken?

I had little exposure in budget management and human resources. These are the skills I need to develop for my career, the human resources part is another field I have to improve, knowing about labor law is important for a leader.

People management is easy for me, I have good interpersonal skills but I know I have a problem if someone is just not interested in changes that we MUST to do due a new regulations or guidelines, I have a problem with the people that put their personal interest above the institution.

G. What is your general attitude about personal change, development, and improvement? Why? How has your mindset affected your engagement in these types of activities?

Life is dynamic and personal change has to be up to date with the changes around us, I can change, in fact I’ve done so for years, for me this is a key for success. My mind set with stubborn people is my huge problem, I tend to ignore them and compensate with the interested ones. I know I have to take action with them too, come up with something that makes them change but still my mayor weakness. My mind set also affect me in the social part, although I am extroverted I am not a social person outside my work, this affect my professional relationships.

H. When your team fails to achieve optimal results, what thoughts race through your mind? How do these thoughts (and/or actions) affect your team’s subsequent goals and performance?

I blame myself. I think a failure of a team is a lack of leadership, I get upset for my late awareness of the situation and not to realize it, before it happens. Once it happened I bring my team with a shock plan for recovery, I make sure it does not happen again and I keep the goals with the necessary adjustments. Failure is good if it is a warning signal of a possible catastrophe, failure is what makes us grow and make us accept changes.

Leadership Development Program (LDP)

Development Goal # 1 for: Ricardo Berman

Category: Developing Myself

Goal: I will develop the skills that make me feel more comfortable working with groups and confident to assertively communicate with the people that I classify as not interested with the wellbeing of my institution, I will meet with them or approach and talk to them 3 times per week, I will look for mechanisms that motivate them to the change. A positive consequence for myself development from this goal will be my own improvement in communication skills, I score low in my SDI in communication.

Steps to take to achieve this goal

· I will schedule in my calendar things to do the 2 articles readings I have to read per month.

· I will check the target physician schedules and look for them and start casual and/or business conversations. I will do this 3 times per week and keep it for periods not longer than 15 minutes.

· I will write in write in the notepad how I felt after every interaction and what makes me more comfortable and uncomfortable of each individual.

Strengths I can leverage to improve my progress toward this goal: Work together with the CEO, and CFO will provide the support I need.

How I will monitor this goal: I will write in my notepad my impressions of each conversation and check what went right and what went wrong. I will rate from 1 to 5 the level of difficulty it takes from me to take the initiative and start a conversation and empathize with the disrupting physicians with the goal of get to the lowest level once I feel comfortable and genuine (1) .

Reward for achieving this goal: I’ll take my car for a car wash and detailing.

Development Goal # 2 for: Ricardo Berman

Category: Assessing Behavior

Goal: I tend to judge people’s behavior subjectively. Learning about the science of behaviorism and expanding my knowledge about the psychological, philosophical and social components of human behavior, will make me more objective and professional lieder, will change the way I subjectively look at the behavior not only of the hospital staff including myself, but my friends and family. I will be able to recognize leaders in different areas and levels in my organization; it will help me to establish a procedural guidance for the execution of my LDP. The goal is instilling and enhancing desirable behavior in my organization among physicians, clinical staff and administration and changes my bias perception about people in my organization.

Steps to take to achieve this goal

· I will take the list of the possible potential leaders in my organization that I already have from April and in front of each name, I will write the mean reasons I think they are potential leaders. I will make a list of the individuals I discarded as a leaders and write my reasons of why they don’t meet the standards I looking for.

· I will schedule myself for a behavioral webinar from Maryland hospital association for September 10th.

· I will ask to the hospital psychologist to assess my behavior and listen what she has to say about myself. I will ask her to provide me with books or articles about human behaviorism, this activity will take place before September 1st.

· I will start develop a method that includes a leadership assessment report card that will allow me to assesses the individual behavior of the staff; the date goal is October 15th.

· I will use test my method to identify potential leaders including the people I had chosen and the ones I discarded from my previous assessment of April.

· I will compare the results of my previous screening with the results obtained with the developed method. Discrepancies as a new chosen potential candidates or the discarded of previously selected will prove that my skills as a leader are improving, from a subjective to an objective leader. This process will be done not later than December 15th.

Strengths I can leverage to improve my progress toward this goal; Self-awareness,

How I will monitor this goal: I will make a comparative table with the positive and negative reasons of my assessment of the potential leaders. I will use the leadership card to assess equally.

Reward for achieving this goal: I will go to my favorite restaurant for a dinner with my wife.

Development Goal # 3 for: Hospital employees

Category: Developing Others

Goal: Whit the accomplished learning curve from the goals 1 and 2 I will develop the skills that help me to develop my employees. An individual-focused training process designed to develop leadership skills, this plan will include train, advice and counsel. The goal is maximize the potential of success of the organization leaders. This training will focus on three aspects A) character, B) Presence, C) Leader intellectuality. Character; is essential to successful leadership. It determines who people are and how they act. It helps to determine right from wrong and choose what is right. Presence; It is a part of leadership, is the image that the leader projects. Presence conveyed trough actions, words, and the way leaders carry themselves. This is an important attribute that a leader needs to understand, sometimes going beyond cultural believes. The effectiveness of a leader is enhanced by developing the right presence. Leader intellectual capacity; A leader formation includes learning of formation in innovation, judgment, interpersonal tact. Learn conceptual abilities enable bold judgments before implementing plans. They help to think creatively, analytically, critically with cultural sensitivity.

Steps to take to achieve this goal

· I will request present my LDP in the next education committee of November 2013, and request a budget for the hire the services of an educator in Leadership development.

· I will create a model of leadership requirements for my presentation to the education committee and get the support of my CEO and the viability of founding by the CFO before the presentation in November.

· I will develop a leadership assessment report card with the advisory of the nurse educator in my hospital, she has experience in leadership programs and I plan to use her knowledge in our benefit.

· I will be part of the first group to be in a leadership program that will be design for our needs, I will complete myself assessment and learn of my strengths and weakness. I will follow my leadership development indicators. This goal is for the first quarter of 2014.

· I will write in write in the notepad how I felt after every interaction and what makes me more comfortable and uncomfortable of each individual.

Strengths I can leverage to improve my progress toward this goal: My organization has been concern about leadership and the lack of organizational custom design programs that help identify potential leaders. I will recommend promotions for the leaders identified by this program.

How I will monitor this goal: I will follow Leadership Development Indicators cards and follow the progress of the potential.

Reward for achieving this goal: I’ll take one week vacation in Spain.

Development Goal # 4 “wild card” for: Ricardo Berman

Category: Self Developing, Social Skills.

Goal: This goal will be oriented to two actions, observation of

leadership and socialization. I will visit 3 of my classmate’s

worksites to observe leadership styles in action, I will choose

one location in the East, Central and West coast to see if

cultural differences play a role in leadership styles. My SDI and

leader ship behavior survey scored low for socialization, my

coworker’s critic that I am not a social person, I never go to my

organization or co-workers social events. This goal also will

push my social behavior to the limit, because I have to contact

my classmates, travel to their work places and of course been

obligated to socialize in other activities such as , going for diner

and so on, I’ll make new friends. This action would be

unthinkable for me without this LDP goal.

This goal will completed with one visit per quarter the

first visit will be in Spring 2014.

Steps to take to achieve this goal

· I will contact the classmates I will visit during my RP3 and set what it would be the right time to visit them at work.

· I will go to the hospital auction diner in August 23rd and socialize with the people from my organization, I will seat in a table where I don’t know anyone and push myself to socialize.

Strengths I can leverage to improve my progress toward this goal: My close co-workers and my good classmates friends will encourage my plans. My will to change myself into a more social person.

How I will monitor this goal: I will write on a calendar the next organization activities, and buy the ticket to the hospital auction July 30th.

Reward for achieving this goal: I’ll buy a bose wireless speaker.

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