FOR HENRY: Write 2 minute speech on how to imrpove service at favorite restaurant.

Task 1: Prepare the Speech Planning Document (attached below)

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Task 2: Write a 2 minute speech.  It will be turned into a “How To” video on how to improve the service of the wait staff of your favorite restaurant.  Pick any restaurant.  I am based in the USA so make it a restaurant that is available in the U.S. Or you can just do a generic how-to and I can pick the restaurant.  I will film in a kitchen so you can incorporate some objects into the how-to video.


The written speech will not be turned in, so you do not have to format it professionally. 

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 Be sure you have speech transitions.  Spoken transitions are like the punctuation of a written message (they allow us to follow and understand).Be sure you do sequencing tips.  A ‘How To’ is not for content delivery, it’s for action.  Tell someone HOW to do something – 1 to 2 to 3 etc. 

MGT 309

Speech Planning Document

Adapted from Business Scenarios & UNCG Speaking Center


In a way that connects to your audience, speak your purpose & how this topic connects to them.

· Intro Self

· Hook/First Sentence

· Focus and 3 main points/preview (matches the three below)



Detail the contents with stories and appropriate tone.

Sub-Point 1:

Sub-Point 2:

Sub-Point 3:





Leave the audience with a good feeling.

· Summary

· Positive thought or call to action

Performance improvement behavior:

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