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  • After selecting a historical topic to research further, the next step in the research process is to create a research plan that compiles primary and secondary sources.
  • First, applying what you just learned about narrowing research questions, revise your research questions from your Topic Exploration Worksheet. Explain how you approached revising your research questions to assist your instructor in understanding your approach. This will help you draft an introduction to a hypothetical research paper with a strong thesis statement.
  • Second, applying what you have learned about comparing primary sources and analyzing secondary sources, do a deeper dive into the primary sources you listed in Part 3 of your Topic Exploration Worksheet to help you start your research plan. Describe what these sources add to your understanding of your selected topic and how they relate to the secondary sources you listed. Additionally, describe the historical context of your historical event based on what you have read in your secondary sources. Consider these questions to assist you in developing your description: What was going on in the world/area/society around the event? What were some of the biggest political, social, intellectual, diplomatic, and/or economic trends of this era? How did those greater political, social, intellectual, diplomatic, and/or economic trends cause or affect your topic?
  • The feedback you receive from this assignment should be implemented as you work towards your Research Plan and Introduction in Theme: Interpreting History.
  • To complete this assignment, review the 4-2 Short Response Guideline and Rubric document attach below


5-3-1 Activity: Historical Context Chart


  • Choose three secondary sources from the Research Kit pertaining to your research topic, and complete the Historical Context Chart attach below to explore the similarities and differences among the sources.
  • Choose three articles from your selected topic in the Research Kit to read through and compare.
  • As you read through each article, consider the three main questions for analyzing secondary sources from Theme 2:

    What argument is your source’s author making? (This is the thesis statement.)
    Why is your source’s author making this argument? What is at stake for him or her?
    Where are there weak points in your source’s arguments? Do you see any potential bias or flaws in your source’s argument

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  • Copy and paste the full citation of each article in the Article Citation field. Next, explain in the chart how you think the historical context in which these articles were written may have impacted the authors’ interpretations of the articles. You are encouraged to check out this site ( to help you formulate your thoughts on the historical context of your three articles. Use information from the articles to complete the Historical Context Chart.

HIS 100: Learning Block 4-2 Short Response Rubric

Prompt: Submit the revised versions of the research questions you posed in Project 1 to your instructor for feedback. In one to two sentences accompanying
each revised research question, explain how you approached revising your research questions. Additionally, describe what your primary sources add to your
understanding of your selected event and how they relate to the secondary sources you listed in Project 1. Finally, describe the historical context of your
historical event based on what you have read in your secondary sources. The feedback you receive from this assignment should be implemented as you work
toward Project 2.

Guidelines for Submission: Your submission should include two revised research questions, one to two sentences for each research question explaining your
approach to revision, and a total of two paragraphs addressing the Primary Sources and Historical Context critical elements

Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Not Evident (0%) Value


Submits revised research questions Does not submit revised research


Revisions Explains approach to revising
research questions

Does not explain approach to
revising research questions


Primary Sources Describes what sources add to
understanding of selected topic and
how they relate to secondary

Does not describe what sources add
to understanding of selected topic
and how they relate to secondary



Describes historical context of event
based on secondary sources

Does not describe historical context
of event based on secondary sources



Clearly communicates key ideas and
thoughts in a short answer response

Response is not legible and key ideas
or thoughts are not understandable


Total 100%

HIS 100 Theme 3: Historical Context Chart

Prompt: Historiography is the practice of analyzing how the historical context of a time influences how historians write about and interpret historical events. First, choose three secondary sources from your selected topic in the

Research Kit

and copy and paste the full citation of each article into the Article Citation field.

Next, explain in the chart below how you think the historical context of the time when these articles were written may have impacted the authors’ interpretations of the events. You are encouraged to check out

this website

to help you formulate your thoughts on the historical context of your articles.

Historical Context

Article Citation

Historical Context of Publication Date

Impact of Historical Context on Author’s Thesis

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