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Enhance your UML Class Diagram for your

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class to include an attribute, which is a grid to log survey results. It is expected that at most you will have 10 respondents to 10 survey questions. You must use a 2-dimensional array to represent a grid.

  • The Survey class should have a displaySurveyResults() method that prints out the name of the survey and displays the entire grid that holds the results.
  • The Survey class should have a displayQuestionStats() method that takes an int value that is the question number and displays the responses entered so far for that question in tabular form.
  • Your Survey class should store 10 questions in an array of Strings. Your class should have an
  • enterQuestions() method
  • that allows the user to enter 10 questions for a 10-question survey. This should be done prior to the survey application starting a survey.

  • Create a method in your Survey class called “logResponse().” This method should take three arguments. The first argument is an int value (which is the respondent id); the second argument is an int value (which is the question number); and the third argument is an int value, which is the response entered (value from 1 to 5). This method should enter the response into the right location on the survey grid that corresponds to the respondent ID and the question number.



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-customer questions.string







+getsurveyTitle(). String







This was the added on I dont know if I got everything.


Implement the enhancements to your Survey class according to the requirements presented in the previous Discussion Board task. Your Survey class will include an attribute, which is a matrix to log survey results. It is expected that at most you will have 10 respondents to 10 survey questions. You must use a 2-dimensional array to represent a matrix.


To accomplish the task of further developing your Survey class from your updated UML Class Diagram, you will need to implement the following attributes and methods:


  • 2 dimensional array to hold the respondents’ results
  • displaySurveyResults() method with an int parameter
  • String array to hold 10 questions
  • enterQuestions() method

  • logResponse() method with 3 parameters


The requirements and use for each of these members are described in the Discussion Board for this Phase of the Project.


Update your test class . to test all of the members added to this point in any way that you desire, as long as it is proven that they function as required


I belive this is all you need.


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