Key Assignment

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The following are the Key Assignment guidelines:


•Address the following in 1,000–1,250 words: Due march 17th

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◦Research and explain the purpose of classification in prison.

■What does classification determine?

■Explain the type of information provided by the presentence report and how this affects classification.

■What does classification determine? Provide examples of different state- and federal-level facilities and the types of prisoners they may house, based on classification.

◦Research and explain how incarceration affects prisoners and the culture of prison.

■How does incarceration affect a prisoner? Explain in detail.

■What positive elements exist within a prison’s culture? Explain.

■What negative elements exist within a prison’s culture? Explain.

◦Research and explain how women cope in prison.

■How does incarceration affect women differently from men? Explain.

■What programs or regulations are in place for women that are not offered to men? Explain.

◦Research and discuss different types of rehabilitative programs, restorative justice sentencing, and prisoner reentry programs available to offenders.

■What are the most popular forms of correction alternatives available to offenders? Explain.

■Which of these programs and alternative sentences are the most effective? Explain and fully support your arguments.

•Use at least 5 scholarly resources to fully support your arguments.

•Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.

Key Assignment Outline

I. The purpose of classification in prison (NCDPS, 1995-2012)

A) process of evaluating prisoner risks

a) equalize safety necessities with system necessities

b) series of evaluations

c) medical and mental health screenings

B) Inmate Custody Levels (NCDPS, 1995-2012)

a) maximum

b) death row, intensive

c) safe-keeper

d) disciplinary

e) administrative

f) protective

C) Prison Security Levels (NCDPS, 1995-2012)

a) minimum safety measures

b) medium safety measures

c) maximum safety measures

d) close safety measures

II. What classification determines (NCDPS, 1995-2012)

A) order of perceived public safety risks

B) inmate freedoms and privileges

C) point of upholding order

D) guarding staffs security

E) supplying security to inmates

III. Information provided by the presentence report (District Court)

A) types of information

a) sentencing options

b) offender characteristics

c) the defendant’s criminal history

d) the crime

B) effects of presentence report information

a) length of incarceration

b) security level

c) classification

IV. Examples of different types of prisoners housed (based on classification) (NCDPS, 1995-2012)

A) at state-level facilities

B) at federal-level

V. How incarceration affects the culture of prison (Krestev, et al)

A) The Needs of Prisoners

B) Prison Subcultures

C) Offence Hierarchy

D) Crowding

E) Riots

VI. How incarceration affects a prisoner (Krestev, et al)

A) Effects of Prison

B) Structure Prison

C) Age

D) Total institution and Goffman

E) Pain of Confinement

F) Physical and Psychological Victimization

G) Rape, and Prison Suicide

VII. Positive elements existing within a prison’s culture (ToersBijns, 2011)

A) physical fitness

B) physiological elements

C) spiritual elements

D) social acceptance

VIII. Negative elements existing within a prison’s culture (ToersBijns, 2011)

A) gang warfare

B) predators and prey

C) rejection/social stigma

D) extortion/manipulation

IX. How women cope in prison (Roscher, 2005)

A) coping strategies

B) mentoring programs

C) identity development

X. How incarceration affects women differently from men (Covington, 2003)

A) separation from children

B) gender-related differences in treatment

C) often cited for corrective violations

D) more severely punished male prisoners

E) higher level of surveillance

XI. Courses /regulations in position for females only (Covington, 2003)

A) trauma-informed services

B) community-based wraparound services

XII. Styles of rehabilitation options, prisoner reentry programs available, restorative justice and sentencing (Bledsoe)

A) sex offenders counseling

B) substance abuse

C) educational counseling

D) life skills

XIII. The furthermost accepted methods of alternative corrections obtainable to criminals (Rushfan, 2008)

A) electronic monitoring

B) community service

C) regular probation

D) boot camp

E) day reporting

F) intensive supervision probation

G) intermittent incarceration

H) halfway house

I) day fine

XIV. The most effective programs and alternative sentences (Rushfan, 2008)

A) participation in treatment programs

B) community service

C) employment programs/or prosocial activities


Bledsoe, M., Types of Prison Rehabilitation, Retrieved from

Covington, S., & Bloom, B., (2003), Gendered Justice, Women in the Criminal Justice

System, Retrieved from

DistrictCourt, The Presentence Report, Retrieved on March 10, 2013 from

Krestev, J., Prokipidis, P., & Sycamnias, E., The Psychological Effects of Imprisonment,

Retrieved from

NCDPS (1995-2012) Retrieved from


Roscher, S., (2005), The Development Of Coping Strategies In Female Inmates With Life

Sentences, A Brief Summary of a Dissertation, Retrieved from

Rushfan, (August 14, 2008), Top10 Modern Prison Programs, Retrieved from

ToersBijns, C., (Mar 4, 2011), Prison Life, Not Black or White, Understanding cultures,

subcultures and customs, Retrieved on March 10, 2013 from

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