FOR JOHNY- MS Excel Spreadsheet- Business Mergers- at least 3 paragraphs


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Business Mergers


Reflect on the last assignment (which is attached).  The merger of two companies can create problems that need to be resolved before the company can begin operating as a unified organization. As you saw, differences in the organization and the structure of data resulted in necessary modifications to combine the data and achieve a single uniform, composite database.


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Write at least 3 paragraphs that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas:


•How might you use the various types of charts and graphs available in Microsoft Excel to present summaries of the newly merged company?


•Consider the various charts available in Microsoft Excel, a merger scenario, and the information presented in the last assignment.


Propose and describe two graphs and/or charts that you might find useful to prepare in the evaluation of the new organization.


 Summarize the purpose of each graph and the information that would be presented. You may attach a sample to your response.


Seattle, Washington




William Bell

Seattle, Washington


Gillian Forster

Gil Joubert Joubert, Gil Seattle, Washington


Jon Maclane


Gil Joubert Joubert, Gil Seattle, Washington


Nina Sharpe Manager Salaried

Gil Joubert Joubert, Gil Seattle, Washington


S.W. Wicks Manager Salaried

Gil Joubert Joubert, Gil Seattle, Washington


Leonard Atwood


Seattle, Washington


Matthew Farell Software Analyst Salaried

Nina Sharpe Sharpe, Nina Seattle, Washington


Grace Law Software Analyst Salaried

Nina Sharpe Sharpe, Nina Seattle, Washington


Cal Liteman Software Analyst Salaried

Nina Sharpe Sharpe, Nina Seattle, Washington


Charles Sumner Software Analyst Salaried

Nina Sharpe Sharpe, Nina Seattle, Washington


Joe Turner Software Analyst Salaried

Nina Sharpe Sharpe, Nina Seattle, Washington


Derek Webster Software Analyst Salaried

Nina Sharpe Sharpe, Nina Seattle, Washington


Sam Barber


Seattle, Washington


Michael Bowman Customer Service Representative Hourly

S.W. Wicks Wicks, S.W. Seattle, Washington


Jack Burton Customer Service Representative Hourly

S.W. Wicks Wicks, S.W. Seattle, Washington


Louis Emerson Customer Service Representative Hourly

S.W. Wicks Wicks, S.W. Seattle, Washington


Thomas Gabriel Customer Service Representative Hourly

S.W. Wicks Wicks, S.W. Seattle, Washington

, Jack

Jack Galagher Customer Service Representative Hourly

S.W. Wicks Wicks, S.W. Seattle, Washington


Catherine Hale Customer Service Representative Hourly

S.W. Wicks Wicks, S.W. Seattle, Washington


Vernon Hayden Customer Service Representative Hourly

S.W. Wicks Wicks, S.W. Seattle, Washington

, Joe

Joe Higgins Customer Service Representative Hourly

S.W. Wicks Wicks, S.W. Seattle, Washington


Ely Looker Customer Service Representative Hourly

S.W. Wicks Wicks, S.W. Seattle, Washington


Marisa Ruiz Customer Service Representative Hourly

S.W. Wicks Wicks, S.W. Seattle, Washington


Jeremy Walker Customer Service Representative Hourly

S.W. Wicks Wicks, S.W. Seattle, Washington

Joubert, Gil Gil Joubert


Seattle, Washington

Full Name First Last Job Title Type Salary Manager Lo
Bell William Finance Salaried $ 111,000.00 Gil Joubert Joubert, Gil
Forster Gillian Administrative

Assistant Hourly $ 27,500.00
Maclane Jon Office Manager $ 63,000.00
Sharpe Nina $ 88,000.00
Wicks S.W. $ 84,000.00
Atwood Leonard Software Analyst $ 80,000.00 Nina Sharpe Sharpe, Nina
Farell Matthew $ 73,700.00
Law Grace $ 52,100.00
Liteman Cal $ 77,700.00
Sumner Charles $ 51,000.00
Turner Joe $ 75,000.00
Webster Derek $ 50,000.00
Barber Sam Customer Service Representative $ 43,700.00 S.W. Wicks Wicks, S.W.
Bowman Michael $ 49,600.00
Burton Jack $ 37,000.00
Emerson Louis $ 39,100.00
Gabriel Thomas $ 54,700.00
Galagher $ 37,700.00
Hale Catherine $ 36,000.00
Hayden Vernon $ 25,000.00
Higgins $ 38,000.00
Looker Ely $ 51,900.00
Ruiz Marisa $ 28,000.00
Walker Jeremy $ 44,800.00
CEO $ 125,000.00

Kobe, Japan

Full Name First Last Job Title Job Title Type Salary Salary Manager


Ben Chan

Software Analyst Salaried

Kobe, Japan


Kathy Chang

Customer Service Representative Hourly

Kobe, Japan


Wang Chi Customer Service Level 2 Software Analyst Salaried

Kobe, Japan


Janice Chon Customer Service Level 2 Software Analyst Salaried

Kobe, Japan


James Chow Customer Service Level 1 Customer Service Representative Hourly

Kobe, Japan


Ping Hong Customer Service Level 1 Customer Service Representative Hourly

Ku Wah Kobe, Japan


Raj Kang Customer Service Level 2 Software Analyst Salaried

Ku Wah Kobe, Japan

Wah Ku Manager Manager Salaried

Joubert, Gil Kobe, Japan


Eddie Lee Customer Service Level 2 Software Analyst Salaried

Ku Wah Kobe, Japan


Mai Linh Customer Service Level 1 Customer Service Representative Hourly

Ku Wah Kobe, Japan

, Jack

Jack Otega Customer Service Level 1 Customer Service Representative Hourly

Ku Wah Kobe, Japan

, Lo

Lo Pan Customer Service Level 1 Customer Service Representative Hourly

Ku Wah Kobe, Japan


Ria Park Customer Service Level 1 Customer Service Representative Hourly

Ku Wah Kobe, Japan


Egg Shen Customer Service Level 1 Customer Service Representative Hourly

Ku Wah Kobe, Japan


Miao Yin Assistant

Hourly ¥2,184,000.00 $ 26,000.00 Ku Wah Kobe, Japan

Assistant Administrative Assistant
Customer Service Level 1 Customer Service Representative
Customer Service Level 2 Software Analyst
Manager Manager
Chan Ben Customer Service Level 2 ¥3,973,200.00 $ 47,300.00
Chang Kathy Customer Service Level 1 ¥2,394,000.00 $ 28,500.00
Chi Wang ¥6,552,000.00 $ 78,000.00
Chon Janice ¥5,796,000.00 $ 69,000.00 Ku Wah
Chow James ¥2,956,800.00 $ 35,200.00 Ku Wah
Hong Ping ¥2,091,600.00 $ 24,900.00
Kang Raj ¥4,536,000.00 $ 54,000.00
Ku, Wah ¥6,636,000.00 $ 79,000.00
Lee Eddie ¥5,124,000.00 $ 61,000.00
Linh Mai ¥2,856,000.00 $ 34,000.00
Otega ¥2,520,000.00 $ 30,000.00
Pan ¥3,360,000.00 $ 40,000.00
Park Ria ¥2,184,000.00 $ 26,000.00
Shen Egg ¥3,780,000.00 $ 45,000.00
Yin Miao Administrative Assistant
Kobe Title Seattle Title


Full Name First Last Job Title Type Salary Manager Location
Ku, Wah Wah Ku Manager Salaried $ 79,000.00 Joubert, Gil Kobe, Japan

Miao Yin Administrative Assistant Hourly $ 26,000.00 Ku Wah Kobe, Japan

$ 26,000.00

James Chow Customer Service Representative Hourly $ 35,200.00 Ku Wah Kobe, Japan

Ping Hong Customer Service Representative Hourly $ 24,900.00 Ku Wah Kobe, Japan

Mai Linh Customer Service Representative Hourly $ 34,000.00 Ku Wah Kobe, Japan

Jack Otega Customer Service Representative Hourly $ 30,000.00 Ku Wah Kobe, Japan

Lo Pan Customer Service Representative Hourly $ 40,000.00 Ku Wah Kobe, Japan

Ria Park Customer Service Representative Hourly $ 26,000.00 Ku Wah Kobe, Japan

Egg Shen Customer Service Representative Hourly $ 45,000.00 Ku Wah Kobe, Japan

Janice Chon Software Analyst Salaried $ 69,000.00 Ku Wah Kobe, Japan

Raj Kang Software Analyst Salaried $ 54,000.00 Ku Wah Kobe, Japan

Eddie Lee Software Analyst Salaried $ 61,000.00 Ku Wah Kobe, Japan

Gillian Forster Administrative Assistant Hourly $ 27,500.00 Joubert, Gil Seattle, Washington

Administrative Assistant Average $ 27,500.00

William Bell Finance Salaried $ 111,000.00 Joubert, Gil Seattle, Washington

Sharpe, Nina Nina Sharpe Manager Salaried $ 88,000.00 Joubert, Gil Seattle, Washington
Wicks, S.W. S.W. Wicks Manager Salaried $ 84,000.00 Joubert, Gil Seattle, Washington

Jon Maclane Office Manager Salaried $ 63,000.00 Joubert, Gil Seattle, Washington

Leonard Atwood Software Analyst Salaried $ 80,000.00 Sharpe, Nina Seattle, Washington

Matthew Farell Software Analyst Salaried $ 73,700.00 Sharpe, Nina Seattle, Washington

Grace Law Software Analyst Salaried $ 52,100.00 Sharpe, Nina Seattle, Washington

Cal Liteman Software Analyst Salaried $ 77,700.00 Sharpe, Nina Seattle, Washington

Charles Sumner Software Analyst Salaried $ 51,000.00 Sharpe, Nina Seattle, Washington

Joe Turner Software Analyst Salaried $ 75,000.00 Sharpe, Nina Seattle, Washington

Derek Webster Software Analyst Salaried $ 50,000.00 Sharpe, Nina Seattle, Washington

Software Analyst Average

Sam Barber Customer Service Representative Hourly $ 43,700.00 Wicks, S.W. Seattle, Washington

Michael Bowman Customer Service Representative Hourly $ 49,600.00 Wicks, S.W. Seattle, Washington

Jack Burton Customer Service Representative Hourly $ 37,000.00 Wicks, S.W. Seattle, Washington

Louis Emerson Customer Service Representative Hourly $ 39,100.00 Wicks, S.W. Seattle, Washington

Thomas Gabriel Customer Service Representative Hourly $ 54,700.00 Wicks, S.W. Seattle, Washington

Jack Galagher Customer Service Representative Hourly $ 37,700.00 Wicks, S.W. Seattle, Washington

Catherine Hale Customer Service Representative Hourly $ 36,000.00 Wicks, S.W. Seattle, Washington

Vernon Hayden Customer Service Representative Hourly $ 25,000.00 Wicks, S.W. Seattle, Washington

Joe Higgins Customer Service Representative Hourly $ 38,000.00 Wicks, S.W. Seattle, Washington

Ely Looker Customer Service Representative Hourly $ 51,900.00 Wicks, S.W. Seattle, Washington

Marisa Ruiz Customer Service Representative Hourly $ 28,000.00 Wicks, S.W. Seattle, Washington

Jeremy Walker Customer Service Representative Hourly $ 44,800.00 Wicks, S.W. Seattle, Washington

Customer Service Representative Average

Joubert, Gil Gil Joubert CEO Salaried $ 125,000.00 Seattle, Washington
Yin, Miao
Administrative Assistant Average
Chow, James
Hong, Ping
Linh, Mai
Otega, Jack
Pan, Lo
Park, Ria
Shen, Egg
Customer Service Representative Average $ 33,585.71
Chon, Janice
Kang, Raj
Lee, Eddie
Software Analyst Average $ 61,333.33
Forster, Gillian
Bell, William
Maclane, Jon
Atwood, Leonard
Farell, Matthew
Law, Grace
Liteman, Cal
Sumner, Charles
Turner, Joe
Webster, Derek
$ 65,642.86
Barber, Sam
Bowman, Michael
Burton, Jack
Emerson, Louis
Gabriel, Thomas
Galagher, Jack
Hale, Catherine
Hayden, Vernon
Higgins, Joe
Looker, Ely
Ruiz, Marisa
Walker, Jeremy
$ 40,458.33
Grand Average $ 45,729.03

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